$("a.more-link span").text("More "); In Episode 19, Dr. Looney interviews Jennifer Beard, Director of Specials, about our world-class summer learning programs for FCS students who may need a little extra time and instruction as well as those who wish to accelerate their education. $("h1.ui-article-title", this).prependTo($(this)); div.homepage-thumb-region.region-3 {
function photoGallery() { Centennial High School Kern High School District Staff Directory Nondiscrimination Policies (Title IX/Sexual Harassment) 504 Coordinator Kern High School District 8601 Hageman Road, Bakersfield, CA 93312 Phone: (661) 588-8601 Fax: (661) 588-8608 Registrar Fax: (661) 873-9027 Transcripts and Records Requests // FOCUS DROPDOWN BUTTON 2019-2020 Boys' Varsity Basketball. 7:25 a.m. - // CAPTURE KEY CODE $("#hp-feature-apps div.ui-widget.app:first").addClass("active"); if(featureTimerSet == 1){ //var getWidth = ($("body").hasClass("msie8")) ? Phone:(614) 365-5491Email: centennialhs@columbus.k12.oh.usSchool Hours:7:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m. CentennialHigh School1441 Bethel RoadColumbus, OH 43220. var featureNum = $(this).attr("class"); Sam and Eulalia Frantz moved to this site in 1935 and lived there until 1963. div.region span.homepage-thumb-region-number {
$(this).closest(dropdownList).find("a").attr("tabindex", "-1"); } else { This sculpture is like a landmark to remember the history of what used to be the Greenwood park pocket park on High street. Like I said earlier this sculpture was in its first drafts in 1996 and was finished after. //SEARCH TEXT // FOCUS NEXT ITEM })(window, document, 'script', '//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js', 'ga');
} else { }); "useDefaultCSS" : "yes", For attendance and general school inquiries please email chs.office@ankenyschools.org. }); background: #B45014; /*dark orange*/
Huff has been a professor at the University of Akron's Meyer's School of Art in 1980. "menuPosition" : "absolute", // OTHER OPTION IS 'relative' Mission: The purpose of the Centennial High School community is to prepare students for success beyond graduation. function rotateFeatures() { }
702-799-CCSD. $(this).attr({"aria-expanded": "false"}).parent().removeClass("open").find(dropdown).attr("aria-hidden", "true").slideUp(300, "swing"); She was nominated by Jalen Sledge, a current student, for her outstanding dedication and commitment to excellence in the profession while being a role . One of the first pieces we saw was Pale Confetti Chandelier. "slideDirection" : "left-to-right", // OTHER OPTION IS 'top-to-bottom' case KeyCodes.enter: var dropdownList = params.dropdownList; } useChannelForSection();
$("#hp-feature-apps .region > div").each(function(){ } } Enrollment Find out everything you need to know about enrolling your child at Centennial. Sam and Eulalia Frantz moved to this site in 1935 and lived there until 1963. }
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"randomOrder" : "off", My aunt brought myself and some other family to see the Chihuly exhibit at the Franklin Park Conservatory. div.homepage-thumb-region.region-4 {
The sculpture Flowing Kiss is a grand two piece sculpture that captivates audiences in downtown Columbus created by Lawrence Argent. //DOC make homepage apps collapsible for small mobile devices e.preventDefault(); Some species of mantis eat spiders, some reptiles and amphibians, birds, and its own kind. $("#gb-sitename h1").show(); Interpretation: The praying mantis is what scientists call an ambush predator, this means they lie and wait for their prey. Often, people walk by sculptures without noticing them. $('.sw-mystart-dropdown.translate').mouseleave(function(e) { Menu . } else { Principal. $(this).val(""); Disclaimer Text goes in this spot. } [M[1], M[2]] : [N, navigator.appVersion, '-? 2606 N. Central Compton, California 90222 (310) 635-2715 Phone | (310) 631-9164 Fax. Im still looking into what this particular sculpture is named and having a little bit of trouble finding it. "showSearch" : "yes", Upload your documents for printing and copying. } Click here for contact information regarding non-discrimination policies. clearInterval(window.featureTimer); // FOCUS PREVIOUS ITEM } if(getWidth >= 640){ // 640+ Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM *Summer Hours. The sculpture is of a blue, antlered deer looking over a river. Modern Head this piece is 31 feet tall and made of steel. "extraMenuItems" : "1,Grade Portal,http://schooltool2.gcufsd.net,_self;1,Calendar,/Page/10,_self;1,Parent Portal,https://schooltool2.gcufsd.net,_self;1,Need Help?,#,_self;1,Student Portal,#, _self;1,Menus,http://schools.whitsons.com/ny/garden-city-public-schools?page=menu,_self;1,Staff Webmail,https://outlook.com/owa/GCUFSD.mail.onmicrosoft.com,_self;1,Location,http://gc.schoolwires.net/Page/5548,_self;", // EXTRA MENU BUTTONS - STRUCTURE IS: MENU-OPTION-NUMBER, ITEM-NAME, ITEM-URL, ITEM-TARGET; // CONSUME TAB KEY } appView480(); }); The sculpture was created in two different areas with a street dividing the two; however, the placement of this sculpture only adds to the effect of art, for the two sculptures seem to be blowing a kiss to each other from across the street. div.homepage-thumb-region.region-5 {
Room, 4:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Penny George. View directions and tutorial. }
Learn more about our guiding principles and view a profile of our district. if(!$("#hp-feature-apps div.ui-widget.app.active").length){ The artist is Polish artist Jerzy Jotka Kedziora and part of his exhibit. }); With victory imminent, the Benton Community student section fashioned a chant: "IT'S our COUN-ty."
$("#hp-content div.ui-widget-header").click(function(){ $(dropdownList + " li:first-child a", this).attr("tabindex", "0").focus(); Congratulations to Centennial High School teacher Revenia Lock who was recently selected as a Claes Nobel Educator of Distinction by The National Society of High School Scholars. }).focusout(function() { We are an AP Merit School, AP STEM School, AP STEM Achievement School, and AP Humanities Honor School. padding: 40px 0 40px 0;
Menu . Medicine Bear Lunch Group in Comm. CENTENNIAL PUBLIC SCHOOL Staff Select Departments Julie Ahrens Paraeducator Paraeducators (402) 534-2321 Send Message Dani Allen Kitchen Staff (402) 534-2321 Send Message Alex Anstine Special Education Teacher Teachers (402) 534-2321 Send Message Colin Bargen Secondary Principal Administration (402) 534-2321 Send Message Jennifer Bargen e.preventDefault(); function MyStartDropdownActions(params) { // MYSTART DROPDOWN LINK KEYDOWN EVENTS if($(".hp-feature-title").length > 1 && getWidth >= 1024 && featureTimerSet == 0){ The District is committed to ensuring that all students have access to a high-quality education, a viable curriculum, and resources that they need to thrive. Jill Urich Principal Phone: 515.965.9610 | Email 'extraImageSpace' : 960, function searchText() { $("div.ui-widget.app.headlines .ui-article", this).each(function(){ With his characteristic mix of curiosity, historical admiration and irony, he was particularly evoking previous 20th century International Art Deco and Art Moderne styles. Centennial High School Staff Directory. Looking at this sculpture , many would pass by it and wont think too much about it but its a really cool piece of art. var translateDropdown = '
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case KeyCodes.right: Support Staff. 2606 N. Central Compton, California 90222 (310) 635-2715 Phone | (310) 631-9164 Fax. This was an opportunity for students to learn about public art, who created them, and the meaning and reasoning behind them. Beginning with women graduating high school in 2023, NPC plans to award 10 college scholarships of US$2,000 each annually through our new . if (getWidth >= 1024) { // 960+ "menuButtonParent" : "#sw-mystart-left",
if($("#swlogin").length){ For this week's Wellness Wednesdays video, hear from Donica Key, Walnut Ridge and Fort Hayes alumna and current CCS school nurse. $(this).attr({"aria-expanded": "true"}).parent().addClass("open").find(dropdown).attr("aria-hidden","false").slideDown(300, "swing"); photoGallery(); if(!$("div.sp.column.one .ui-widget-header h1").length > 0) { The Frantz farm was sold in 1968. } window.featureTimer = setInterval(function(){ clearInterval(window.featureTimer); $(".hp-feature-slide.active").removeClass("active").next(".hp-feature-slide").addClass("active"); The deer is standing on its hind legs as it rests its metacarpal bones on a handrail. This is made out of stainless steel, but there was a fiberglass on the outside of it to get the little shapes hammered into place. $("#sw-mystart-right #sw-mystart-search #sw-search-button").html('
'); Back to Top For over 20 years, FCS has provided a Balanced Scorecard analyzing data and information. Please check back for updates throughout the year. The Trojans fell in the first round to end their season 15-13 overall. } Translate. } One last thing is that Henry Moore created a large amount of Sculptures and most of them were all named the reclining figure. $(this).closest(dropdownList).find("a").attr("tabindex", "-1"); Lawrence wanted inclusiveness to be an inspiration for his sculpture, and he executed this very well because now the city of Columbus the community can relish in the love of a Flowing Kiss. $("a.ui-btn-toggle.list").click(); "thumbnailWidth" : 50, });
Huff was chosen by a jury of local artists to create an installation for one of the (then new) pocket parks in Greenwood park. School Staff Administration (410-313-2856) Cynthia Dillon | Principal | cdillon@hcpss.org John Seibel | Assistant Principal (A-G) | john_seibel@hcpss.org Tracy Scaltz | Assistant Principal (H-N) | tracy_scaltz@hcpss.org Jeri Somerville | Assistant Principal (O-Z) | jeri_somerville@hcpss.org HCPSS facilities are maintained to the highest standards by dedicated staff. case KeyCodes.end: }); "extraAccountItems" : [], // ARRAY OF BUTTON IDS OR CLASSES // RESPONSIVE MENU div.homepage-thumb-region.region-1 {
// ********** HEADER ********** // Come to learn more and speak to some of our grads at one of our information sessions being conducted from 7-8pm on the following evenings:March 9 (East Columbia Branch library) and March 21 (Glenwood Branch library). // MYSTART DROPDOWN SELECTOR KEYDOWN EVENTS Oregon Driver Training. Sam farmed the land and Eulalia was always working with him. // CONSUME RIGHT AND DOWN ARROWS if($("div.ui-widget.app", this).hasClass("headlines")) { $("html, body").animate({ }, function(){ See who came onboard February 23, 2023. appView480(); Check out what's happening at CCS by reading the Family Connector -- CCS' newsletter for families. searchText(); $("div.ui-widget.app").removeClass("active"); if(M && (tem= ua.match(/version\/([\.\d]+)/i))!= null) M[2] = tem[1]; $(".hp-feature-title.active").removeClass("active").next(".hp-feature-title").addClass("active"); if($(dropdownParent).hasClass("open")){ } Praying mantises are also known for eating whatever they can as long as its alive. // FOCUS NEXT ITEM 10:45 $(this).parent().next("li").find("> a").attr("tabindex", "0").focus(); $(".upcomingevents .sw-calendar-block-title", this).prependTo($(this)); This gives visitors the opportunity to have a scavenger hunt! It may also possibly be inviting people to enjoy the pastoral demeanor of a river. Administrative Secretary. featureTimerSet = 0; Our School; Administration; CHS Staff Directory; Link to Full District Directory; This page is currently unavailable. Centennial High School Dedicated To Excellence In Education District Home. Phone: 702-799-3440
Centennial High School Teachers & Staff by Grade by Department Tom Breuning - Principal (CHS) - tbreuning@isd12.org - Main: 763-792-5002 Ashley Anderberg - Food Services (CHS) - aanderberg@isd12.org - Main: 763-792-5000 Gretchen Anderson - Cook Manager (CTE/CHS) - ganderson@isd12.org - Main: 763-792-5022 Copyright 2002-2023 Blackboard, Inc. All rights reserved. HCPSS strives to create a positive and respectful learning environment for all students and staff. $(this).parent().remove(); }); She also embedded other everyday items and household objects into the sculptures. It stretches across Gay St and is 100 feet tall. Magna adipiscing vel eu semper ridiculus sodales a augue adipiscing nisl aliquam vestibulum dis consectetur parturient. 12400 W McMillan Rd, Boise, ID 83713 (208) 855-4250. - Science Teacher (Pines) - PinesTeacher@isd12.org - 763-278-4010 $(this).val("Search"); Location: Location: Cactus High School; Location: Centennial High School; Location: Peoria High School; Location: Cactus High School; Location: Canyon Elementary // FOCUS LAST ITEM May 04, 2021. 250 Route 202, Somers, NY 10589. Address. It has this simple and modern look to it, which I think symbolizes what CCAD and the community in general. Centennial high school. } } if (getWidth >= 768 && getWidth < 1024) { // 768+ if($("div.ui-spn > div > p > span").text() == "You have been signed out. featureRotateTimer(); HCPSS strives to create a positive and respectful learning environment for all students and staff.
$("#hp-slideshow .image-button.next").html('
'); Leadership U is an exciting, experiential leadership, teambuilding, and community service opportunity forcurrent high school sophomores. 124 E. Lawrence Street, Mount Vernon, WA 98273 featureTimerSet = 0; // ********** FOOTER ********** // 3, 2023 . Nondiscrimination Statement. Centennial High School. WATCH: CCS Celebrates Public Schools Week 2023! He received a full scholarship to attend the University of Wisconsin and earned a Master of Science degree in sculpture and then enrolled at another school, the Rhode Island School of Design, where he earned a Master of Fine Arts degree in sculpture. Teachers View postings and apply Substitutes Learn how to become a GISD substitute.
"showDistrictHome" : "yes", CENTENNIAL CLASS OF 2027 WELCOMED TO BULLDOG LEGACY (AND FUTURE) Current eighth graders, who will comprise the first graduating class of the new Centennial High School, were welcomed with open arms Wednesday by Principal Dave Craddock, staff and the red-blooded student body. div.homepage-thumb-region.region-6 {
$("#sw-footer-links ul li").eq(2).after($("#sw-footer-links ul li").eq(1)); $(this).closest(dropdownList).find("li:last-child > a").attr("tabindex", "0").focus(); case KeyCodes.tab: The togetherness, love, and passion are all displayed through the Flowing Lips because it is meant to be a community sculpture, and since it is in the community, the feelings that the lips convey reflect the feeling of the community of Columbus. He is an alumni of the University of Akron, earning his BFA in 1977, and of Ohio State University, where he completed his graduate studies earning a MFA with a sculpture concentration in 1980. } else { + featureNum).addClass("active"); if(siteName.indexOf(siteNameKeys[i]) != -1) { } if (getWidth >= 640 && getWidth < 768) { // 640+ break; This sculpture was created out of blown glass and steel and was made in 2003. div.homepage-thumb-region.region-10 {
Applications are due March 31, 2023. //DOC make homepage apps collapsible for small mobile devices Centennial School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, status with regard to public assistance, sexual orientation, or disability in its programs and activities. 10 Vinton-Shellsburg 42. Orange Lutheran 66, St. Pius X-St. Matthias 64. Only a few years later, in the mid-1970s. //var getWidth = ($("body").hasClass("msie8")) ? One of the goals of the assignment was for students and their parents to learn more about their communities through art. (https://news.osu.edu/7-things-to-know-about-the-modern-head-sculpture/). Bus Locator. $("#gb-scroll-to-top").click(function(e){ Student Rights & Responsibilities Handbook. e.preventDefault(); For this week's Wellness Wednesdays video, Pia Fitzgerald is back for more! Map Location. function dynamicContent(){ $(".ui-widget.app.calendar #calendar").addClass("ui-helper-hidden"); }
$(this).parent().prev().children().children().next().append(moveArticle); ga('BBTracker.set', 'dimension2', 'False');
The one that I am referring to is located at the entrance of the Columbus Museum of Art. "imageHeight" : 345, The river was named scioto because of all the deer hair that inevitably ended up in the water when deer actually lived there. $("#gb-popular-links-outer").slideDown(function(){ function useChannelForSection(){
Phone: (914) 277-2400 Fax: function appView() { $("#sw-footer-links ul li").eq(1).html($("#sw-footer-links ul li:eq(1) a")); Learn more about our guiding principles and view a profile of our district. case KeyCodes.home: $(this).closest(dropdownList).find("a").attr("tabindex", "-1"); 'icon4' : ['Communication/11.png', 'Need Help? Centennial High A Tale as Old as Time Centennial's Center Stage Theater presents: Beauty and the Beast GET YOUR TICKETS HERE Health Services School nurses serve students in all WCS schools. // FOCUS FIRST ITEM /*if($(this).parent().is(":last-child")) { Lips can represent these things because when two people kiss it is a form of expressing love. . After training to be a teacher and serving in the British Army he studied at Leeds School of Art and then the Royal College of Art, London. }); "insertionMethod" : "prepend", // OPTIONS ARE prepend OR append div.homepage-thumb-region {
$("li.sw-channel-item").last().addClass("last"); display: none;
Tesoro 50, San Gabriel Academy 47. Useful Links. $(".ui-widget.app.calendar #calendarlist-pnl-specialview").addClass("ui-helper-hidden"); The National Panhellenic Conference (NPC) is made up of 26 inter/national sororities and is the largest advocacy and support organization for the women's-only sorority experience. "dropdownParent": ".sw-mystart-dropdown.translate", } Centennial's online web submission tool. Teachers Incentive Allotment His travels inspired him to go back to school, and in 1963, he took a weaving class where he incorporated glass shards into tapestries class, in which he wove glass into tapestries, which won him an award. 7:25 a.m. - $(this).closest(dropdownParent).find(dropdownSelector).focus(); They bridge the gap between healthcare and education. }
SUN AM Basketball, 9:29 AM - 10:41 AM
}); } else { } background: #264867; /*dark blue*/
SPRING SPORTS START 12:00 AM - 12:00 AM. titleText = jQuery.trim(titleText); $("html, body").animate({ "menuInfoText320" : "", "breakPoint" : 639, // SYSTEM BREAK POINTS - 1023, 767, 639, 479 });
case KeyCodes.tab: La Cueva advanced to play No. Seeing as how Annabelle is made from a green material, she is prolly waiting for her next meal to just show itself. Im still looking into what this particular sculpture is named and having a little bit of trouble finding it. "thumbnailHeight" : 32, 12400 W McMillan Rd, Boise, ID 83713 (208) 855-4250. $(dropdownParent).next().find(dropdownSelector).focus(); S2E19: Jennifer Beard, FCS New Hires & Promotions for February 23, 2023, FCS Launches Digital Balanced Scorecard Database, Blackboard Web Community Manager Privacy Policy (Updated). } $(".ui-hp .upcomingevents").modEvents({ text-align: center;
You can use this area for legal statements, copyright information, a mission statement, etc. Find It Fast. $("div#sw-mystart-search input#sw-search-input").blur(function() { Map Location. appView(); } else { $(".view-calendar-link").prepend('
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Las Vegas, NV 89146 USA
?\d+(\.\d+)*)/i); West Ada School District. Sam farmed the land and Eulalia was always working with him. $(".hp-feature-slide-body").eq(index).html($("div.ui-widget.app", this).parent().html());
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