out of boosters. Cardmarket uses cookies and other related tools. For the effects of cards like Astarion, the Decadent and Archfiend of Despair, all loss of life is measured by the variation of the life in that turn (also known as life swing). Scryfall is not produced by or endorsed by these services. Maybe even sign in blood. Compare Mind Twist I'm pretty sure they know what they are doing. What happens when I remove Mistbind Clique with its champion trigger still on the stack? It's that important. Another staple in Cube and eternal formats, Reanimate is the cheapest way to put a creature from your graveyard onto the battlefield. 5 out of 5 stars (1,997) Sale Price $4.70 $ 4.70 $ 5.54 Original Price $5.54 . I paid half that!" The downside is that youll lose life equal to the converted mana cost of the card you just received. is a nonbo. When Stronghold Arena enters the battlefield, you gain 3 life for each time it was kicked. Compare Dark Confidant It contains the spells you know and the creatures you can summon to fight for you. I support WotC's goal of shaping Modern in favor of diversity. Ravnica: Dark Confidant Add To Wishlist Restock Notice Gatherer & Rulings NM EX VG G 4 available $17.84 Add to Cart Sell your Dark Confidant Switch to Foil Other Versions Show All Versions Customers who purchased Ravnica: Dark Confidant also bought. A fair point, but there are lots of non-Tymna decks running Bob. Half your opponents life is fine as a punishment, especially in EDH where the life totals are huge. Here are cards like Dark Confidant in Standard format: View More / Advanced Search Options. Dark Confidant is legal in the following formats: Commander Duel-Commander Legacy Modern Vintage Dark Confidant related themes & tags Black Creature Humans Wizards Topdeck Dark Confidant Decks A list of the most recent MTG decks using Dark Confidant available on MTG decks website. 6. The prevalence of cheap removal spells like Lightning Bolt and Fatal Push are very good against him. And those who aren't behind him quit being a noob! Popular posts: Why is Sundering Titan Banned in Commander? You can't say, they're both two amazing cards that do two different things that are both absolutely crucial. In a mono-black deck, one that has some higher-CMC cards, I could very easily see Phyrexian Arena #9. Singles. In every zone except the stack, the characteristics of a split card are those of its two halves combined. As the example shows, the mana cost and converted mana cost of a split card is only the combined mana costs or converted mana costs of its two halves when it's not on the stack or when it's fused. is just simple quicker, I've also learned to play black, u simply have to kill the opponent faster than u kill yourself. Either way, you run the risk of then having to make the turn 4 choice between whichever card you held up and something like Olivia Voldaren If you accept all cookies, we will transfer your data to our partners, who will aggregate this data with other website data about you. Thanks APPLE01DOJ and sylvannos, I'll see what I can do We can consider this closed, thanks to all who posted. Card Name Dark Confidant. is copyright Wizards of the Coast, LLC, a subsidiary of Hasbro, Inc. This is a change from previous rules. If you cast Assault, the resulting spell is a red spell with a converted mana cost of 1. Does Exchanging Life Totals Cause Loss of Life? Vendetta is a very efficient removal spell, but there are typically better alternatives available. Only by having no hand at all, which red aggro can do well, does Blood Scrivener Oh, I'm well aware of its limitations. I've found that Dark Confidant You Do Your Best To Hide The Good Parts of Yourself 4. being a justifiable consideration. Commander ninjutsu effectively dodges commander tax, and you can replay Yuriko for whenever you attack with an evasive creature. Flip The data for that post (which you can look at here) lists the number of times games ended on particular turns. She continues to force Nymeria down into her crotch, and though there's a beat where the other girl is clearly recovering from Podrick's size in her ass, eventually her tongue starts back up. It was the word "new" that threw me off. Well, partially it is because a simple 2-for-1 isn't particularly appealing - in a format with Ad Nauseum, Necropotence, Rhystic Study, Sylvan Library, etc, there isn't much need for a simple +1. s at inopportune times to make sure you draw extra. If you cast Assault, the resulting spell is a red spell with a converted mana cost of 1. He works with Tymna, he dies to Skullclamp, as a 2/1 he can block a lot of relevant creatures, etc. All rights reserved. Since youll take damage from Dark Confidant for any card drawn that costs mana to play, its best to put a card with low mana cost 1st and high mana cost 2nd so youll take as little damage as possible. Generally Dark Confidant changes the curve of the deck is means if it flips over for 3-4, you can run Dark Confidant at them for 2 and no loss of tempo. ERROR: CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW WITH DATA cannot be executed from a function, Recovering from a blunder I made while emailing a professor. The variance aspect of the game however, can be somewhat polarizing. Entdecke WOTC MtG Double Masters Dark Confidant (MR) NM in groer Auswahl Vergleichen Angebote und Preise Online kaufen bei eBay Kostenlose Lieferung fr viele Artikel! MTG Dark Confidant - Modern Masters 2015 Card # 75 Magic Cards Bob | Toys & Hobbies, Collectible Card Games, CCG Individual Cards | eBay! You get card advantage, drain life, and your opponent loses something when the card enters the battlefield. Considering most of the decks were minimum 400 dollars at the time. Not to mention that theres always the second and third Rhino coming. This site 2023 TappedOut.net, LLC You can exile up to two cards and drain your opponent for two life if it transforms. Even then, that R/B hyper-aggro deck would still want Dark Confidant Definitely agree. This is a subreddit dedicated to playing the Commander format of Magic: The Gathering at the highest power level possible. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. It's all about the downside of Bob versus the upside. of Versions 7 Available from 11,50 Price Trend 17,19 Rules Text $17.99) Condition: (Required) Near Mint. So for 8 fetchlands and those 8 staples, you're already over 1k. The downside is that you'll lose life equal to the converted mana cost of the card you just received. Assuming we get him out on Turn 2, and assuming no removal, Bob will draw two cards over two turns with reasonable consistency. Dark Confidant in the 2007 Pro Tour Season, Michael Belfatto's MBA 8th Place GP Columbus, Vitor Dama de Rosa's sideboard Worlds Legacy, O'Mahoney-Schwartz maindeck Worlds Legacy. That's $840. This card is such a lifedrainer in EDH. Contents 1 "Bob" I must admit, I'm picking up a playset of Bobs atm, all new art for my cube and my next deck project which is gonna be jund or bug. Edition: Double Masters. @ Matsi883 confused why you would link that? @wesdfgfgd Why not? would be a decent alternative. And Melira pod does not cost that much Hell My kiki Pod with most of it foiled out and a Higher price in lands Didnt run that much. Privacy Policy. After a long hiatus, he now plays mostly MTG Arena Standard and Limited. I play in a similar meta, and can confirm that he is an all star if you can get the game to go longer than turn 5 (which honestly isn't that rare anymore now that Flash is gone). With Blood Artist active each creature that dies (not just yours) results in lifegain for you, and lifeloss for your opponent. With Arena you'd still lose 1. He explained it perfectly. Why would you want to limit your card selection if you aren't playing a game that requires those limitations? Nimbus Maze: Got Blue but Need White? Tappedout has no idea how to play Magic, confirmed. It was also totally worth the surprised looks on people's faces when they "knew" I had no outs, just for me to slam a titan down on them and take over the game. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Not the answer you're looking for? In this case, I think it's worth much more than a quarter point of life per turn, too. The kicker for Blood Tribute is very doable in vampire decks, or if your commander is a vampire. . I think the downside is getting accentuated and the upside is more subtle than is easily understood. A 6/5 flying demon is good. , but that alone is $240. Also a lot less players makes for better demand / supply issues. Not approved/endorsed by Wizards. DMCA requests | DMCA requests | Yup, this. You lose life equal to its converted mana cost. Help | Let's talk about this. With this hand, the Jund player can use his mana very efficiently, playing Bob on turn 2, drawing a card on turn 3, and then playing Lili that turn. To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. What does Counterbalance counter, when revealing a split card? Yeah, that's the problemthe cheap (CMC-wise) aggro decks like Dark Confidant Absolutely no guarantee is made for any price information. Debt to the Deathless | Illustration by Seb McKinnon. That extra B mana makes all the difference, in tempo, splashing, impact etc. For more information, please see our Can get cheaper threw trades and eBay deals. Required fields are marked *. I've been using the Arena and. JAVASCRIPT IS DISABLED. 8 one-drops, 7 two-drops, 6 three-drops, 5 four-drops, 9 five-drops, 25 lands. Delivered tomorrow*; Customer rating: 9.2 Unless you get some other value out of them therefore (Hi Najeela) I'm even more skeptical of them than of Bob, since I think it likely that they draw you fewer cards overall. Well, thats all from me on life loss. . lol Is this a real question? So if the player had 25 life at the beginning of the turn and ended the turn with 15 life, they effectively lost 10 life. 708.4. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. While these draw outlets are slow in the manner that they take a turn to come online and only draw one card per turn, that's still a ton of card advantage. Blocks Tymna, too. In every zone except the stack, the characteristics of a split card are those of its two halves combined. Card prices and promotional offers represent daily estimates and/or market values provided by our affiliates. Artists proofs are CCG cards with blank white backs, printed by Wizards of the Coast and issued only to the artists. Don't use split cards with the new dark confidant vampire! What is the purpose of this D-shaped ring at the base of the tongue on my hiking boots? Bile Blight: Disease Targeting a Specific Creature Type. The reason I use TCG Mid is becausewell, we need a standard somewhere. Dark Confidant My choice is "play a worse version of a deck that wants Bob" or "play a deck that doesn't want Bob at all", and I've chosen the latter. Terms of Use | 708.4b The mana cost of a split card is the combined mana costs of its two halves. Life loss is different from damage in the rules, although the effects are mostly the same. My local meta runs alot of these pieces to limit alot of value engines (rhystic, fish, thrassios etc). eBay item number: 234898901862. You cast Mind Rot and knock two cards out of your opponent's hand. Exquisite Blood and Sanguine Bond are enchantments that go well together. Then you have to decide which 3-drop to play on turn three, making the unenviable choice of delaying your draw engine and Lili by a turn each, or delaying your draw engine by two turns. From the rules: Specifically regarding CMC (emphasis mine): Example: Assault/Batterys mana cost is {3}{R}{G}. The strategic implications of Magic are intricate and complicated. in paper and on MTGO. The second upgrade to the class deals enough damage to be worth it, especially alongside Gray Merchant of Asphodel. Deathrite Shaman unites ramp, graveyard hate, and a win condition all in the same 1-drop. The pros do recognize the power of Arena. Here we go! Reanimate (Commander Collection: Black) | Illustration by Nils Hamm. He holds swords when relevant. Is Loss of Life Considered Noncombat Damage? You lose life equal to its mana value. as well.. but if you're on a budget, Blood Scrivener Dealing damage and losing life are separate effects, with different rulings for each case. Free shipping for many products! Jason Krell February 22, 2023. . That's why I said "You could easily have to skip standard for the next few years just to fund a single modern deck.". . You lose life equal to its mana value. It might only run a playset each of Marsh Flats OT: Comparing Dark Confidant In fact, compared to all the other ubiquitous card advantage engines Bob falls short. The Scarab God makes your opponents lose X life, where X is the number of zombies you control. Dark tutleage and phyrexian arena. Graveyard Trespasser / Graveyard Glutton. Dark Confidant itself isn't a cheap card, either, and there may be a reluctance of letting go of something so expensive that has been a Jund mainstay for years. Ravnica: City of Guilds. The challenge is to have enough demons on the battlefield for it to be better. On top of this, the one or 2 cards you draw from Bob can be just enough to stop a win or win yourself, and if it goes past these number of turns, it becomes even more value. A limit involving the quotient of two sums, Short story taking place on a toroidal planet or moon involving flying, Norm of an integral operator involving linear and exponential terms. That's all neither here nor there though. How does priority of triggered abilities and state based actions work together? I don't have the ~$160 to buy a play set now. Thread locked. This is where you can withdraw your consent to the various types of cookies on the website. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. I understand it has a huge price tag but you can get a set for about 200 on eBay. @ Krayhaft its a preference thing you can make all the arguments and excuses in the world what it boils down to is If you want it or not and what your willing to do to make it happen. Do roots of these polynomials approach the negative of the Euler-Mascheroni constant? Even before that, the immediate value generated by Whisper has significant value. I run Junk Aristocrats in standard too, and I run Melira Pod in Modern. Dark Confidant (Custom Card Alternate Art) ad vertisement by MagicLCreations Ad from shop MagicLCreations MagicLCreations From shop MagicLCreations. Saying DC is weaker than Liliana is almost impossible. Despite this, Night's Whisper doesn't see much cEDH play. February 6, 8. Description: At the beginning of your upkeep, reveal the top card of your library and put that card into your hand. Enchantment. But you're building a legacy deck. And it's not really excuses, I'm just putting numbers down. Replacement For Dark Confidant. Can airtags be tracked from an iMac desktop, with no iPhone? + Dark Confidant Dark Confidant: At the beginning of your upkeep, reveal the top card of your library and put that card into your hand. Dark Confidant {1} {B} Creature Human Wizard At the beginning of your upkeep, reveal the top card of your library and put that card into your hand. It was overexaggerated, but I was going off of the price differences between standard and modern decks. Poverty cay . Card Text: At the beginning of your upkeep, reveal the top card of your library and put that card into your hand. I play B/G/R(Jund colors) in modern, my deck was around $300 to build. It only takes a minute to sign up. Well im gunna work on getting them in the deck, the general consensus is that Dark Confidant No one can dispute that Bob is an incredibly powerful card but given the way that most games end near Turn 5, has the meta outpaced Dark Confidant? I think the biggest impediment to understanding here is making assumptions. So yes, I believe you can easily have to skip a few years of standard just to fund a modern deck. Dark Confidant was reprinted in Modern Masters. I wouldn't advise Blood Scrivener over Blood Scrivener I was surprised to see a card like [[Dark Confidant]] come back at such a hefty price for the ability that it has. Bob gets around alot of effects that prevent you from drawing cards, Narset, notion thief etc. Senseis Divining Top lets you pay 1 mana to look at the top 3 cards of your library and put them in any order. Fourth turn: This turn we play two two-drops and one land, which means we desire 20 of each in the deck, for a total of 52 cards. A split cards colors and converted mana cost are determined from its combined mana cost. Your deck of cards represents all the weapons in your arsenal. Feed the Swarm is like a more expensive but more flexible Vendetta. 1) If Dark Confidant hits a land, you take no damage. Please enable JavaScript to get the best experience from this site. Judge Gift Cards. I know I just bought it from tcgplayer. And if all 3 cards all have relatively high mana costs, you can tap to put the Divining Top right on top of your library and only take 1 damage when you draw it (since its mana cost is 1. TappedOut.js Blog Widget.
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