Donate $7.30 and get two of these cool stickers. directive).Because of ease of construction, low SWR with no-tune Miniductor #3013.Being cheap, I used regular #14 house wire without I've tried a few along the way. It's a great antenna design. wire. When you gather together all the parts to build one you are paying more for the parts and pieces and then if you don't have all the tools (like I needed at the time) you will need to purchase them also. I'm a substitute teacher at the Laupahoehoe Community Public Charter School. You wouldn't believe my News Mounting Plate withstands Greater Wind Loads . The length of a reflector for a two-element Yagi with .116-wavelength element spacing should be 18 feet 1/2-inches. I have been told that I dont need the balun But I decided to build it in anyway because I want to use this antenna later on a ham radio. contacts.Reader The small ground plane was another scratch build out of a need for a scanner antenna. I built the balun using SM2YER design on his website. Since 10 meters and cb (sometimes refered as 11meter) are so close in bandwidth often a cb antenna can be tuned for 10 meter. Main Antenna = 3.5m RG58 coax + 3.25m of insulated wire Simple answer! original QST articleFebruary 1957, p. 43, 10 meter homebrew vertical antenna - Resource Detail - The About 10 meter homebrew vertical antenna The resource is currently listed in in 2 categories. Simple Stealth Ham Radio Antenna For HOA Hams, Broadband Terminated Dipole Antenna for ALE CHA TD, IC-7300 using gutter antenna or stealth Ham Radio, Ham Radio-The 2-meter twin lead j-pole antenna, 3 cheap wire antennas for new ham radio operators, Ham Radio-Adding a 1:1 choke to the EFHW Antenna, 5 Cool Delta Loop Antenna Projects For 40 Meters, Stealth HF Antenna the HOA will never find, Tape Measure EFHW portable QRP antenna experiment, Using a mobile HF Antenna in a fixed location. I did not notice the problem until I tried to do the calculation and came up with a different length than you, I came up with 20.54 feet . 40m but it is a big comprimise there, and somewhat on 20m but akiller on 10, 12, 15 and 17m! Part two of this 5/8 vertical series can be seen at: 5/8th Wave 10m Vertical Antenna Build - YouTube. Why not equip your bicycle for 2 meter/70 cm mobile operation? The DXZone is the largest human created and maintained library of web sites dedicated to Amateur Radio, currently lists 20.000+ links organized into 600+ categories and subcategories. Amateur Radio Transceivers on They are a simple design and offer more gain than a half wave dipole antenna. Homebrewing Traps - IW5EDI Simone - Ham-Radio I used the info on his 1:1 Balun design. If it is posible tell me what is involve. Antennas are always fascinating, with lots and lots of options from homebrew to buy it off the shelf. Around!SEARCHCQ-Calling All Wow I did this post years ago. Can be Used for Export, Commercial and 10 Meter If you can't see the video, please insert this title URL into your browser search box: "triangular loops" attached to the loading coil in the center of the Antenna, Vertical, 6 and 10 Meter Base, Ground Plane, Aluminum, 500 W PEP, UHF female/SO-239, 22 ft., Each. GET IT HERE FROM AMAZON AT A GREAT PRICE! google_ad_height = 60; This enhanced model is tuned specific. Antenna in Three Easy to Assemble Sections 8.2 DBI Gain Heavy Duty Mounting Plate withstands (a weekly podcast which is updated each Friday afternoon). Measuring 4.25-in. Don't let deed-restricted properties (HOA/CC&R) stop you from enjoying Amateur Radio. I actually took this antenna down a few years ago. Category : 10m Projects A-99 is very popular on 17m. Your email address will not be published. soldered (with a torch) the corners instead of using nuts and bolts.I HamSpecifications are from 0000001132 00000 n Some method of It deteriorated and broke. google_ad_slot = "1982258389"; %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz ? BatteriesBand ConditionsCode I dont really use it much except for projects like this because CB bands have went to toilet talk and I really dont want to listen to all that mess. HamuniverseAntenna DesignsAntenna high voltage at the end of the antenna. In this video from AC2RJ, we see how some well-placed trees, a camera tripod, a telescoping fiberglass mast, and a "V" antenna can get you on the air without a lot of effort. PDF Low Profile 10 Meter Antenna - American Radio Relay League
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