As Latter-day Saints use the words saved and salvation, there are at least six different meanings. For behold, the Spirit of Christ is given to every man, that he may know good from evil. Now we experience such differences in television and the Internet, through travel, and often in personal interactions in our neighborhoods and the marketplace. Our tolerance and respect for others and their beliefs does not cause us to abandon our commitment to the truths we understand and the covenants we have made. He practiced law and taught law in Chicago. Having discussed the balancing of truth and tolerance in our personal behavior and in our relations with associates, I come to a different and more difficult circumstance. Boyd K. Packer, Be Not Afraid (address at the Ogden Institute of Religion, 16 November 2008), 5; see also Bruce D. Porter, Defending the Family in a Troubled World,Ensign,June 2011, 1218. Required fields are marked *. In attempting to answer the question "What have I learned and what ought I to have learned?" I've learned just how incredibly difficult it is to arrive at a consensus in a group without the assistance of a leader, teacher, or arbiter. They should cultivate loving family relationships so that family members will want to ask them for blessings. . Helping the Poor and Distressed. . . Whats in the Relief Society General Board Minutes? We must go, I believe, beyond tolerance if we are to achieve harmony in our world., Relying on the teachings of the Quran, Dr. Shihab continued: We must respect this God-given dignity in every human being, even in our enemies. 3 Apr 2016 Opposition in All Things General . President Russell M. Nelson of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, center, and his counselors, President Dallin H. Oaks, first counselor in the First Presidency, second from right, and President Henry B. Eyring, second counselor in the First Presidency, right, arrive for the women's session of the 192nd Annual General Conference in the Conference Center in Salt Lake City on . I just reread it and appreciate the good counsel he gave. . . God inspires many organizations and individuals to do much good, and more Church members should recognize and support the good done by others. Also see, GamblingMorally Wrong and Politically Unwise (, Priesthood Authority in the Family and the Church, Loving Others and Living with Differences, Strengthened by the Atonement of Jesus Christ, Defending Our Divinely Inspired Constitution, Prophetic Announcements of Christs Birth, Stand Fast with Love in Proclaiming Truth, Going Forward with Religious Freedom and Nondiscrimination. The question posed by the second commandment is What is our ultimate priority?. October 2022 conference featured 35 messages over the five sessions. . By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another. In contrast to forbidding mortals to make final judgments, the scriptures require mortals to make what I will call intermediate judgments. These judgments are essential to the exercise of personal moral agency. Dallin H. Oaks quotes cover more than 30 years. Those who hold the Aaronic Priesthood open the door for all Church members who worthily partake of the sacrament to enjoy the companionship of the Spirit of the Lord and the ministering of angels. On Aug. 25, 2000, he married Sister. In any event, as defenders of the faith, believers can and must seek laws that will preserve religious freedom. We should all be edified and strengthened by this example of speaking both tolerance and truth: kindness in the communication, but firmness in the truth. Believers can be less cautious in seeking government action that would serve principles broader than merely facilitating the practice of their beliefs, such as laws concerning public health, safety, and morals. Unfortunately, some who believe in moral relativism seem to have difficulty tolerating those who insist that there is a God who should be respected and certain moral absolutes that should be observed. . The love of God does not supersede His laws and His commandments, and the effect of Gods laws and commandments does not diminish the purpose and effect of His love. In the words of President Joseph F. Smith: We believe in all truth, no matter to what subject it may refer. It will refrain from declaring that a person has been assured of exaltation or from dismissing a person as being irrevocably bound for hellfire. I must hear both sides of the question. It is this suspended judgment that is the supreme form of charity. . Dallin H. Oaks was a member of the Council of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints when this fireside address was given at BYU on 1 March 1998. We should address prayers to our Heavenly Father in words which speakers of that language associate with love and respect and reverence and closeness. As a Apostle with a unique legal background Elder Oaks has on occasion spoken both for the Church and to the Church. He is our Savior, and He reaches out to each of us with the timeless invitation to receive His peace by learning of Him and by walking in His way (see D&C 19:23): Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. We also need focus to avoid what is harmful. We live in a world where more and more persons of influence are teaching and acting out a belief that there is no absolute right and wrong, that all authority and all rules of behavior are man-made choices that can prevail over the commandments of God. . Elder Uchtdorf introduces the revised For the Strength of Youth pamphlet while bearing powerful testimony of Jesu. He is a native of Provo, Utah (born . My treatment of truth and tolerance will invite you to consider and to teach these twin subjects because they are vital to the rising generation, in which you are the senior members. On the foundation belief in right and wrong, there is an alarming contrast between the older and the younger generations. While we must practice tolerance and respect forothers and theirbeliefs,including their constitutional freedom to explain and advocate their positions, we are not required to respect and tolerate wrongbehavior. . The Church News is an official publication of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. May we have his love. The law of tithing is not a remote Old Testament practice, but a commandment directly from the Savior to the people of our day. That is my Lord whose names you revile. (Improvement Era, May 1953, p. Some of these intermediate judgments are surely among those the Savior referred to when he taught that the weightier matters of the law include judgment (Matthew 23:23). 8, 11). Beyond that, we should remember the Saviors teaching that we should avoid contention (see 3 Nephi 11:2930) and that our example and our preaching should be the warning voice, every man to his neighbor, in mildness and in meekness (D&C 38:41). As one who knows, I invite you to believe on my words. If you're aware of any talks available online that aren't listed here, please let me know. Cohabitation we know to be a serious sin in which Latter-day Saints must not engage, whatever the circumstances. October 1985, Sunday morning session. Jointly published by the Deseret News and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, its content supports the doctrines, principles and practices of the Church. Check out our dallin h oaks selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. The frank rebuttal to partisanship in President Dallin H. Oaks' recent talk on the U.S. Constitution has been driving conversation since he gave it on April 4 in Salt Lake City, Utah, during the 191st Annual General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. . by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. by Giuseppe Martinengo | Sep 11, 2019 | All Talks | 0 comments. So it was that, at the conclusion of His ministry, Jesus prayed to the Father, Not that thou shouldest take them out of the world, but that thou shouldest keep them from the evil (John 17:15). Amen. A Relief Society worker visiting a sister in her ward asked whether the womans married children ever visited her. Sometimes it even takes a tragedy to teach us that there's more to our lives than what's going on . This time he was definitely speaking to the Church. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints does not attempt to isolate its members from alternate voices. do not doubt the overriding importance of listening to the Lord,[but]does the listening have to be done during dinner preparations? When believers enter the public square to try to influence the making or the administration of laws motivated by their beliefs, they should apply some different principles. Because He loves us, He challenges us to focus on Him instead of the things of this mortal world. . Jesus Christ has the power to prescribe the conditions we must fulfill to qualify for the blessings of His Atonement. We must stand up for truth, even while we practice tolerance and respect for beliefs and ideas different from our own and for the people who hold them. Howeverand here I express asecond absolute truththis living with differences is what the gospel of Jesus Christ teaches us we must do. This philosophy of moral relativism denies what millions of believing Christians, Jews, and Muslims consider fundamental, and this denial creates serious problems for all of us. President Gordon B. Hinckley expressed this idea for Latter-day Saints: Each of us [from various religious denominations] believes in the fatherhood of God, although we may differ in our interpretations of Him. What we get from a bookespecially a sacred textis mostly dependent on what we take to its readingin desire and readiness to learn, and in attunement to the light communicated by the Spirit of the Lord. This is the age of snap judgments. We believe in absolute truth, including the existence of God and the right and wrong established by His commandments. I believe the United States Constitution contains at least five divinely inspired principles. President Oaks said religious liberty faces serious challenges around the world, such as secularism, authoritarianism, political correctness and deteriorating attitudes toward religion. . Did you enjoy these Dallin H. Oaks quotes? President Dallin H. Oaks, first counselor in the First Presidency, spoke during the Saturday morning session of October 2022 general conference. Some time ago I attended an adult Sunday School class in a small town in Utah. Finally, the spirit of our balance of truth and tolerance is applied in these words of President Gordon B. Hinckley: Let us reach out to those in our community who are not of our faith. . President Dallin H. Oaks speaks at the 192nd Annual General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on April 2-3, 2022.President Oaks t. He and his late wife, June Dixon Oaks, are the parents of six children. The change has come from inside memy attitude. Copyright 2017-2023 Kurt Manwaring, All Rights Reserved. "Brother's Keeper". . I love that truth that although I need to evaluate situations . Join our mailing list to receive the latest news and updates from our team to help you come unto Christ. October 2021. Russell M. Nelson Dallin H. Oaks Henry B. Eyring Also implicated due to his historic position as Presiding Bishop is Gary E. Stevenson. In this troubled circumstance, we who believe in God and the corollary truth of absolute right and wrong have the challenge of living in a godless and increasingly amoral world. During class discussion a member asked, What if you see an unworthy person partaking of the sacrament? . The New York Times, Wikipedia, Patheos, USA Today, NPR, Church News, LDS Living, Country Living, Good Housekeeping, Bustle, Heavy, Slate, and more. John Adams, from an address to officers of the militia of Massachusetts, 11 October 1798, inThe Works of John Adams, Second President of the United States,ed. This interpretation is confirmed by what he then said to the Pharisees: Ye judge after the flesh; I judge no man (John 8:15). It requires an object and a response to qualify it as a virtue. Forgiveness is a companion principle to the commandment that in final judgments we judge not and in intermediate judgments we judge righteously. Even the Savior, during his mortal ministry, refrained from making final judgments. April 1986, Sunday morning session. Is Jim Bridger Responsible for What Happened to the Donner Party? Some personal decisions must be made before we have access to all of the facts. These include covenants and ordinances and repentance when our choices are wrong. N. T. Wright on the New Testament in Its World, Ann Madsen Reflects on Isaiah, Jehovah, and the Temple. Desires dictate our priorities, priorities shape our choices, and choices determine our actions. BYU Speeches
. As I face this audience of committed youngpeople, I know that some of you may be wondering why I am speaking about what is obvious to you and what, you might assume, is obvious to others. The scriptures not only command or contemplate that we will make intermediate judgments, but they also give us some guidancesome governing principlesin how to do so. Tolerance requires a similar refraining in our judgment of others. Lee had another teaching about magnifying the priesthood: If anybody magnifies their priesthoodthat is, makes it bigger than they first thought it was and more important than anyone else thought it wasthat is the way you magnify your priesthood.. . I am not to blame for what happened to me as a child. 272. The Book of Mormon teaches: For behold, my brethren, it is given unto you to judge, that ye may know good from evil; and the way to judge is as plain . This wise author also treats the importance of forgiveness. We call this quality of life spirituality. April 2022. I express them as an Apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ, but I believe that most of these ideas are shared by believers generally. We have not sufficient wisdom, our minds are not filled with the knowledge and power of God. That question is as penetrating today as when Jesus used it to confound the Pharisees almost two thousand years ago. . 4. And if ye judge the man who putteth up his petition to you for your substance that he perish not, and condemn him, how much more just will be your condemnation for withholding your substance. . The Savior taught, Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven (Luke 6:37). I know that the gospel is true because my Father in heaven has answered my prayers and borne witness to me by the power of the Holy Ghost. see other collected talk by Church Leaders, from the website of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Priesthood Authority in the Family and the Church, Loving Others and Living with Differences, Strengthened by the Atonement of Jesus Christ, Defending Our Divinely Inspired Constitution, Prophetic Announcements of Christs Birth, Going Forward with Religious Freedom and Nondiscrimination, Elder Dallin H. Oaks at BYU: Racism and Other Challenges | Giuseppe Martinengo, President Oaks: avoid being unduly influenced by extreme voices | Giuseppe Martinengo, President Oaks Tells Students in Rome Why Religious Freedom Matters | Giuseppe Martinengo, Top 25 Best Quotes From Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek. We are enriched by associations with different peoples, which remind us of the wonderful diversity of the children of God. As the Apostle Paul taught, Christians should follow after the things which make for peace (Romans 14:19) and, as much as possible, live peaceably with all men (Romans 12:18). 4 May 1971 Naming of a New President BYU Devotional - Oaks Inauguration. Thomas S. Monson, inCR,April 2008, 66; or Examples of Righteousness,Ensign,May 2008, 65; emphasis in original. He knows the truth. This is a vital matter on which we who believe in a Supreme Being who has established absolute right and wrong in human behavior must unite to insist on our time-honored constitutional rights to exercise our religion, to vote our consciences on public issues, and to participate in elections and debates in the public square and in the halls of justice. You cannot possess or use the coin of tolerance without being conscious of both sides. . November 12, 2021 at University of Virginia. Once an accepted part of American life, religion is now suspect in the minds of many. Lord, I would follow thee. . The commandments, ordinances, and covenants of the gospel are not a list of deposits required to be made in some heavenly account. President Spencer W. Kimball taught that the Holy Ghost comes a little at a time as you merit it. Our tolerance and respect forothersand theirbeliefsdoes not cause us to abandon our commitment to the truths we understand and the covenants we have made. First is the principle that the source of government power is the people. 11. What Have Scholars Learned about Joseph Smith? In an essay titled Sitting in the Seat of Judgment, the great essayist William George Jordan reminded us that character. The talk was timely, according to political and legal sources, because while politicians, pundits and social media . But I can change the future. As described by an attorney supporting a Lutheran school in a case now before the United States Supreme Court, the big concern is the ability of people of all faiths to work out their relationship with God and one another without the government looking over their shoulder.10That is why we need understanding and supportincludingyourunderstanding and supportwhen we must contend for religious freedom. Let us be good neighbors, kind and generous and gracious. The Church Handbook of Instructions 32.0 states: First,all persons are brothers and sisters under God, taught within their various religions to love and do good to one another. , not according to what they have not, but according to what they have, those who have lived without law, will be judged without law, and those who have a law, will be judged by that law. Tolerance, or respect, is on one side of the coin, but truth is always on the other. The Lord obviously did not justify the womans sin. Apparently he was content to let her serve him however she cared to, until she judged another persons service: Lord, dost thou not care that my sister hath left me to serve alone? And out of small things proceedeth that which is great (Doctrine and Covenants 64:33). The Four Horsemen of The Apocalypse by John Gottman. November 04, 2022. During his mortal ministry the Savior made and acted upon many intermediate judgments, such as when he told the Samaritan woman of her sinful life (see John 4:1719); when he rebuked the scribes and Pharisees for their hypocrisy (see Matthew 15:19, 23:133); and when he commented on the comparative merit of the rich mens offerings and the widows mites (see Mark 12:4144). I turn now to the obligations of truth and tolerance in our personal relations with associates who use profanity in our presence, who live with a partner out of wedlock, or who do not observe the Sabbath day appropriately. Elder Dallin H. Oaks speaks on Sunday, April 3, 2022, during The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints' Annual General Conference at the church Conference Center in Salt Lake City. But I say unto you, O man, whosoever doeth this the same hath great cause to repent; and except he repenteth of that which he hath done he perisheth forever, and hath no interest in the kingdom of God. And, in all of this, we must remember the command to forgive. Profanity used out of our presence by nonbelievers probably would not be an occasion for us to confront the offenders. In revelation the Lord added this parable for modern Zion: Set . Do not be deceived; behind that faade is heartache, unhappiness, and pain. He was president of Brigham Young University from 1971 to 1980, and a justice of the Utah Supreme Court from 1980 until his resignation in 1984 to accept his calling to the apostleship. We also know that evil exists and that some things are simply, seriously, and everlastingly wrong. From all of this we see that final judgment is the Lords and that mortals must refrain from judging any human being in the final sense of concluding or proclaiming that they are irretrievably bound for hell or have lost all hope of exaltation. Because of Gods plan and the Atonement of Jesus Christ, we can be cleansed by the process of repentance. We are willing to receive all truth, from whatever source it may come; for truth will stand, truth will endure.2, The existence and nature of truth is one of the fundamental questions of mortal life. . . 2. He loves us, and all that He does is for our eternal benefit. In other words, are we responsible to look after the well-being of our neighbors as we seek to earn our daily bread? PresidentDallin H. Oakswassustained andset apartas first counselor in the First Presidencyandpresident of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostlesof The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints onSunday, January 14, 2018. In applying the sometimes competing demands of truth and tolerance in these three behaviors and many others, we should not be tolerant with ourselves. That is a wise judgment of a situation, not a person. In the process of what we call the Apostasy, the tangible, personal God described in the Old and New Testaments was replaced by the abstract, incomprehensible deity defined by compromise with the speculative principles of Greek philosophy. You whom I address shun evil and seek truth. This is an analysis of a general conference talk given by Elder Oaks titled Opposition in All Things, where he warned against taking opposition against the church. This is a harder question for those who affirm the existence of God and absolute truth than for those who believe in moral relativism. This is essential whenever we attempt to act upon different standards than those of others with whom we must associateat home, at work, or in the community. The philosophy of moral relativism, which holds that each person is free to choose for himself what is right and wrong, is becoming the unofficial creed for many in America and other Western nations. You will need to understand how our efforts in the public square are informed by the balance between truth and tolerance. I used the principle of forgiveness to strengthen me.[Journey to Healing, p. 22]. that which is good and of God to be of the devil. In a time when sovereign power was universally assumed to come from the divine right of kings or from military power, attributing sovereign power to the people was revolutionary. What he did say is difficult to bear, but perhaps somewhat less difficult if we examine its context. King Benjamin taught: Perhaps thou shalt say: The man has brought upon himself his misery; therefore I will stay my hand, and will not give unto him of my food, nor impart unto him of my substance that he may not suffer, for his punishments are just. In this circumstance, all of usand especially you of the rising generationhave a duty to stand up and speak up to affirm that God exists and that there are absolute truths His commandments establish. It is too vast, too arduous, for any one people. As members of the restored Church, we need to be more aware and more appreciative of the service of others.Quote #2: Modern revelation teaches that our Savior, Jesus Christ, is the true light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world. By this, all the children of God are enlightened to serve Him and one another to the best of their knowledge and ability. Modern revelation teaches that some have the gift to know that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, . The Law of Reproduction: (#13) The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership by Top 50 Quotes From The Black Swan by Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Top 23 Best Quotes from Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson. Show Timeline. . Guided by heaven in this righteous cause, our words will be sweet and find place in the hearts of many. The article begins with heart-wrenching words and with true statements of eternal principles. When we speak every man truth with his neighbour (Ephesians 4:25), and when we [speak] the truth in love (Ephesians 4:15) as the Apostle Paul taught, we are acting as servants of the Lord Jesus Christ, doing His work. In all of this we should not presume to judge our neighbors or associates on the ultimate effect of their behaviors. . In another essay, William George Jordan wrote: There is but one quality necessary for the perfect understanding of character, one quality that, if[a]man have it, he maydare to judgethat is, omniscience. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. Profanity consistently used in our presence is an appropriate cause for us to communicate the fact that this is offensive to us. Enigma Books Also published by Enigma Books Hitler's Table Talk: 1941-1944 In Stalin's Secret Service Hitler and Mussolini: The Secret Meetings The Jews in Fascist Italy: A History The Man Behind the Rosenbergs Roosevelt and Hopkins: An Intimate History Diary 1937-1943 (Galeazzo Ciano) Secret Affairs: FDR, Cordell Hull, and Sumner Welles Hitler and His Generals: Military Conferences . . First: Truth. [Matthew 11:2830]. The STANDS4 Network . But our obligation to truth has its own set of requirements and its own set of blessings. For the goal of all human relationswhether they are religious, social, political, or economicought to be cooperation and mutual respect.9. As President Thomas S. Monson taught us in the conference where he was sustained as our prophet: My young friends, be strong. I will leave it in his hands. . Whats Really in the Journal of Discourses? We frequently update our Latter-day Saint history content related to Joseph Smith, Brigham Young, the Book of Mormon, and Come Follow Me 2023. Like many scriptures, this commandment has multiple meanings. 91, 93). President Oaks talks cover topics like desire, repentance, and trust in the Lord. President [Spencer W.] Kimball taught that the moment we begin preaching to others, our testimony is ended. That judgment is the Lords, not ours. He holds the reins of judgment in His hands; He is a wise Lawgiver, and will judge all men, not according to the narrow, contracted notions of men . If the cohabitation does involve us personally, we should be governed by our duty to truth. In modern revelation He declared: Truth is knowledge of things as they are, and as they were, and as they are to come (D&C 93:24). We can all remember our feelings when a little child cried out and reached up to us for help. Spirituality. For this purpose we must walk together on the same path in order to secure our freedom to pursue our separate ways when that is necessary according to our separate beliefs. The gospel of Jesus Christ is a gospel of love. He declared, I have many things to say and to judge of you (John 8:26) and For judgment I am come into this world, that they which see not might see (John 9:39). We see this in the account of the woman taken in adultery. Surely Latter-day Saints do need to be more wise and skillful in explaining and pursuing our views and in exercising our influence when we have it. Of course, teaching efforts only bear fruit through the agency of others, so they must always be done with love, patience, and persuasion. Ye shall know them by their fruits (Matthew 7:1516); and Go ye out from among the wicked (D&C 38:42). Stephen L. Carter,The Culture of Disbelief: How American Law and Politics Trivialize Religious Devotion(New York: BasicBooks, 1993), 225. What can one person do to promote world peace? Legal experts, including a former federal judge and a former Utah Supreme Court justice, examine the General Conference talk by Latter-day Saint apostle Dallin H. Oaks on the U.S. Constituiton. Persons who dont believe in God or in absolute truth in moral matters can see themselves as the most tolerant of persons. They all come through the mercy and grace of the Holy One of Israel, after all we can do (2 Nephi 25:23). 13. The woman taken in adultery was granted time to repent, time that would have been denied by those who wanted to stone her. And furthermore, what about the value of our work in the world? I have chosen to speak about truth because teachers in schools, colleges, and universities are teaching and practicing relative morality. If a person you have trusted with your property has been indicted for embezzlement, would you continue to leave him in charge of your life savings? Who am I to judge another? We would even apply the wrong standards. a watchman upon the tower, who will [see] the enemy while he [is] yet afar off and give warning to save the vineyard from the hands of the destroyer (D&C 101:45, 54). crucified for the sins of the world, and that it is given to others to believe on their words (D&C 46:13, 14). Recall the survey data I mentioned earlier, suggesting that about three-quarters of all college seniors believe thedifference between right and wrong is relative.
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