GTP Facts: Female. These are het for Charcoal! An attractive ratsnake of an unknown sub-species!! A gorgeous example of this python species. This advert is located in and around These snakes primarily hunt at night and prey in the wild mainly consists of bats and birds, they will wait outside a cave until the bats begin to emerge then strike out at bats that pass them, using the heat sensitive pits on their lips to locate them. Kenyan Sand Boa Gongylophis colubrinus Prices from 120.00 Kenyan Sand Boas are found living within sandy areas of East Africa. A gorgeous semi-aquatic turtle species that can grow up to around 11"! (Pantherophis guttata)CB14 (Nhandu chromatus) CB Approximate Size. Corn snakes are usually friendly and easily handled, and grow to an easily manageable size. A fast lizard with amazing eyes! (Omothymus violaceopes) (Lampropeltis getula splendida) CB11 White and yellow, het eclipse. (Boa constrictor imperator) CB11 (Pantherophis obselatus lindheimeri) CB11 SCIENTIFIC NAME: (Lichanura . Very attractive, small geckos. (Anolis cybotes) Amazing banding in albino form! (Pantherophis guttata) CB20 Fully grown around 5/6ft. Also known as the pacman toad. from $899.00 Sorong Green Tree Pythons. Probably the best starter species. (Leiolepis belliana) Juvi - New world, can be skittish! A very attractive and active snake, can be aggressive!! (fulignosis X maculata)CB11 (Rhacodactylus ciliatus) CB13 A great little colourful alternative to williamsi! A small attractive crab with personality. The popular pet species! An attractive colour morph of the Goins Kingsnake! Here is a selection of some of the animals I have for sale, which will vary with the season and my ability to photograph and post the photos. Probably the best starter species. (Oreocryptophis porphyraceus coxi) (Pandinus imperator) WC no time wasters please, This advert is located in and around (G.rosea) WC Sub-Adult A small fast gecko species! (Pantherophis obselatus quadrivittata) CB12 Juvinile 5-6cm - New world, large species! Very easy to keep. (Python regius) CB22 A stunning species with a very long blue tail! Boas |Other Reptiles |Green Tree Pythons | Motley het VPI and anery ID: boa_motleyhetvpianery_f1 Genetics: Sex: Female Hatched: 2022 Notes: Price: $200 Honduran T+ albino onyx 56" ID: boa_tposonyx_m1 Very attractive and easy to handle. A very attractive alternative to the sliders. Subtle but beautiful markings make this a must have for python enthusiasts. (Elaphe shrenki) CB10 (Pantherophis guttata) CB15 They are ideal for beginners due to their calm and docile nature, they are also relatively small for a Kingsnake species. (Orthriophis taeniurus) CB18 An attractive land hermit crab from the Carribean. Archispirosteptus gigas A stunning scorpion species. By browsing our website without changing the browser settings you grant us permission to store that information on your device. Very active and fast. Not often seen! Your Recent Searches will appear here. This is the Mexican locality. (fulignosis X maculata)CB12 A very striking looking lizard! (Gonglyophis colubrinus) CB13 (Lophognathus temporalis) WC The ground footprint doesnt really need to be large as they usually dont descend to the ground. (Hyperolius marmoratus) CB11 Corn snakes are usually friendly and easily handled, and grow to an easily manageable size. A stunning species a must have for any enthusiast!! (Anteresia maculosa) CB20 Probably the best starter species. Buy now before the export ban! An interesting alternative to the Bull Frog, for those with limited space. An attractive lively skink that grows to around 6" in size! Very attractive! The popular pet species! (Calotes versicolor) Bexhill-on-sea, East Sussex. (Pantherophis guttata) CB21 (Lampropeltis mexicana thayeri)CB11 Can live in groups and prefer to eat snails and slugs. (Stenodactylus stenodactylus) Probably the best starter species. Heteroscdra maculata With hypomelanistic colouration. Very attractive and a nice small size. Tames easily. Corn snakes are usually friendly and easily handled, and grow to an easily manageable size. A white patterned cornsnake with red eyes! A gorgeus kingsnake, with a nice docile temperament. This can be dark emerald green to a brilliant middle green. Also known as Russian ratsnake or Amur Ratsnake. Renowned for being a feisty species and their amazing defense display. Get Free Shipping on our Reptile Products when ordering your new reptile pet. Great for children! Pure jet black specimens! A gorgeous python morph! Amazing banding on this specimin!! (Heterodon nasicus) CB20 Pueblan Milk Snakes are banded with bright colours, this makes them an attractive species to own. Amazing colours and get to a good size too! Male emerald tree boas are typically shorter in length and appear slimmer than females. A very attractively marked arboreal species. (Trachemys scripta scripta) CB16 (Lacerta viridis) Captive bred green tree pythons for sale. (Python reticulatus) (Bufo guttatus) CB Females can get to 12inches, males are smaller. Newport, Yellow neo has been sold only got the red neo available (Sceloporus malichiticus) CB21 (Chromatopelma cyaneopubescens) (Mabuya perroteii) WC Strikingly patterned snakes! The classic king snake, but in albino colouration! (Thamnophis eques cuitzeoensis)CB11 (Dendrobates leucomelas) CB20 Adult Kenyan Sand Boa - 99.99 (SOLD) (Gonglyophis colubrinus) CB06 A small but attractive burrowing species A very active and interesting species. (Lampropeltis getula goini) (Pantherophis guttata) CB10 (Lichanura trivirgata) Adult (Lampropeltis getula floridana) CB13 At their thickest point, most only measure one to two inches in diameter! An attractive, fairly small anole, reaching up to 12.7 cm (5.0 in) in length. specifies any terms which have not been overridden by this Seller's stated policy. (Pterinochilus murinus) A highly popular and well marked species! Well started individuals. An attractive species of a similar size to leopard geckos. (Elaphe dione)CB19 A gorgeous Royal Python morph. Corn Snakes come in a huge variety of colours. A stunning Salmon orange/pink snake, well grown on and established! We are also one of the few breeders that works extensively with the Madagascan Tree Boa (Sanzinia madagascariensis) (Afrixalus enseticola) Substrate can be beech chips, orchid bark vermiculite or peat compost mix, but if using compost you should include a woodlouse or spirngtail culture to keep the mould at bay. Hatch date 22/10/13. (Chlamydosaurus kingii) CB20 A white patterned cornsnake with pink saddles and red eyes! Corn snakes are usually friendly and easily handled, and grow to an easily manageable size. A 4 foot tall chameleon vivarium should suffice, the ideal dimensions should be 36 inches wide by 18 inches deep and 48 inches tall. Leighton Buzzard, Bedfordshire. A gorgeous python morph at an amazingly low price! Corn snakes are usually friendly and easily handled, and grow to an easily manageable size. Buy Direct from the Breeder! There was an error while trying to use the location services. (Lampropeltis triangulum nelsoni) CB11 We use our 20+ years ofcombined experience to supply you the healthiest animals with the best genetics available. A gorgeus morph!! A more docile alternative to Tokays! Probably the best starter species. A large and easily tamed skink which make great pets. (Epicrates cenchria) CB10 Beautifully marked species. Smaller, so a great alternative to the bearded dragon. These Bright Emerald Green Boas Make For Excellent Display . (Phrynomantis bifasciatus) WC Corn snakes are usually friendly and easily handled, and grow to an easily manageable size. Fun Emerald Tree Boa Facts For Kids | Kidadl (Poecilotheria ornata) (Lampropeltis triangulum campbelli‎) CB13 Very rarely available in the UK! One of the larger milksnake species. Our Hypo boa's are beautiful and defined by their $169. Semi Aquatic and easy to keep. (Uromastyx acanthinurus) CB10 I will also take males. An inquisitive king snake with perfect patterning! (Pantherophis guttata) CB22 Bearded dragons are one of the most widely kept lizard species and make excellent kids pets. STRIKE FEEDS. Stunning bright red frogs! (Aphonopelma chalcodes) Amazing colours, especially the males! (Pantherophis guttata) CB19 green tree python - Reptiles, Rehome Buy and Sell | Preloved (Phelsuma lineata) CB20 (Epipedobates tricolor) CB10 I agree Stunning! (Rhinoclemmys pulcherrima manni) WC (Pantherophis guttata) CB17 Grown on at around 4 1/2 feet in length. (Lampropeltis getula californae) CB11 We are able to deliver weekdays and weekends at a time to suit you. Copyright 1997 2021 Moo Limited. A European watersnake species closely related to the Grass snake. 100% Het Stripe/66% het anery/50% het hypo&sunkissed. Very small and attractively marked frogs. A proven adult Female! We like to know who we are talking to so we can properly address you and like to know where you are located so we can determine if delivery to you is possible and before we embark on discussing any potential sale.-PaymentsYou can pay by Credit / Debit card / PayPal and animals must be paid for in full and funds cleared prior to delivery being arranged.-Payment PlansWe appreciate that some of the snakes we offer for sale represent a sizeable purchase. (Timon tangitanus) CB12 (Pantherophis spiloides) CB20 Spiderling - Terrestrial new world, (Brachypelma auratum) A large attractive and docile snake. Emerald Tree Boa (Corallus caninus) . An attractive land hermit crab from the Carribean. A jet black spider with bright red hairs on its rump. A beautiful but chunky python. An awesome looking lively species! (Pantherophis guttata) CB12 Blueline green tree python - amazing genetics. Keep an eye on the weight of your snake and adjust the diet accordingly. (Pseudemys peninsularis) CB12 (Ceratophrys cranwelli)CB22 Probably the best starter species. Juvi - New world, a large beautiful species! A large and beautiful lizard with a docile temperament. New A d 1,000 ONO For Sale Green tree python Sorong for sale Hayes, England 4 days ago 600 For Sale Biak x Cyclops Green tree Python Bishops Stortford, Hertfordshire 32 days ago 650 Offers Above For Sale Green tree python female Biak high yellow 5yrs Woodley, Cheshire 1 day ago 150 Each For Sale Black vivarium for green tree python Bearded dragons are one of the most widely kept lizard species and make excellent kids pets. Caulker Cay Boa For Sale - Green Tree Python Life Span. A very attratcively mottled toad. Purchase these beautiful exotic reptiles that are eating regularly. (Rhacophorus leucomystax) Grown on specimin available currently around 30". (Lampropeltis triangulum campbelli) CB11 All of this gecko species are female and the reproduce parthogenically! CB16 Probably the best starter species. (Cynops Spp) CB (Pantherophis guttata) CB13 (Pogona vitticeps) CB22 A very attractive and unique species. Corn snakes are usually friendly and easily handled, and grow to an easily manageable size. Probably the best starter species. (Python regius) CB20 Beautifully mottled geckos! (Hyla cinerea) (Pituophis catenifer) CB10 (Lampropeltis triangulum hondurensis)CB14 Very cute popular pet species. Buy now and get free next day delivery* Step 1 Choose your housing colour A beautiful sub adult specimen available. Not for beginners! (Acanthoscurria geniculata An attractive, fast and active little skink! A stunning morph weighing 160grams. Probably the best starter species. A small chorus frog native to eastern USA and Canada. (Lampropeltis getula californae) (Boa constrictor amarali) Grow to around 6 inches so a better alternative for those with less room than the sliders. (Lampropeltis getula californae) CB14 Wilton Pet Centre Reptiles, Amphibians & Inverts stock list: (Lampropeltis getula californae) CB19 Green Tree Python - Appleton Exotics Emerald Tree Boa: Complete Owner's Care Guide (With Pics) Corn snakes are usually friendly and easily handled, and grow to an easily manageable size. I want it to go to a good home. Adult Ghost Motley Stripe - 69.99 (SOLD) (Pantherophis guttata) CB11 Probably the best starter species. A small but attractive burrowing species. The Collection Boa Morphs Hypo Nicaraguan Boas Hypo Motley Boas Leopard Central American Boas Central American Boas Caulker Cay Boas Hog Island Boas Nicaraguan Boas Colubrid Snakes Rein Snake Rough Green Snake South American Boas Amazon Tree Boas Northern Emerald Tree Boas Bolivian Boas Suriname Red-tailed Boas News Terms Contact Subscribe No seen as often as other milksnake species, these fellows have amazing red colouration. The United States Association of Reptile Keepers (USARK) is a science, education and conservation-based advocacy for the responsible private ownership of, and trade in reptiles and amphibians. CB13 At a great price! The classic king snake, but stripey! Probably the best starter species. The classic king snake, but stripey! (Python regius) CB20 Boas | Outback Reptiles The classic small python in it's natural colours! (Bufo marinus) WC (Tiliqua gigas) CB21 Northern Emerald Tree Boas | Darren Hamill Reptiles (Pantherophis guttata) CB14 (Lampropeltis mexicana greeri) CB14 (Chamaeleo calyptratus) CB22 (Pandinus cavimnaus) WC Excellent for those with a bit less space. Probably the best starter species. FLAT RATE $44.95 PRIORITY OVERNIGHT DELIVERY + Packaging Fee ON LIVE ANIMAL ORDERS! (Corallus hortulanus) CB11 A beautiful species which is fully grown at 5-6ft in length so a great species for those short on space. Absolutely stunning! (Salamandra salamandra)CB14 Adult male available. A large lizard with a beautiful blue sheen on its sides. The classic king snake, but in albino colouration! A very attractive snake! (Lampropeltis triangulum nelsoni) CB12 A nice little lizard in the house gecko family. (Pyxicephalus edulis) CB10 A beautifully marked small day gecko! New world, large species! (Thamnophis marcianus) CB19 Very friendly! A highly popular and well marked species! (Brachypelma boehmei) (Mauremys reevesii) $649.99 "Close (esc)" Sold Out Quick view. (Gonocephalus grandis) WC Green Boa - Etsy Probably the best starter species. (Phelsuma klemmeri) (Melanophryniscus stelzneri) WC Please contact support. An active bright green lizard. (Paroedura bastardi) WC The Emerald Tree Boa is a 6 or 7 foot long emerald green tree dwelling snake species from tropical South Americanrain forests They are born either vivid yellow or brick red and gradually change to green as they mature, the green may or may not beinterspersedwith a white banding. Emerald Tree Boas For Sale - Big Apple Pet Supply A very attractive and not often seen alternative to the leopard gecko, in fantastic albino colouration. A very attractive tortoise with a flared shell as adults. Premium Live Boas direct from our state of the art breeding facility! An attractive alternative to the standard Cali. This is my holdback animal as it is the best looking of the clutch, feeds any time of day with a great feeding response and well grown on. Large. Very nicely coloured! But with Anerythristic colouration! Emerald Tree Boas $649.95 Age: (Lampropeltis getula floridana) CB11 I am selling my Sorong cross Biak Green Tree Python. Range of locales of green tree python. A large strikingly coloured tree frog from South America. Very attractive scorpions! Not for the faint hearted! A beautiful and large anole species. (Psalmopoeus cambridgei) (Mabuya sp.) Adult male. An attractive alternative to Pueblan Milksnakes. Boas & Pythons for sale, we have 25 plus years of experience shipping Boas & Pythons throughout the United States we pride ourselves on providing you with the highest quality reptiles along with overnight delivery and a full guarantee. Male snakes tend to fall on the smaller end of the size spectrum. (Davus pentaloris) Bright red bellies. (Heterodon nasicus) CB20 (Bufo terrestris) WC For any questions, enquiries or deliverys about any animals or set ups please feel free to message or call us. (Testudo horsfieldi) CB21 Boas for sale | (Hyla versicolor) CB13 Stunning marked little snakes, great for the beginner! We not only pride ourselves for our reptile husbandry techniques, but we also understand quality customer care. "We are very pleased with the product and the delivery! Available Green Tree Pythons. You can disable the usage of cookies by changing the settings of your browser. (Lasiodora difficilis) (Pantherophis guttata) CB20 Very placid and attractive snake. An easy to care for insect, great for children! A stunning, bright green lizard. A very attractive and unique species. CB20 An attractive midsized species. (Amietophrynus gutturalis) (Lampropeltis getula californae) CB11 (Lamprophis maculata) CB11 SAME DAY SHIPPING AVAILABLE! Captive bred animals from thousands of breeders worldwide. A beautiful and strikingly marked white and cream snake. Green Tree Python Setups | Starter Kits for Green Tree Pythons A very attractive species!! Well grown on and looking great! A rear fanged species with a difference. (Aphonopelma seemanni) An attractive North American species in albino form! (Theraphosa stirmi) You must choose from one of the suggested locations. Copyright Exotic Pets UK Limited 2023 .
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