Every chapter is a new episode from a season of the show. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings, by comparison, stands at just . I mean, I deleted one of my old stories, and it still appears in the side bar of one of my other stories. This doesn't really qualify as literature IMO, it's just a bunch of words. Is AO3 illegal? I suspect To The Stars (Madoka Magica fic) and Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Silver Resistance are heading that way too. The world's longest work of fiction is a Super Smash Bros. fanfic titled "The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest." Written by a Spanish-speaking college junior who wanted to improve his English, it has over 3.5 million words, which makes it twice the length of the world's longest novel, and 6+ times longer than War and Peace. After The Subspace Emissary, the next contender for the prize of longest fictional work may be a mid-2000s Teen Titans fanfic by a writer whos now a My Little Pony superfan. The plot of this one is a "what-if" version of the real final battle against Tabuu gone wrong.. Master Hand is himself the leader of the faction and he's the one who makes a hasty decision to go into the real world to get outsider help to stop the army from moving out. Chris was nearly fazed by the slap and the crash as he slid down to the concrete, his Black Mage hat falling to the side. The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest is a fanfic loosely based on Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and it's over 3,500,000 words long. Ambience: a fleet Symphony At 4.55 MILLION words. Maybe you've heard of it? Then again, the story is inspired by so many video games that is hard to tell when it'll be finished. Diaries of a Madman is at 2,541,519 words and is still in-progress. 1,323,513 hits today, 2,001,761 yesterday, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Fanfiction At least he's applying himself and he has an incredible work ethic. There are arguments if this is the longest piece of fiction ever, and for a time it was, however other pieces have surpassed it in length . And with any luck, he just might win the heart of a certain brunette card . Just hit the button below to get in touch. (LogOut/ Her birth parents adopted Kageyama Mob Shigeo because they had to choose between a son and a daughter to take care of. This is a fanfic about Mob Psyco 100, a Japanese web Manga series. How long have you been writing fan fiction? "It was a good way to learn English." Christian is a 21-year-old college junior-to-be. The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest is a fanfic loosely based on Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and it's over 3,500,000 words long. If they based this Noise on Lucario completely, wouldn't that mean he's inhumanly strong?!" So Ron is a Slytherin now, and his friends are somewhat different than we are used to. Can you report it because I Don't want this trash to be the longest piece of literature, This is a million words longer than the record for longest piece of literature, which is a Smash Bros fanfic. only 1300 chapters don't seem that long. As a result, Sonic was hardly in the story mode. Which is the longest trollfic? From there, the large sequel came about. The Chrono Trigger arc in particular had so many moments I can't begin to describe. Speaking the language was easier compared to writing, and after moving to the U.S. [in 2008], many English teachers saw how I was very developed in the English for a person who came from Spanish-speaking Mexico. From what I'm reading here that doesn't seem to be the case, but it's not my time that's being spent and it's most likely not for my enjoyment, so whatever. Ron discovers that he can see into the future, which turns his entire life and fate upside down. The longest known ponyfic is probably 'Diary of a Madman', at 1.3 million words. Every stared and gasped as he was revealed . Its called These Black EyesWhen people are bored and have a ton of time and ideas on their hands, they tend to ramble on and on. FPS DIESEL: https://www.youtube.com/user/FPSdiesel10quthis is literally the longest thing ever written ever, isnt that crazy!!! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest - Super Smash Brothers (3,357,528 words) These Black Eyes - Teen Titans (2,579,204 words) Trial by Tenderness - Oh My Goddess! The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest is a Super Smash Brothers fan-fic that is absurdly long and entertaining. Chris can do all that without his parents getting suspicious because his parents are conveniently away from the house nearly all the time. The author! But then he realizes that his fate is in the hands of the Fire Nation Princess. The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest is a fanfic loosely based on Super Smash Bros. Brawl, and it's over 3,500,000 words long. Crossovers and unlikely, sometimes ridiculous situations are basically the appeal of the game, much like what fanfiction tends to do. "W-what now?!" Originally Answered: Is it weird or bad to read fan fiction? Staff document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. It has a plot and characters and everything. Doorstopper: As of January 2012, the story has 3,357,528 words and 191 chapters. And in his spare time, he writes the longest work of fan fiction ever composed. I was on par with a native U.S. citizen in a single year of classes. Then, the phrase anything is possible comes to mind. zelda. 2324337A hundred chapters and counting? Priase Jemus! 4 August 1914, Germany) who passed away on 24 October 1997, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA, as verified on 1 January 2021. Start a new thread to share your experiences with like-minded people. When you don't have editors to please this is the results. This is a classic Gary Stu trope, so familiar that Post, the author of These Black Eyes, mocked their own writing for utilizing it when he reuploaded the fanfic in a fit of nostalgia. His mind racing with fleeting thoughts, Chris looked around and then found the entrance of the music store. The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest is a Super Smash Brothers fanfiction that is over 4,100,000 words long and contained in a current 221 chapters. Chris gulped and looked back. IIRC the longest fanfic in the world is the RWBY infinite loops, which clocks in at 1.84 million words, or the Infinite Loops setting if taken as a whole. Just as a comparison, the complete Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan clocks in at 4.4 million words. Martin's A . So I came up with the idea of making a massive multi-crossover story that not only includes the worlds of every Smasher, but also extends to many of their different storylines, and, most important of all, includes games outside the Nintendo realm (the many Final Fantasy games, Chrono Trigger, Mega Man Legends, and Star Ocean III). You seem to have javascript disabled, or your browser is failing to execute it properly. I can't imagine the amount of dedication to trolling it takes to post that many chapters of pure nonsense. Ultimate Nintendo Switch These fingers of mine are in love with keyboards. What is the largest fanfiction site? There may be minor violence without serious injury, mild . The story follows an alternate storyline for season 3 of the Sarah Conner Chronicles. The story also recommends tracks to listen to during key events to give a more realistic feeling. Proof that the remaining 10% is worth turning into a trophy for here: These are recommendations made by tropers for Super Smash Bros. Your email address will not be published. In this story, all the main characters from Glee are shown as they try to navigate life in New York City. Press J to jump to the feed. I'm in awe at how much humans can accomplish when they push themselves to the limit. I started writing fan fiction because my English was bad. My absolute best story, and the world record holder of the longest fanfic ever written! Pick your processor, RAM, GPU, and moreWhether you are in the market for a new laptop or desktop or if you a specifically looking to build something to game on, you can do so here and youll save up to 52% off. The Aura Hunter growled with power to the sky, demanding his prey to come on outside. It is a completely alternate universe where Ron is a Slytherin. But there are a bunch of writers that have contributed to it. But then he comes across a wounded Witcher in the inn where he is staying. Page generated in 0.03 seconds A la recherche du temps perdu by Marcel Proust contains an estimated 9,609,000 characters (each letter counts as one character. Looking even farther down the list, the 6th arc of the series comes in at 749,320 words. Youre getting this so far, right? I have a. This story follows the books by Tolkien, like the Hobbit and Lord of the Rings. It was unknown to him if it was possible to seek shelter inside a building with a Reaper decal, but there were no other options. What is the longest fanfiction ever written? There is an immense amount of fanfiction stories on the internet. Since the day Super Smash Bros. Brawl was released in North America. For the record thats more than 6.25 Les Miserables! Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is the longest word entered in the most trusted English dictionaries. Much of Fimfiction's functionality requires javascript so we suggest you turn it on. That story has a weakass amount of words compared to Diaries of a Madman and Fallout Equestria. It basically reads as Glee episodes with all the usual drama and heartbreak. YOU WILL NEVER GET OUT OF THE WEBSITE. Without publication requirements or worries about costs, you can smash you keyboard for as long as you want. It takes place in an alternate universe and diverges quite a lot from canon. It is 169 chapters long with a grand total of 3,562,207 words. Firefly. The Subspace Emissary's World Conquest held its legendary title as the longest fanfiction for a fairly long time (not counting troll fics) until it was slowly beaten by . What I seet would probably give the Pokmon anime a run for its money, but that's just my opinion. You can browse fics sorted longest to shortest so finding out the single longest fic is easy As far as longest series no clue how you'd find that out. I just randomly picked chapter 924 and Im wading through wiki copy-pastes of Thanos, Buffy, and the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Loud House characters in Scoob and Shag lets go! Caring for his life over anybody else's, Chris took the decision to enter the store, its double doors opening automatically at his feet's request. Im a 16 year-old teen. Design by Alley Digital, Hi everyone. 1,079 users online Which European countries give citizenship by marriage? Sokka, the water tribe warrior, is doing all he can to protect his people when a group of enemies captures him. Priase Jesus! The Wandering Inn is actually good and is about 7m words at the moment. You're forgetting The Chase by Kudzuhaiku and at least another one or two of his. Cheesus! Not that difficult when your dialogue is five people repeating the same thing to each other. That's almost exactly 50% of the length of the one you describe. Pretyy pretty please? Because there are over 40 main characters running around, character development comes in several different doses. Super Smash BrothersI got to applaud this man. Required fields are marked *. Source Source 2 Source 3 I was limited to reading the typical school books needed to complete assignments. only have a little over a million words in them. When Chris noticed that the stomping feet seized their chase, he looked behind and saw the fully-angered look of his predator. He literally appears at the very end, and is the only character able to damage the omnipresent God "Tabuu". The longest known ponyfic is probably 'Diary of a Madman', at 1.3 million words. But script format is technically banned from the site. Whether you are in the market for a new laptop or desktop or if you a specifically looking to build something to game on, you can do so here and youll save up to 52% off. This is a fanic about the Harry Potter world, but its main focus is Ron Weasley. Super Smash Bros. Super Smash Bros. has always been a series of improbable crossovers. And this fan-fiction has nearly three times as many words as that. Luke Drako, S-class wizard of the Fairy Tail guild, the true Lightning Dragon Slayer, student and son of the Lightning dragon Kaminari. They also both feature original male characters as the protagonists who carry us into the fictional world as outside observers along with them. The longest Fan-fiction is 7,296,586 words. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. This fanfic by Jamesdean5842, titled "The Loud House: Revamped" recently just reached their 1,010th chapter, and it reached a total amount of 4,558,217 words, and it's currently the longest (active) fanfiction in the website. The Smash Fanfic reigns supreme. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Oh, I'm embarrassed to say. So, in a few words, each Smasher character has their own personal dilemma and views that clash with another character. Christian is a 21-year-old college junior-to-be. I just hope the current track doesn't affect the reviews I get. All Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. If I could bring myself to crank out even 20k of pure nonsense, I'd be doing well. Looks like he updates it every day. When my brother first told me about the worlds longest fanfiction, I was completely shocked. Male reader x ssbu harem (Up for a. by Reggie4Smash. Even troll fics take more effort than that. 8. Check out our very popular Dramione fanfic post!). Part of the RWBY fandom and is complete, with a sequel planned. Even if you moved at a snail's pace. Fanfiction.net is the world's largest fanfiction archive and forum. I don't even know who ace is.Update: Horrible news. PERRY RHODAN gehrt zu den bekanntesten Unterhaltungsmarken im deutschsprachigen Raum: Die Science-Fiction-Serie erscheint seit ber 56 Jahren, wird in mehreren Sprachen verffentlicht und gilt bei vielen ihrer Leser als Kult. I'd be down for that. TSEW is "based" on the Nintendo fighting game Super Smash Bros. in the same way that Proust's novel is "based" on a bite of tea cake, and it is a monumental thing. The first chapter titled the "The Glorious Tale," is over 40,000 words long and is the entire story of the fic. Keep writing and he would probably get his due paid through breaking the world record. Current word count? The Enchanted Duplicator by Walt Willis and Bob Shaw was a metafiction based on Bunyan's The Pilgrim's Progress, but which described a world populated with sci-fi fans. I saw a lot of potential in each character to extend upon their personal storylines that their creators never seemed to go an extra mile.
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