Thompson Center Pro-Hunter Pistol Stainless Frame Assembly Rubber Grips And Forend. Here is an example of our custom made and hand fit grips. Whoa! There are rigorous dust abatement protocols that must be followednot only for safety, but to prevent them from getting buried under mountains of sawdust! S&W K Frame Round Butt Simulated Ivory Pistol Grips, S&W K Frame Square Butt Simulated Ivory Pistol Grips - NOT AVAILABLE, 1911 Simulated Ivory Checkered Double Diamond with Border Pistol Grips, S&W J Frame Round Butt Checkered Simulated Ivory Pistol Grips, S&W J Frame Square Butt Checkered Simulated Ivory Pistol Grips, S&W K Frame Round Butt Oversized Conversion Simulated Ivory Pistol Grips, 1911 Simulated Ivory Bobtail Style 1 Pistol Grips, S&W J Frame Square Butt Simulated Ivory Pistol Grips, S&W K Frame Square Butt Oversized Simulated Ivory Pistol Grips, S&W J Frame Round Butt Oversized with Finger Grooves Simulated Ivory Pistol Grips, 1911 Simulated Ivory Bobtail Style 2 Pistol Grips, Colt 1903 or 1908 Model Old 380 Simulated Ivory Pistol Grips, S&W N Frame Square Butt Oversized Simulated Ivory Pistol Grips, S&W J Frame Round Combat Simulated Ivory Pistol Grips, 1911 American Ivory (Imitation Elephant Ivory) Standard Pistol Grips, S&W N Frame Round Butt Simulated Ivory Pistol Grips, S&W J Frame Round Butt Oversized Checkered with Finger Grooves Simulated Ivory Pistol Grips, S&W K Frame Round Butt Combat with Finger Grooves Simulated Ivory Pistol Grips, S&W K Frame Square Butt Oversized Checkered Simulated Ivory Pistol Grips, S&W K Frame Round Butt Combat Checkered with Finger Grooves Simulated Ivory Pistol Grips, Browning Hi-Power Smooth Panel Simulated Ivory Grips, S&W K Frame Square Butt Checkered Simulated Ivory Pistol Grips - NOT AVAILABLE, 1911 Simulated Ivory MAGWELL Double Diamond with Border Pistol Grips, S&W K Frame Square Butt Oversized with Finger Groves Simulated Ivory Pistol Grips, S&W N Frame Square Butt Oversized Checkered Simulated Ivory Pistol Grips, S&W N Frame Round butt Oversized Conversion Simulated Ivory Pistol Grips, S&W K Frame Round Butt Oversized Checkered Conversion with Finger Grooves Simulated Ivory Pistol Grips, 1911 Simulated Ivory Euro Checkered Pistol Grips, S&W N Frame Square Butt Checkered Simulated Ivory Pistol Grips, S&W K Frame Round Butt Checkered Simulated Ivory Pistol Grips, S&W N Frame Round Butt Oversized Conversion Checkered with Finger Groves Simulated Ivory Pistol Grips, S&W K Frame Square Butt Oversized Checkered with Finger Grooves Simulated Ivory Pistol Grips, Browning Hi-power Checkered Panel Simulated Ivory Grips, 1911 Simulated Ivory COMPACT Model Double Diamond with Border Pistol Grips, Walther PPK-S Contoured for S&W Simulated Ivory Grips, S&W N Frame Round Butt Oversized Conversion Checkered Simulated Ivory Pistol Grips, S&W K Frame Round Butt Oversized Conversion with Finger Grooves Simulated Ivory Pistol Grips, 1911 Extinct Sea Cow Bone Pistol Grips (01), S&W N Frame Round Butt Checkered Simulated Ivory Pistol Grips, S&W K Frame Round Butt Oversized Checkered Conversion Simulated Ivory Pistol Grips, 1911 American Ivory (Imitation Elephant Ivory) Bobtail #1 Pistol Grips, Sign up for our Boone Trading Co. email list and well send you regular notices on new collector items, sale events & more >. The first set was horrible, he said, but he learned from his mistakes and kept trying until he finished a good pair, made of mesquite. Fortunately, working with wood is a less difficult task, and theres less scrap and waste (and therefore, less expense) involved, which is probably why about 80 percent of Scotts work is done in products like French Walnut or burl Mesquite. Each grip is carefully handmade without the use of automated machines. Good bore with strong lands. New Item. An excellent Display stand for showing/displaying pistols either in a collection or at your Gun Show. Even the most pedestrian gun can suddenly look like a movie star with the addition of a handsome set of grips, and a fancy gun just doesnt look right to most folks, unless its wearing a set of custom stocks. Hogue grips generally have their own unique screw assembly mechanism that screws in from the bottom of the grips. Grip Fitting Colt SAA Polymer Grips Colt 51/61 Navy Colt 60 Army and Uberti El Patron Remington Cimarron Thunderer and Lightning Bone and Elk Horn Ruger Smith and Wesson Derringers Automatics Other Grips Escutcheons and Screws Original Antique Jigged Bone Grips for 1873 Colt SAA RJT#6481 $695.00 Proud to see Mr. Kolar keeping our former military members gainfully employed. Revolver grips by Wicked Grips Please click on photo to see product description page before ordering. What had started as a simple project was now quickly bypassing hobby status, and turning into a part-time business for this full-time Air Force officer. Luger Pistol Artillery Stock Iron (REF #U5.A-S) Copyright 2021 md grips - All Rights Reserved. Internally lined with the finest Hainsworth burgundy or Green gun-case baize wool. Please understand that giraffe bone is a natural product and we can only do what it will allow. In the late 90s, Scott wanted a set of custom grips for his Ruger Bisley Blackhawk, but couldnt find any that fit his hand well, so he decided to make his own. Box 275, McGregor, IA 52157, ~ Ring Us at 563-873-2387 or TOll Free at 866-259-9172. Shop all of our G10 revolver grips; Colt Cobra, Kimber K6, Ruger SP101, Ruger GP100, S&W, Taurus Judge, and more. The tusks delaminate in the ground, and once you start sawing, cutting, and drilling the ivory, youll find them and have to scrap the piece. For several guns we also carry the Hogue Rubber bantam grip, which is equivalent to a boot grip. 2004 - 2013 C&C Global P.O. drum was a formidable firearm used for flushing out allied soldiers in the trenches. Most will have some character cracks, but are guaranteed stable. He also wrote the "Tactical Analysis" column at for 8 years. When hes not making exquisite custom grips, hes designing and building the jigs and tooling that they rely on every day. His bone mainstay, however, is even more exotic. Highly recommend! Scotts work was soon showing up regularly in Johns books and articles, and in those of other writers, such as Max Prasac. Scott laughed when he told me that the buyer explained, I want to get a collection of these before youre famous. I guess he could spot talent, early. STYLES OF GRIPS: 1) Classic Panels slot into the grip frame; 2) Boot grips wrap around the grip frame with molding for two fingers below the pointer finger, and pinky hangs off the end of the grip; and 3) Oversize Finger Groove grips wrap around the grip frame with molding for all 3 fingers below the pointer finger, including the pinky. Luger Carbine mahogany Case with Burgundy baize interior brass hinges and lock. Scotts excellent work has also grabbed the attention of several big outfits, and hes signed contracts to produce custom grips for a number of special projects. MATERIALS: For most of our revolvers, we carry simulated Pearl and Bonded Ivory grips, as well as Rosewood, Walnut and Silver/Black grips. All supporting documentation will be shipped with grips. Our Standard Luger Parabellum mahogany Pistol Case which has the same traditional internal features as found on the "Hans Tauscher of New York" Vintage case. BONE:1911 Grips made from the shinbones of big old bulls. $40.00 + $7.50 shipping. Theyre great folks, doing great work. RJT#524, Holster - Texas Shoulder Holster for 7.5 and 8 in Barrels. One-piece single action grips include the spacer and two grip panels. I was particularly impressed with his work, and knew the RevolverGuy audience would love to learn more about his journey and his products, so I was grateful when he agreed to sit down with me for an interview. Pages, photographs and artwork from this site are the sole property of River Junction Trade Co. LLC, and may not be used or reproduced in whole or in part without written permission. 1911 Full Size Thin Profile - Camel Bone $ 193.00. NOTE: For best fit we prefer to have your revolver. Grim Dawn Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. IPAM's partner in Berlin is the newly formed Research Campus MODAL (Mathematical Optimization and Data Analysis Laboratories), which promotes exchange and collaboration between public institutions and private (industrial) partners. I immediately dove into making a set of grips for my cheap buck knife. Please click on photo to see product description page before ordering. Artillery Luger "Lange Pistole" LP-08 Luger Stock board Holster Rig. But the cost was so inexpensive! Scott has SK Custom where he wants it, for now, but that doesnt mean he isnt planning for the future of the company. Our grips recently used on guns for The Colt Custom Gun Shop, The Colt Collectors Association, and also on Nighthawk Custom's top of the line VIP 1911. Welcome to our Instagram Page where you find Pictures and News of Berlin's biggest monthly gay events REVOLVER at KitKat Club / B:EAST and UP. Theres not a lot of guys out there who do what I doyou can probably count them on less than two hands, says Scott, and he has thoroughly enjoyed the journey so far. When you grab a fistful of revolver, the interface between man and machine begins with the grips (or "stocks," if you're a Colt guy) on the gun. Speaking of his workers, Scott started as a one-man operation, but before long, he added a little bit of help in the shop as the part-time operation slowly turned into a full-time operation. Rust Blued and ready to fit. One-of-a-Kinds ~ Antique and Collectibles, Hand made and hand fit bone two piece grips, Shirt - Rough Riders Shirt Cotton Twill Frontier Classics, Men's Hat - TC Hat Body - 10X Felt - Hand Styled, Saloon - Sleeve Stockings Sleeve protectors, Cowboy Riding Roping Wrist Cuffs Border Stamped, 1858 Remington holster Copied from original in the River Junction Collection, Grips ~ 1858 Remington Pietta - Plain grip RJT#487, Grips - Custom Grip fitting service. Close, If you collect Luger Pistols or have a Curio & Relic Licence to own a Luger Pistoland are looking for Parts and accessories. beautiful grips. As things stand right now, theres certainly enough demand to keep SK Custom busy in their chosen niche. Scott says that a defect-free piece of clear mammoth ivory, looks as close to elephant ivory as you can getlike a 50-to-75-year old piece of elephant ivory.. Brand New. something out of the ordinary did happen it is covered. Schofield No.3 CO2 BB/Pellet Revolver Gunmetal with Brown Grips by Bear River (#115701387129), Grips, Custom Faux STAGHORN for Remington 1875 CO2 BB/Pellet Revolver (#115697003725). BONE: 1911 Grips made from the shinbones of big old bulls. They can also make it look like an entirely different gun. P-08 Luger Pistol WW1 - WW2 P08 Model Pistol Grips (REF #L5b) Beautifully made P08 Luger Pistol chequered walnut grips. The Smith & Wesson 547: Ahead of its Time. Scott speculates that he gets a lot of orders for the Freedom Arms guns because the factory offers a relatively limited choice of grips for these near-custom guns. Both the Altamont and Badger grips are secured by a screw that goes in through the side of the grips. Colt Double Action Revolver Grips . mdgrips (178) 100%. Serial Number. They look so similar to ivory and have that slick but warm feel just like ivory. B Air Rifle Repeater NICE - Used (#115705746629). Required Physique: 240 Bobby made 100 of these engraved, case-colored, rimfire masterpieces, and Scott hand-fitted each one of the frames with a set of beautiful, handmade walnut grips. Grips ~ Hand made and hand fit to your gun Bone one piece Grips RJT#4764, Grips ~ Custom Bone Grips -Shown as a One Piece - Click to Enlarge Image. You dont worry about them, breaking though!! Texas Grips is an independently owned business founded by Henry Lance in 2013. GRIPS Elkhorn, Faux, Custom, Schofield No. Legendary Gloves Theres also a possibility that Scott will be working on some grip designs for the Nighthawk-Korth revolvers in North East Custom Outfitters sales inventory. Scott knows about the dangers of working with wood and bone, and was recently cited in an American Handgunner column, by gunsmith Greg Derr, who pointed out that some woods even release toxic oils when sanded, thus adding to the risk. The Hogue Fancy Wood grips are generally either Pau Ferro or Goncalo Alves, which range from a medium to dark Walnut color. We make these ivory colored bone grips here in house and each is a unique, beautiful and one-of-a-kind pair. Buy It Now. All 250 sets of grips were churned out by Scott in just a few monthsit took a big push to get them all out the door, mated to their individual frames, but the results spoke for themselves and established SK Custom Grips as a shop capable of working both small and big jobs. Fast, fair, and friendly! Colt Commando Revolver, Ivory grips B. Rippey : S&W 44 American "The Bangsy Twins" Colt 1908 25ACP : Colt 1903 38 Auto Colt SAA w/gold cross medallion It wasnt long after he started that Scott hung out his shingle as SK Custom Grips, and as the orders started to come in, he found himself dedicating more and more of his off-duty time in the shop. *Renaissance Wax to Preserve, Protect and Restore! Its also nice to see the younger generation be a part of it. Note: We strive to give each customer as much information as possible before they make a purchase. Scott is the owner and operator of SK Custom Grips, and has been transforming chunks of wood and bone into functional works of art for over twenty years. This is the best on the market, a very high quality reproduction. WW1 Imperial German Artillery Luger Pistol Snail drum magazine & loader carrier. Bonded Ivory grips are also made from a plastic polymer and look like real aged ivory. AAA+++ Experience! "Channeling necromancer's gloves that still retain some of the mage's grisly power.". In example, the worlds largest Nighthawk Custom retailer, North East Custom Outfitters (contact information, below), has asked Scott to build grips for their full inventory of Nighthawk Custom 1911s, to include custom ivories and even some grips made from unique materials like old whiskey barrels. They will age very nicely, if you make a habit of rubbing your skin oil on them.STELLER'S SEA COW or WALRUS OOSIK & JAWBONE: Made from Extinct Steller Sea Cow, Walrus jaw bone and Oosik (walrus penile bone!) later, the grips are still in great shape. Dog chews? These grips are made of very dense hard natural bone and will age just like Ivory over time. To start with, SK Custom just moved into a new and larger facility that will provide the space they need to meet growing demand. Mon - Fri: 09:30 - 17:00 (GMT) If you do not see a Luger pistol in our inventory that meets your requirements we have others in stock. Read more Payment Information We accept PayPal and all major credit cards. The reddish-stain that the Italians had used to excess hid any trace of the woods grain, and Taffin hoped Scott could refinish them, and make them attractive and useful again. All numbers match with the exception of the extractor and Magazine clip. Colt Python, Official Police, and 2021 Anaconda Grips ; Colt Pre '66 Cobra and Detective . The cracks add a unique character to each grip. Replacement grips fitted for all Luger Pistols (except grip safety model). . $32.50 + $5.70 shipping. Matching Walnut Shoulder Stock & Forend with rust blued swivels. Such is the magic of a good set of grips, so I was exceptionally pleased to meet one of the industrys best masters of the grip making craft, Scott Kolar. He also has some inventory to work from. The only way to improve that connection is through a better grip. Heritage Rough Rider Faux Jigged Ivory Grips ONE OF A KIND!! We can fit these natural bone grips on most revolver as a one piece grip or two piece if you like. The shape of the frame certainly has significant bearing on how the gun will feel in your hand, but a good set of grips can make it feel like an entirely different beast. John is a shooter, and doesnt baby the guns. 1911 Simulated Ivory COMPACT Model Pistol Grips - Temporarily Out of Stock. Comes with belt loops for wearing on the hip and carrying the Wooden shoulder stock or butt stock. These grips are made of very dense hard natural bone and will age just like Ivory over time. The wood wasnt as high of a grade as the Tyler guns, but it was still beautiful, said Scott. I loved that it was American Bison bone, but Scott said that it has become crazy expensive because companies are paying high prices for it to be made into dog chews! Home; Guns. Item Level: 58, Barrowholm Coven of Ugdenbog Malmouth Resistance Aetherial Vanguard, Cult of Bysmiel Cult of Dreeg Cult of Solael Eldritch Horrors. Copyright 1995-2023 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. Just look at the stunning colors and patterns in the photos, and youll understand. Our grips are made with our proprietary G-10 material in multiple textures and colors so you can find the right grip to customize your pistol. Hes a real craftsman and a real gentleman, as well. The look of a giraffe bone. Im going to have to find a way to redeem myself. To find out more about how we can create a grips for your gun, call us today at (615) 613-3552. These folks were not on my radar but they darned sure are now. Giraffe bone, being extremely dense, makes a very strong, long lasting material to use for pistol grips. ; ^ ). Giraffe bone also can be large enough to produce most styles of grips so the possibilities are endless. We have found that the giraffe bone can range in color from a solid white to a creamy yellow. Bonescavenger's Deathgrips are a Legendary Hand Armor. The shape of the frame certainly has significant bearing on how the gun will feel in your hand, but a good set of grips can make it feel like an entirely different beast. Can only be shipped within the State of Texas . Period. These grips have soul. 1911 Magwell Giraffe Bone $ 213.00. The current academic partners of MODAL are the Free University of Berlin (FU Berlin) and the Konrad-Zuse Zentrum . He takes great pride in being part of a small club of craftsmen doing this kind of work. $74.99. While Scott started his grip making journey with mesquite, hes since worked with just about every species of wood in the world, as well as animal bone. Unfortunately, hell encounter even more losses when he actually starts to work with the material, because there are many interior flaws waiting to be discovered in the ivory. Box 22222 San Diego, CA 92192-2222 Phone: 858-997-5138. Those types dont hang out here much, though. Not looking for a revolver grip? Artillery Luger Shoulder Stock with Leather Holster. Uberti / Cimarron Model P Maple Spalted with scroll work $ 183.00. Without a doubt his are the most gorgeous examples Ive ever seen. The handgun grip is the user's connection to the gun. Bench Test Fired with 32 rounds and functions perfectly. Opens in a new window or tab. Our grips are made with our proprietary G-10 material in multiple textures and colors so you can find the right grip to customize your pistol. It is often hard to tell the difference between the Bonded Ivory and real ivory grips unless you look at the underside of the grips. Its inspiring to see men that are willing to go the extra mile to provide true craftsmanship in the good enough is good enough world that we live in! I think the OEM wood and micarta grips are well-made and functional, even attractive, but the guns are so uniformly excellent that they probably deserve a higher grade of grip than you can get from the manufacturer. He was surprised when a fellow forum member immediately offered to buy them, and even more surprised when the gentleman offered to contract for ten sets, total. Scott advises that current lead times are only about two to three weeks for revolver grips, which is unheard of in the industry, but encourages customers to contact him for a more reliable estimate, when theyre ready to start the process. Giraffe bone is truly spectacular and make absolutely beautiful grips. Scotts work gained more attention on the forum, and soon he was approached by gunwriter John Taffin, who wondered if he could do something with a box full of Italian, SAA clone grips that Taffin had immediately replaced with better looking alternatives. If you are not comfortable with that, we can work from your original grips. Too bad he has such a hard time getting it now. Bobby insisted on the very best walnut for the RSSE project, Scott said, and they really turned out great.. Over 20 years, and 10,000 rounds (Wow!) A friend told a friend and after numerous referrals, Texas Grips was born. Thanks for understanding!, WEBSITE DESIGN & DEVELOPMENT BY CENTER FIRE CREATIVE, 1911 Officers model compact THIN Art grips. Having tinkered with furniture-making projects for many years, and struggled with many gnarly types of wood, I can appreciate the difficulty that Scott has with cutting and shaping mammoth ivory handgun grips. "Note: We strive to give each customer as much information as possible before they make a purchase. Note that the enemy must be killed by the player, not a pet. 645 Armor, Required Player Level: 58 Pearl grips are often available in white, pink and black pearl and are made from a plastic polymer to enhance durability. MAGWELL, STANDARD OR BOBTAILAll Magwell grips can be turned into Standard or Bobtail grips and Standard grips can be turned into Bobtails (at no additional cost). The suppliers dont sort the good cuts from the bad cuts, so theres a lot of waste in purchasing the mammoth ivoryI usually expect a 50 percent attrition rate when buying 100 to 200 blocks, he says. Heavy grain brown Leather front and flap with internal pouches for four magazines. Wood colour and grain may vary. In example, he still has a supply of French Walnut blanks from a lucky find, in Washington state, from about 30 years ago. We have been making the best pistol grips since 2003. 100% Customer Satisfaction hand fit, filed, sanded, and polished 100% Customer Satisfaction Steller's Sea Cows were discovered by Georg Steller in 1741 in the Bering Sea and were extinct by the 1770's. Finding Grips for Your Smith & Wesson Revolver: Part A: Need to know the Grip Frame (J, K, L, N, or X), and whether you have a Round Butt or Square Butt. Every Hogue product from handgun grips to long gun stocks to specialty knives to gear and accessories is built in the spirit of fine craftsmanship, attention to detail and complete dedication to the legacy of founder Guy Hogue, carried into the next generation by his sons Aaron and . *Renaissance Wax to Preserve, Protect and Restore! Use the energy of a recent kill to call forth a tormented spirit to aid you. Scott says SK Custom has made thousands of grips for 1911s, and revolvers from Colt, Ruger, and Smith & Wesson, but one of the curious standouts was the high number of Freedom Arms revolver orders theyve received. All our Luger P08 pistols are live and can be deactivated (to order) should the customers not have the required licence to hold such. Determining Grip Frame (Using Model Number): Need the model number, which should be stamped in the metal above the hinge as you open the cylinder. Scott did the work, and Taffin liked it so much that he did an article on the refinishing job, and soon placed orders for giraffe bone 1911 grips and more revolver grips, which Scott was happy to fill. Complete with mounting screws. Great article on some outstanding craftsmanship. We also carry medallions that will further enhance the beauty of the giraffe bone grips. Order Mammoth Ivory for International. STYLES OF GRIPS: 1) Classic Panels - slot into the grip frame; 2) Boot grips - wrap around the grip frame with molding for two fingers below the pointer finger, and pinky hangs off the end of the grip; and 3) Oversize Finger Groove grips - wrap around the grip frame with molding for all 3 fingers below the pointer finger, including the pinky. Mammoth ivory is increasingly expensive, though, and theres a lot of waste and scrap involved in working with the material. As Scott explains, most sellers require a minimum order of 100 blocks, but a full 30% or more of them may not be any good, and will go in the trash. Thanks for the personal testimony about Scotts great work! LP08 Luger Artillery Adjustable Rear sight. Lieutenant Colonel (Ret.) We have a gallery of pictures added to our grip page (click on grips tab on left), that we will be continuously adding to showcase our grip work. Hats off to both John and Scott for the accomplishment! We have been searching years to find one of these extremely rare Artillery Luger pistol snail drum carriers which are rarer than the artillery drum or loader itself. Graduate-Level Research in Industrial Projects for Students (GRIPS) will offer grad uate students in mathematics and related disciplines the opportunity to work on industry-sponsored research problems. The Lipseys Exclusive Ruger RSSEs were not engraved, but featured Bobbys case-colored hammer and trigger, and Scotts walnut grips. Let me know. We alway have a good selection of Sect 7 and 5 collectors grade investment Luger pistols in stock. 1911 Full Size - Mammoth Ivory $ 458.00. Excited by his accomplishment, Scott posted a picture of them on the Sixgunner Forum, to share with his new friends there. The Artillery Luger Pistol armed with the 32 round Snail T.M. After seeing a Mesquite wood table that Henry built, a friend asked him to make a set of Mesquite 1911 grips. Soon, he was making grips for the likes of Dave Clements, Hamilton Bowen, Andy Horvath, and the late, John Gallagher, among others. We have a variety of styles and colors available to fit your diverse needs. 1911 Full Size - Elephant Ivory Grips. We want to stick with doing unusual, high-end productsthe kind that you wont find duplicated on the other guys gun, when youre at the range., Theres a place for production-level products, like Altamont or Eagle Grips, but thats not who we are.. Offering Over 3000 Reproduction U.S. & Foreign Grips, Butt Plates & Grip Caps Manufacturing the Finest Quality Reproduction Gun Grips & Butt Plates for 46 years. Getting a Grasp on Bone Gun GripsMany thanks to Jim, Paul and the staff at River Junction Trading Co.: http://www.riverjunction.comThanks to JoeGoaUkEXTRA fo. We enjoy working with individual customers, and dont want to be dragged into doing high-volume work, he said. Maybe it has to do with the changing profile of gun owners, that is, the ones who are really into ugly black plastic firearms. These Full Size 1911 grips are made of vintage Elephant Ivory, legally harvested prior to the 1989 import ban on ivory. Some grips have both options listed. Replacement grips fitted for all Luger Pistols (except grip safety model). Includes:European Walnut Stock with rust blued attaching iron, straw colour locking lever. Revolver Party Events Berlin. . Solid Walnut Wood Luger Pistol Presentation Cases Boxes. When you grab a fistful of revolver, the interface between man and machine begins with the grips (or stocks, if youre a Colt guy) on the gun. Scott also hand-fitted the grips on each of the 150 extra guns that were produced as Lipseys Guns Exclusives. 775-553-2233 702-275-7077. Perhaps an article on a leather maker will do the trick? Patrick is dedicated to making the very finest Elk, Bone, and Horn grips available today, regardless of the price. We also carry, medallions that will further enhance the beauty, of the giraffe bone grips. Most revolver grips that mount with a screw include installation of the screw-mounting kit. SCREW MECHANISMS: We supply screws for all of our revolver grips. We Can No Longer Order From Our Pre-Ban Supplier. The best damn pistol ever designed. Welcome to Hogue, Inc., home to a proud family tradition of American quality and innovation since 1968. We can fit these natural bone grips on most revolver as a one piece grip or two piece if you like. View Product. Im always grateful for the comments, and LOVE hearing from the readers, but dont judge an articles success by them! Fitted for the LP08 Luger Artillery Pistol or Navy Luger Pistol with Wooden Shoulder stock-board. Thanks for writing! Artillery 9mm Luger Pistol Stock flat-board.
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