Following graduation, he accepted a job at C. Sharps Arms in Montana, where he still works full time as a stockmaker and gunsmith. Cosmoline is petroleum-based rust and corrosion-inhibiting grease. Boil and reoil the smaller metal parts. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION:Cosmoline Remover is a solvent-based industrial cleaner specifically formulated to quickly & effectively remove all types of Cosmoline and other petroleum-based transportation and storage coatings. It's also called "dry chemical". . Once youve got your barrel and receiver assembly cleaned up, you can check on your sweaty wood bois and see where theyre at. While really bad cosmoline build-up might require a few steps further than a field stripping for whatever rifle youre working on. Once youve got all of the surface cosmoline more or less handled, youll want to really start tackling the goo in all of the nooks and crannies of the receiver. This can be done with a simple rag and some elbow grease. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Once it's clean, remove the bolt assembly from the water and place it on a towel. Took me less than an hour. old nasty cosmoline removal? - NASIOC The cleaning process begins with removing as much of the Cosmoline as possible. There are other considerations that you think about if tackling this task. I've been researching some products that can remove the yellowish cosmoline thats baked onto the bay and have found some good reviews on Zymol Strik. However, I do not recommend doing it indoors; outside or in a garage is best. If you'd like to consider an effective Cosmoline Remover in aerosol, please see our, RP-342 "HEAVY" Military-Grade Rust Preventive Spray, COMBO OFFER: RP-342 Aerosols (Mix & Match), Cosmoline Direct VCI Paper Rolls (for Ferrous Metals), Cosmoline Direct VCI Industrial Paper Sheets (Pre-Cut). They cost around $20 if you want something cheap. It is used for undercoating and preventing the damages in a car caused by driving on roads. This process is simple but very messy and should be done in a well-ventilated area. Strips the finish and removes the cosmoline really, really well. Pressure steam and air dry large parts and wipe down with good oil 3 in 1 is good run hoppes#9 thru the bore after steaming and compressed air drying. Ken 1942 GPW Ok, what method is easier. Fact: Over the past few decades, the name Stoddard Solvent was synonymous with all mineral spirits. Cosmoline Cleaner/Gun Cleaner Question - Sawmill Creek Is using WD-40 to Clean Your Gun a Good Idea? - Smart Gun Cleaning Enter your email address to subscribe and receive notifications of new posts by email. Cosmoline Removal for a P38 | Walther Forums I paid $4 for a spray bottle. When cosmoline is exposed to heat and pressure like this, it will essentially bake on the metal surface. The cosmoline coated bumpers and trim was given an extra dose of solvent, then a high temperature pressure washer (yeah, a steam cleaner) was used to remove the cosmoline. Mix denatured alcohol and boiled linseed oil 50/50 and scrub a stock with it using 0000 steel wool. For hand protection I would recommend nitrile gloves. Today, the mineral spirits found in products like ours are more refined and . You can also use another heat source to melt the cosmoline to its liquid condition, such as a heat gun or an oven. You may find the cosmoline caked on the stock, gumming up the receiver and bolt carrier, plugging up the bore, and covering the internal parts of the firearm. Love your family and keep your powder dry, Quote from: dwcopple on July 07, 2014, 07:08:24 AM. Forget the other 'dangerous processes'boil with water, and you're good-as-new! Wipe off the WD40. Be that as it may, your general overall approach to de-gunking your gun is going to be pretty similar no matter how much shit is built up within it. Following a wash-rinse cycle will help coax Cosmoline out from all the crevices and grooves, so repeat the process until your water runs clear and you can handle each part without it feeling greasy or oily. Removing the cosmoline off of this rifle would greatly reduce its value. With repeated heatings and wipe downs you can remove the Cosmoline without damaging the wood. I have used before on other parts kits with paper towels or old cotton rags. Cosmoline Remover - Nothing Removes Cosmoline Better! | Cosmoline Direct This restriction only affects the following Southern California counties: Orange, Riverside, Los Angeles and San Bernardino. Cosmoline Remover - Cosmoline Removal Made Easy - Removes Grease, Wax The water will melt the Cosmoline off the bolt, and the Cosmoline will rise to the surface. Work in small areas and lightly spray the stock with WD-40. It's much cheaper than WD40 or other chemicals and works great. This product hasn't received any reviews yet. Just crank up your water heater to 180 and the cosmoline melts right off. Disassemble the SKS all the way down to clean it properly. There's two main types of cosmoline: RP- 342 and RP- 344 I belive. It should be treated as a bore obstruction and removed prior to firing. The stories of miss steps with gas are legion. Basically this was the in thing to do prior to the plastic wrapping OEM`s use now. It was great stuff. It is safe to work with, cheaper than most products and works extremely well. Now what's the best way to clean the residual WD40 off so I won't have primers getting compromised? Despite being virtually entirely made up of hydrocarbons, the composition varies depending on the crude oil source. You may find that some firearms have been brushed . These two things together will help dislodge and remove the remaining traces of Cosmoline, along with a fair amount of elbow grease. Review SDS for complete safety precautions. For a complete listing of cities,click here. Please avoid producing WW1-era invisible poisons in your shed. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Ehhhh, was my first try with Cosmo. */ After his military service, he attended the Colorado School of Trades(CST) in Lakewood, CO for gunsmithing. I used WD40 to cut the cosmoline on some Yugo Mags. My cosmoline removal device - version 1.0 The protective layer was thick, tough and not easy to remove. Once youve accomplished this, you can move on to the next step. We would rest the muzzle in a 5 gallon bucket to catch the cosmoline filled water. A kitty litter can also remove cosmo in your guns. Brake cleaner does a good job but is very harsh on the skin and can eat some plastics and brake cleaner will remove painted on finishes on some firearms so test first. Purchased a SKS Type 56 that was so loaded with Cosmoline that the sales person would not even touch it. Use soap and water to remove cosmoline: 1. Took days of cleaning for all the original proofs and markings to become visible. I've read that I should use mineral oil or WD40. For the small parts of the weapon, try to soak them first in hot water. Be sure to use a decent gun oil on any moving parts when you reassemble. Kerosene is petroleum-based and will not hurt the metal or metal finish. A heatgun or trashbag works well enough to get the cosmoline out of the stock. Apply some to a rag and patch and wipe down the cosmoline-soaked parts. Once you have removed as much of the Cosmoline as you can, it's time to move on to the next step. We personally used a Lyman sonic cleaner and Lyman solvent, which worked pretty well and got us most of the way there, with only a tiny bit of extraneous scrubbing required afterwords. The cosmoline literally runs off with the water. Gently remove parts and wipe off Cosmoline or move parts back and forth in bath and Cosmoline will start coming off. Removing all of that cosmoline is the first chore to accomplish. Free-floating firing pins, like the one found in AR-15s and the SKS, need to freely float. If you do it right, however, removing cosmoline preservatives can be easier than expected. How would a different solvent such as naphtha fare against the cosmoline? Try simple green first. Because of the general porous nature of wood, chances are pretty decent that a good amount of grease has managed to penetrate the wood fiber itself, even if it retained its original finish. Dont worry too much if you cant actually get to most of the grease yet, just consider this an initial pass thatll make later cleaning a little bit easier. WD-40 does indeed have 50% mineral spirits, but they are refined and purified for specific characteristics needed to meet todays performance, regulatory and safety requirements. I generally disassemble the gun into it's primary components first. But when you have robbed a man of everything, he is no longer in your power he is free again. After hours of scrubbing, you will eventually remove the majority of Cosmoline from the gunbut you cant stop with that. METHOD #1: Wipe with Cloth, Rag or Paper Towel, METHOD #2: Soak Parts in Cosmoline Remover. Cosmoline - in my experience - is stronger, but the cost per can . Simple Green works great on metal parts, particularly in the ultrasonic cleaner. Gently rub area to maximize contact between cleaner and surface. Your Complete Guide to All Things Cosmoline, All the Questions You Need to Ask to Pick the Right Rust Preventative, How to Properly Remove Cosmoline from Military Surplus Firearms, How to Make Your Outdoor Furniture Last Longer. The Fastest, Easiest & Safest Way to Remove Cosmoline (Easy Cosmoline Removal in Seconds)Removing Cosmoline has given people grief since 1939. Repeat this until the patches come out relatively clean. This give us a headstart on polishing those bad boys up or if left long enough, cleans them totally with almost no extra work on your end. The stuff will bubble up as a wonderfully aromatic orange oil like layer on the water. WD 40 and mineral naptha (ligher fluid) are the cosmoline cutters of choice to the home shop machinist. Cosmoline Removal | /k/ - Weapons Wiki | Fandom Drench them in it, let them sit, then rinse them out. You are using an out of date browser. Rem oil would fit the bill although it . By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Originally developed in the late 1800s and marketed as a home disinfectant and veterinary anti-swelling agent, presumably by the same turn of the century physicians inclined to prescribe you cocaine for a staph infection or whatever. It practically dissolves any Cosmoline product in seconds with very little effort. Cosmoline is a petroleum based brown wax. Saturate a clean cloth with Cosmoline Remover. It only has penetrative properties when wet. Stock in a trash bag on a hot day Or mineral spirits scrub down? Now how come some drug dealer/crook can buy one of this things and whamo bamo it works right out of the box?? They were nasty rascals and I had to get creative about decrapping them. If you search "ultrasonic cleaner" on Amazon you can find one identical to the Lyman for $30-$40 cheaper. AK-47 Tips/Tricks, Links, Content and Buyer Guides. After peeling, they leave a greasy film for continued corrosion protection. Hmm, so it's like packing grease. Treat surface with your favorite lube or set up for hot blueing. Cosmoline is a petroleum-based, grease-like rust inhibitor, that is typically used on firearms that are going into long term storage. Crate after crate of Mosin Nagants, Mauser 98s, and everything in between started to arrive in the U.S. for dirt cheap. Wipe it down with a rag with a little denatured alcohol on it. Thank you for the support! Used a brass brush to help clear the heel lettering. By that, you can also grab the tiny residues that were left in the firearm. All ultrasonic cleaners are made in the same factory in the PRC. Always handy to have around for frozen pipes, freezer defrost, melting ice on front steps (or from gutter downspouts) after an ice storm, etc. Used Citristrip on my T53 stock, along with CLP to get the cosmoline out of the metal parts. You n00b! Brake cleaner is pretty nasty even its not in chlorinated form though, so make sure youve got gloves and a well-ventilated area to work in. This is how to remove cosmoline in the most effective and efficient manner from your newly-acquired Moist Nugget or other military surplus firearm. remove all the metal parts, wash it with the hottest water you can tolerate then spray all surfaces with wd40 to prevent rust. However, after three days in salt water, the metal strip was completely rusted, except the top. You just stripped the finish off of your rifle. When I began removing the cosmoline from my new Precision Matthews PM-1440GT lathe, it was a little daunting. There is no need the wood is already sealed, just wipe it down with penetrating oil (PB blaster wd40) and the cosmoline will wipe right off. Not really. It dissolves dried grease and will work its way into openings as small as one-millionth of an inch. From there if youre working on a rifle with wooden components, nows the time to separate them and toss them in a trash bag. WD-40 is a mediocre lubricant and an OK rust preventative. I've done all my cosmo cleanups with mineral spirits, junk toothbrushes, and a heat gun. Lightly go over the parts with the heat gun. These two things will help eliminate the last residues out of your gun. but I'm definitely open to suggestions as well. Despite being virtually entirely made up of hydrocarbons, the composition varies depending on the crude oil source. I strongly urge people to avoid the use of water (at any temperature) on wood. Will not soften, dull, or discolor finishes. Theres no study that cosmoline has a bad effect on rubber. story somewhere on the interwebs (possible urban legend) about some guys during the Battle of the Bulge in WWII who were assigned to strip cosmoline off M2 .50 cal. Fluid Film vs LPS 3 vs WD40 vs Nothing - Jeep Wrangler TJ Forum The old surface grease and grime can be removed with a good cleaning. /* guns & The cleaning process starts by removing as much of the cosmolines as possible. Pick any other cleaning option! Yes, cosmoline is toxic because it is a petroleum-based grease. Corrosion-Resistant ReusablePeel-Away Coatings for Metal. If you plan to fire the firearm, it absolutely needs to be removed for the reason stated above. Although the fine, colorless sprays coating was dry after a week of freshwater sprays, the panel had no rust. Just avoid gasoline as your cleaning solvent as its not advisable to use. Cosmoline removal by armories? - SKS-FILES I'll do better next time. I have used before on other parts kits with paper towels or old cotton rags removing cosmoline - G503 Military Vehicle Message Forums Collector, reloader, amateur gunsmith and CHL holder. We believe our Cosmoline Remover is the most effective solution offered anywhere. Cosmoline Failure? | Bob Is The Oil Guy Cleaning cosmoline off the rifle Military surplus firearms are typically very easy to fully disassemble with minimal tools, making it a pretty painless job. The honest-to-goodness proper way to remove Cosmoline from anything, really, is through working at it.
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