There's so many useless words thrown in there, then there's so many words left out, she said. Matthew Boynton allegedly deprived ex-wife Jessica Lester of her belongings and lied to the authorities about doing so, Griffin police Lt. Michael Natale said in a statement. She also stated that she just wanted her things back, so I informed her that I would do a report on the incident.. Well I couldn't get it for him because I couldn't get it out of his gun holster, she said. GBI director Vernon Keenan wrote a letter indicating the gunshot wound was self-inflicted by Jessica, closing the case. (South Florida Sun Sentinel/TNS) It appears she's been shot in the head. GBI agents, however, have closed her case. But what about that 911 call Matthew made just minutes before the shooting, claiming he got a text from Jessica saying she was going to kill herself? Geez, im no cop , no investigator and know absolutely nothing on how investigations are even done but if the doctors say she wasnt shot what more do they need..that little punk got away with it.please tell me im missing a story and he has been arrested for the attempted murder of his wife.please.and please tell me that every stupid ass cop that had any involvement with this case is no longer a cop..oh and his Grandpa, well i think he needs a little jail rehabilitation as well..i could go on and on, but obviously they wouldnt understand anyway..what a disgrace to all REAL POLICE OFFICERS, this says she was SHOT!!! an officer questions the others. To text back long story I'll tell you later.. But the story is far from over: Jessica now claims the April 15 incident was a staged suicideconstructed by her husband. Running across the parking lot and up the stairs, responding officers head toward the apartment. I do not have any other items of Jessicas.. Especially because of my children. He checks the closet where he keeps his police-issued firearm, but the door is locked. She's breathing, but unresponsive. It was retrieved from the kitchen counter in front of the microwave oven," she probed further. Matthew reads a text from Lt. Curtis Keys, look for police car.. The agent had that phone, I think DeMarco, Chris DeMarco had the phone and they was [sic] trying to get in the gate, and, uh, he accidentally hit, I guess, the last number dialed, called or whatever. In any case GPD/GBI are an absolute embarrassment to the state of GA! A text messages is sent to his phone from Jessica's phone. And neither is Will Sanders, the truck driver spearheading the drive to get justice for Jessica. The ceiling fan's light shines down on Jessica's eyes. They're my everything. It's possible, but I mean it's very doubtful, because he's never hurt me before. He then said the GBI has not indicated to him that the investigation will be reopened. A body-cam captures her inconsolable baby boy in the arms of an officer. Will Sanders also has questions about a crime scene photo showing Matthew's cellphone. Griffin Police Capt. It appears it was self-inflicted. There's no way I could have shot myself in the top of the head and not kill myself. He said the description of a self-inflicted gunshot wound didn't fit, noting her pristine and unmarked hands and calling it a very unusual direction in which to point the gun at one's self with the intention of committing suicide., First of all, the wound that she suffered was toward the vertex of her skull on the right side of her head; this would imply that she shot herself with a gun pointed downward near the top of her skull., The second most striking observation he said he made while assessing Jessica was neither of her hands had any evidence of any gunpowder stippling from gunpowder blowback.. The July 29 arrest of former Griffin Police Department Officer Matthew Boynton stemmed from a theft report filed Dec. 19, 2016, by his former wife, Jessica Lester. Despite what many think is a smoking gun, the GBI agent asking questions proceeds as if Jessica shot herself. The 20-year-old says he's heading to Waffle House for a late night food run with on-duty cop and best. Her ex-husband and former Griffin police officer Matthew Boynton was investigated in the case, but was only charged with making . "It's believed that Jessica entered the closet, closed the door, locked it, turned with her back to the door facing the back wall of the closet, that she held the gun to her head, pulled the trigger," said Sheila. That bullet ends up toward the top left of the closet. "Well I don't know. That was the subject of his charges his statements and writings that we were able to prove were false, Yates said. And its assigned to Matthew. What! This stinks, and the fact remains, it appears he tried to kill his wife, so what are you guys going to do?? Matthew sends another text to his girlfriend, a Spalding County dispatcher, Give me a few. But she doesn't buy it, especially since her head was perfectly laid on a pillow, she said after watching the bodycam footage. Do you think Matthew did something? he asked her bluntly. It was determined that he knowingly provided a false statement relating to the property in question and his possession of (it), Natale said in a release.l Center. Maybe Jessica would remember why and when the door knob was swapped because it happened before that night. "My wound was on the top of my head. Matthew Boynton is clearly hysterical. Bring the little ones for a story every Saturday morning at 11 a.m. to hear Sam's favorite tales. The dining room table along with other items were picked up by Cathy Zellner for Jessica. "Be advised I smell gunsmoke, and I can't get an answer to the door," Boynton says on the call. "I think what happened after they come home from Walmart, Jessica and Matthew got into an argument. And Sanders was beyond fascinated by this one. That phone never got back into the officer's hand. GBI didn't report finding any blood spatter on the closet wall. And, unfortunately it appears those questions will never be answered," Mathews said. He grabs his police radio from the kitchen counter and runs outside and makes a desperate call. The agent then probes Matthew, asking if he has a girlfriend. But someone else did. Jessica Boynton says she's free as a bird'. This screams cover up. A message to Matthews phone is received and marked as read, from his girlfriend--from inside the evidence bag. As part of that case, Lt. Karen Yancy, who leads the GPD Criminal Investigation Division, spoke with Boynton and on Jan. 5, reported, On Dec. 19, 2016, I spoke with Matthew Boynton about these items. They're saying it was self-inflicted, she said. But it's what those body cameras don't record that's raising eyebrows. She told the agent, they were at home when they argued about his girlfriend and the photo that Jessica found on his phone that night. Fast forward to May 11, the day numerous items that reportedly belonged to Lester were turned in to the Griffin Police Department. Just one minute later, Matthewcalls 911, reaching Spalding County dispatch. Jessica's husband and high school sweetheart is Griffin Police Officer Matthew Boynton. He hears a baby crying as he carefully steps into the bedroom where a dark brown crib is situated. Who shot Jessica Boynton? A new podcast investigates | A phone that text messages were sent and received to/from following his recollection of hearing,POP-POP! and running out of the apartment. So if there is no gunshot wound, what really happened inside that closet? This is abuse of power. DeMarco pressed Mathews. | Examine the evidence yourself, calls 911, reaching Spalding County dispatch. "I know for a fact that Jessica was not suicidal," said the neighbor. "I said 'It's Jessica isn't it?' 478-993-3053. "He stated that he heard two shots fired, 'pop pop,' rapid succession," said Sheila Mathews. Absolutely, Matthew assures the agent. Boynton: Can you please dispatch a unit out to my location, in reference to my wife? The neighbor says Jessica started documenting all the sordid details of the affair in her secret red "divorce diary." For the wife of a Georgia police officer, answering that question is unfortunately turning out not to be so simple. Four days later, he appeared in court, wearing his police uniform, and testified that he had been cleared by the GBI in a custody hearing. Im not sure about that. In fact, 68 text messages are exchanged between him and his mistress. She also says she couldn't have written the text because it said "I love you.". [I miss] getting to see them every day and getting to watch them grow more and more into the boys and men that they're going to be someday, Jessica said sobbing. There's so many useless words thrown in there, then there's so many words left out, she said. Get him downstairs, one of the officers whispers to another. 'We're not going to do this in Georgia anymore' | Prosecutor fighting to stop animal abuse, NASCAR star Chase Elliott hurts leg in snowboarding accident, Forecast | Cooler air moving in for the weekend, Metro Atlanta, north Georgia hit with widespread damage after storms produce powerful winds, Who shot the officer's wife? Example video title will go here for this video. Matthew loved being part of the brotherhood. Still peering down at his phone, Matthew also sends a text to his girlfriend, a Spalding County dispatcher. Who does the neighbor think sent that text message to Matthew's phone from Jessica's? Boynton was released from the Spalding County Jail Friday night on a $4,806 cash bond. Inside the closet they also discover Jessica's red "divorce diary." McCune also had Lester write a victims statement. He tells Trammel he left Walmart without Jessica. This, Matthew says to Trammel, is the precursor to an argument the couple also had at Walmart later that night, just after 10 p.m. Once outside, he tells Trammel Jessica refuses to get into the car to go hometelling him she would find another way home and walked back into Walmart. "Matthew. Uh, just my service weapon, he responds, ending the call just a minute later. And I could have been the next target.. Which is very off that this happened, because I never, ever had any thoughts like this before. Police Interrogation and Confession of Matthew Boynton, Wife - YouTube How does Jessica explain the "suicide text" sent from her phone less than 10 minutes before her husband Matthew called 911 in a panic? Or was it? And their "War of the Roses" was about to explode. Her marriage had been crumbling, and she and her husband of six months Matthew Boynton, 20 . Lester recovered from the shooting but doesn't remember any of it. For the next three and a half weeks, Jessica remains in a coma with a traumatic brain injurytubes protruding from her brain to alleviate pressure and fluid. When asked if Boyntons arrest has led him to believe that case should be reopened, Yates said, No. But the report and follow-up interviews with the lead investigator make the case as clear as mud to one reporter in the small town where it happened. If I just would have left my f**king duty belt in the car.. She found a photo on Snapchat of another woman wearing nothing but a towel, with the caption: Shower time.. HLN's 'Real Life Nightmare' episode focuses on Georgia cop, ex-wife Behind the closet door: Crime Watch Daily investigates the Jessica His flashlight's beam reveals a smiling family of four. 11Alive - BREAKING | Matthew Boynton, who was under - Facebook They're re slit open while her head flops from side to side on the beige carpet, as one female EMS works on her. But long hours on the force took its toll on his marriage. Earlier that night Jessica's husband Matthew headed to Waffle House for a late-night bite with a fellow officer, leaving his service weapon . Jessica Boynton, 19, was found lying in a pool of her own . And its inside that closet, where police found her seemingly shot in the head, laying on top of her husbands service weapon. There's little if any visible blood spatter inside the closet. "The only thing that I can tell you is that Matthew Boynton's account of events are not correct.". Matthew says that he told Jessica, I'm not happy anymore and I can't. Until recently, Matthew's grandfather, Wendell Beam, reigned as Spalding County sheriff. [I'm] gonna have to kick that door in Jones relays to the other officers standing on the other side of the closet, barreling through it in just two swift and deliberate kicks. Matthew, grandson of then-sheriff of Spalding County, texts a fellow Griffin Police officer. Man that young girl deserves justice, it really smells like the cop snapped and tried to kill her, especially during the night of interview when he starts talking fast and over explaining his actions like I didnt even wash my hands. I f***ing love her. Both Jessica and Matthew reportedly want a divorce. 11Alive reached out to Officer Matthew Boynton, however, phone calls were not returned. She's even fighting with EMS, dude, the fellow officer tells Matthew. "Really somebody just needs to look at it, somebody of great knowledge of things like this, and then let them tell me what they think," said Jessica Boynton. He tells Trammel that he was in the shower, using his cell phone, when Jessica walked into the bathroom, pulled the shower curtain back and snatched his cell phone. 'Trigger' Griffin Police officer arrested | He was there to tell the court that he wanted to keep Jessica away from him and their two sons, because he said, he feared for their safetybecause she allegedly fired his gun in the house while their boys were home. At the time of the shooting Jessica was looking to make a new start for herself and two young sons. Making his way outside, he calls for assistance over his radio. So I'm trying to hurry and get back home just to make sure that nothing's going to happen to them.. Matthew immediately calls a friend at dispatch. But Yates said the holster is designed to have some retention capability. "Here's where her head was laying. Once the investigation was closed, reporter and publisher, Sheila Mathews, investigated the shooting for her newspaper, The Grip. But Yates told 11Alive, Matthew was not the shooter and trusts the investigation's outcome. Matthew and Jessica's two sons are still inside. Who shot Jessica Boynton? A new podcast investigates - KSDK God damn it, man! However, the GBIs own photographs, search warrant and evidence log all corroborate that the officers phone was on the kitchen counter after Matthew had already left the apartment. Matthew Boynton allegedly deprived ex-wife Jessica Lester of her belongings and lied to the authorities about doing so, Griffin police Lt. Michael Natale said in a statement. Matthew's attorney, however, told the court that Jessica was the one who shot the gun and that initially, Matthew believed that she was shooting at him. "He never re-entered the apartment after that point," said Sheila. nd police notify Jessicas family that she has died. Yeah, if we've got to get the clothes, obviously we'll bring you back up to the apartment for you to get some clothes obviously, says the agent. The shooting occurred on the evening of April 14, 2016. He lied about the lock then he says he kept his gun in there hmmm. The dispatch operator notified Matthew on Facebook, Browning says. John Hayesto turn in many articles of womens clothing and other personal property including an orthodontic retainer. Eventually, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation concluded what they believe happened inside that closet; Matthew Boynton was never charged with any connection in harming his wife. What did Matthew do that he needed covering up? Her mouth covered with a breathing apparatus and several machines attached to her, in an effort to monitor her condition. provided images. Interrogation - Matthew Boynton - Regarding The Shooting Of His Wife nd police notify Jessica's family that she has died. The shooting occurred on the evening of April 14, 2016. A woman who lived across from the couple, who works with law enforcement, agreed to a Crime Watch Daily interview if we protect her identity. The ceiling fan circles on high speed. Matthew Boynton arrested | Ive seen no evidence to indicate that would be necessary, but that does not preclude the GBI or anybody else from doing it if they choose. Above Jessica, pinned to the wall, is a large black letter B for Boynton. Thats what took so long to get it sorted out.. We're going to be doing that to do touch DNA on the gun, and um, and why we're doing that is obviously one to corroborate everything that's what believed happened, and that way it also, it also eliminates the possibility of her family saying, you had something involved in this, or whatever, the GBI agent said to him. He calls out for Jessica, but no answer. The next action noted in the case occurred nearly two months later. To stage a suicide," said the neighbor. Please wear sturdy shoes. GBI/Griffin Police Dept. Her head wound has soaked into the green and white pillow her head is resting onher blood is contained to that one stain and a few nearby drops. Crime Watch Daily reached out to Officer Matthew Boynton and got no response. They hoist her inside. Meet at the Visitor Center. He grabs his police radio, stationed and charging on top of the white microwave in the kitchen, and leaves his phone on the counter. Just minutes after Jessica is airlifted to an Atlanta trauma center, Sheriff Beam asks deputies to deliver the devastating news to Jessica's family that she's dead of an apparent self-inflicted gunshot wound. A message to Matthew's phone is received and marked as read, from his mistress. If the phone was found by the GBI in the kitchenif the phone is on police body camera footage sitting on the counter by the microwave, and he was outside never returning insidehow is it possible for Matthew to text his girlfriend, while he's calling in shots fired while outside of the apartment? Griffin Police officer Matthew Boynton cleared in wife's shooting, but Her bright blues eyes glisten as they well with emotion. During my stay is when my personal belongings were taken and Matthew Boynton (3842) refuses to give them back, Lester stated. It's like I tell them, they make it twice as bad because I'm a cop, Matthew said. After Jessica was shot, Matthew, then-20, was back on duty with his gun on his hip, before key interviews were conducted and the GBI director wrote an official letter about the cases conclusion, stating that the shooting was ruled a suicide.. A Griffin cop finally arrives to take Matthew's formal domestic violence complaint. Did she try to kill herself or shoot herself in the head? One of about 70 messages they exchange throughout the night. Thats what we had to establish, Yates confirmed. Police investigate further and find a gun underneath Jessicas limp body. Then-Griffin Police Department officer Matthew Boynton was arrested on July 28, 2017, for giving a false statement to his own department stating he was not i. "If he would have just been a regular person he would have been taken to jail," said Jessica. "He didn't know if her intent was to kill their child, kill him and then commit suicide," said Sheila. And it's assigned to Matthew, her husband, the cop. Armed with bodycams attached to their uniforms, the officers burst through the door, quickly passing Matthew's phone, a black and grey Verizon LG smartphone, on the kitchen counter. Jessica's alive, but barely. Jessica Boynton's husband says he gets a suicidal text from his estranged wife, so he rushes home, only to hear two gunshots. So I'm trying to hurry and get back home just to make sure that nothing's going to happen to them.. Henderson said in the letter, that he did not believe that Jessica's head injury was the result of a gunshot wound, and furthermore, questioned how she got the injury at all. They're forced to kick it in. "He felt that perhaps it was maybe an anxiety attack. "He believed that the shots he heard fired were fired from his duty weapon," said Sheila Mathews, publisher of The Grip. Like, how hours after the shooting, the phone was put into an evidence bag, sealed and logged into GBI evidence, it was still calling Matthew's girlfriend.
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