(m)Median openings. This section cited in 67 Pa. Code 441.4 (relating to permit fees). driveway sight distance measurements (for local roads, use penndot pub 70) the maximum length of roadway along which a driver at a driveway location can continuously see another vehicle approaching on the roadway. The provisions of this 441.8 amended November 27, 1981, effective October 17, 1981, 11 Pa. B. Sight distance is adequate to safely allow each . This chapter separates driveways into four classifications, based on the amount of traffic they are expected to serve. Acceleration laneThe portion of roadway adjoining the traveled way constructed for the purpose of enabling a vehicle entering a roadway to increase its speed to a rate at which it can safely merge with traffic. Driveway sight distance measurements are also identified as optional for the applicant, because they will be verified or completed by Department personnel. If sight distance requirements as specified in this Part cannot be met, the Township may: Deceleration laneThe portion of the roadway adjoining the traveled way constructed for the purpose of enabling a vehicle that is exiting a roadway to slow to a safe speed after it has left the mainstream of traffic. The driveway pavement shall be at least four inches thick within the right-of-way. (ii)Improvements on private property adjacent to the right-of-way shall be so located that parking, stopping, and maneuvering of vehicles on the right-of-way will not be necessary in order for vehicles or patrons to be served. (3)Requests for removal of a median divisor will not be granted without the approval of the director. (v)If the permitted work is the proximate cause of damage to the highway, including slope or any other appurtenance thereto, beyond the adjacent area, the permittee shall be responsible for all remedial work and shall make all temporary and permanent restoration. Driveways shall be located, designed, constructed and maintained in such a manner as not to interfere or be inconsistent with the design, maintenance and drainage of the highway. The type of shoulder to be installed will be specified by the permit, in accordance with the volume and type of traffic expected to use the driveway. 72 containing the Departments design standards for roadway construction. Record the speed of the vehicle at consistent data points along the . Where possible, drainage releasesForm L-15 or CC-15will be obtained, by and at the expense of the applicant, from all property owners over whose land additional drainage will flow. Access driveways shall be permitted at locations in which: (1) Sight distance is adequate to safely allow each permitted movement to be made into or out of the access driveway. (e)Refunds. All traffic control devices shall be of an approved type. (D)O.S.H.A. Right-of-wayThe area which has been acquired by the Department for highway purposes. The vehicle's height must be measured at 3.50 feet above the proposed driveway surface and highway pavement surface. (D)When the road descends at greater than 5.0%, sight distance may be reduced by a factor of 0.5. 494-14-06 August 8, 2014 Page 2 . Table 6Safe Sight Distance for buses and combinations entering driveways by left turns. (ii)The permittee shall be responsible for controlling dust conditions created by its operations. Sight distance is adequate to safely allow each permitted movement to be made into or out of the access driveway. (3)If, in the opinion of the Department, there is a high probability that vehicles would otherwise utilize a portion of the property frontage other than the approved driveway to gain access to the property, the permit may require curbing or other physical barriers to be constructed. Reg. See Figure 6. (ii)a reference to a standard drawing found in Publication 43 or Publication 90, provided the referenced standard drawing properly depicts the work area and completely addresses the needed traffic control. 1242, the Act . Permits are not required for the placing of newspaper receptacles or mail boxes, although their location is subject to the maintenance requirements of the Department. Shoulder lineThe intersection of the shoulder slope with the side slope or ditch slope. Table 3Safe Sight Distance for passenger cars and single unit trucks exiting from driveways onto four and six-lane roads. . (2)The location of a driveway near a signalized intersection may include a requirement that the permittee provide, in cooperation with the municipality, new or relocated detectors, signal heads, controller and the like, for the control of traffic movements from the driveway. (ii)direct additional drainage of surface water onto or into the highway right-of-way or highway facilities in a way which would have a detrimental effect on the highway or highway facilities. (iii)The sight distances in Tables 1 through 4 apply only when highway grades are zero to 3.0%, either up or down. 247) (53 P. S. 1611), concerning environmental control measures related to pollution and the preservation of public natural resources. (7)The number of vehicles per day which are expected to utilize each proposed driveway. (ii)Posted speeds shall be used unless operating speeds vary from the posted speed by more than ten miles per hour, in which case the Department may require that operating speeds be used. (f)Site requirements. (a)General rule. This section cited in 67 Pa. Code 441.6 (relating to general conditions). (a)General rule. (4)The Department may block driveways or sever, remove or block drainage facilities constructed without a permit or in violation of this chapter. . Publication 90A Department publication containing requirements for work area traffic control during highway maintenance operations and utility work. 1 Measured from a vehicle ten feet back of the pavement edge to a vehicle approaching in the outside lane. M-950K - Obligation Bond (Driveway) M-950K1 - Blanket Obligation Bond (Driveway) M-950L - Irrevocable Letter of Credit (Driveway) M-950MPC - Land Use Questionnaire (Driveway) M-950R1 - Access Approval Procedure Worksheet and Sample Letter (Driveway) M-950S - Measuring Driveway Sight Distances (Driveway) TR-478A - Report on Compaction Density . The general factors that control the maximum rates of superelevation, as discussed in . The following words and terms, when used in this chapter, have the following meanings, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise: (m)Newspaper or mail receptacles. When the distance between multiple driveways is 50 feet or less measured along the shoulder or ditch line, the area between shall be clearly defined by permanent curbing. Where the width of the highway right-of-way is insufficient to permit the construction of a needed auxiliary lane, the permittee shall provide any necessary additional right-of-way. If the permittee fails to restore the improved area properly, the Department will have the authority to do the work at the expense of the permittee. ft. home is a 5 bed, 4.0 bath property. (a)Permit issuance fees. (3)Details of internal traffic circulation, parking, and traffic signs. (5)Grade requirements where curbs and sidewalks are present. No statutes or acts will be found at this website. When required, auxiliary lanes shall be constructed, at no cost to the Department, in accordance with the Roadway Construction Standards and Form 408. Supplement An amendment to a highway occupancy permit issued on Department Form M-945S. The Department will refund the general permit inspection fees on unused permits. The Department will examine and determine the genuineness, regularity, and legality of every application, and may reject any application if not satisfied of its genuineness, regularity or legality, or the truth of any statement contained in the application. It shall be extended around the driveway radii to the right-of-way line. Controlling the direction that has the best sight distance . Access driveways shall be appropriately surfaced with a stabilized material between the traveled way and the right-of-way line unless a higher type material is specified by the permit. (3)Each application for an access driveway within one of these jurisdictions must be accompanied by evidence which indicates that the location and type of access being requested has been reviewed by that municipality or agency. Traveled wayThe portion of the roadway for the movement of vehicles, exclusive of shoulders and auxiliary lanes. S.R. Section 4904 of the Crimes Code, (18 Pa. C.S. (h)Work completion notification. 8372 (December 31, 2022). 3.0 Intersection Sight Distance / Vision Corners . B. Roadway construction standardsDepartment Publication No. Please direct comments or questions to. "Intersection Sight Distance" in Chapter 9 of the 2004 AASHTO Green Book. (3)If sight distance requirements as specified in this chapter cannot be met, the Department may: (i)prohibit left turns by exiting vehicles; (ii)restrict turning movements to right turns in and out of a driveway; (iii)require installation of a right turn acceleration lane or deceleration lane; (iv)require installation of a separate left turn standby lane; (v)alter the horizontal or vertical geometry of the roadway; or. All drainage releases shall be notarized and recorded, by and at the expense of the applicant, in the County Office of the Recorder of Deeds. Permits will not be issued for bus stop shelters or phone booths, or for advertising signs, liquid fuel pumps, loading platforms, weight scales, or any structure which the Department deems not proper for occupancy of the right-of-way. Table 2Safe Sight Distance for buses and combinations exiting from driveways onto two-lane roads. A driveway normally used by not more than 25 vehicles per day, such as: (A)single family dwellings, duplex houses; or. Publication 68A Department publication containing regulations governing the design, location, and operation of all official traffic signs, signals, and markings on and along highways. (2)Left turn stand-by lanes. Medium volume drivewayA driveway used or expected to be used by more than 750 but less than 1500 vehicles per day. Table 3Safe Sight Distance for passenger cars and single unit trucks exiting from driveways onto four and six-lane roads. The combination of highway speed, volumes, location, and arrangement of driveways and intersections may require the installation of an acceleration or deceleration lane, or both, to serve a proposed low, medium, or high volume driveway. Dimensions shall be selected from the range of values shown on the appropriate figure, unless site conditions warrant a deviation. (3) The driveway will not create a hazard. (2)Supplement fee each six-month time extension or each submitted change shall be$10. Sight distance values less than desirable will be accepted only if it is impossible to achieve the desirable value by locating the driveway at any point within the property frontage boundaries. (viii)A permit shall be valid only as long as the traffic volume of the driveway does not exceed the approved driveway classification as set forth in 441.8(a) of this title (relating to driveway design requirements). (3)The driveway will not create a hazard. (g)Drainage control plan for other than minimum use driveways. No statutes or acts will be found at this website. An access intended to serve more than three properties or to act as a connecting link between two or more roadways shall be, for the purpose of this chapter, considered a local road and not a driveway regardless of its ownership. A permit shall be valid for a six-month period or multiples thereof as specified on the permit. (j)Auxiliary lanes. (B)When the highway grade ascends at greater than 5.0%, sight distance may be increased by a factor of 1.7. See Figure 11 and Figure 12. (5)Restoration of slopes. 2 Measured from a vehicle ten feet back of the pavement edge to a vehicle approaching in the median lane. Driveway Sight Distance Measurements . (2)In using Tables 1 through 6 the following additional requirements shall apply: (i)Tables 2, 4, and 6 shall be used in lieu of Tables 1, 3, and 5 only when combination traffic exceeds 5.0% of the total traffic using the proposed driveway. (iv)The sight distance values in Tables 1 through 6 are desirable for safe operation of the driveway. Divided highwayA highway divided into two or more roadways and so constructed as to impede vehicular traffic between the roadways by providing an intervening space, physical barrier, or clearly indicated dividing section. The available corner sight distance on side roads is less than the necessary stopping sight-distance values . (e)Multiple driveways. No part of the information on this site may be reproduced forprofit or sold for profit. (D) When the road descends at greater than 5.0%, sight distance may be reduced by a factor of 0.5. 4772; amended August 3, 2018, effective August 4, 2018, 48 Pa.B. Exceptions will be considered only if the enforcement of this subsection would result in the prohibition of reasonable access from the adjacent property to the highway system. (g)Curbing. (B)Location of traffic signal heads, poles, controller, and detectors. All disturbed portions of the highway, including slopes and all appurtenances and structures such as guard rail or drain pipes, shall be restored by the permittee to a condition at least equal to that which existed before the start of any work authorized by the permit. These devices shall include, but not be limited to, any required regulatory, warning or guide signs, delineators, and pavement markings. Easily sign the form with your finger. Driveway design requirements. (2)The radii of internal curves shall be as large as possible to allow a direct movement from the highway into a proper position to obtain service or parking without any interference to other vehicles attempting the same maneuver. A description of each classification and typical examples of land uses normally associated with each follows: (i)Minimum use driveway, see Figure 7. Chapter 3 - Intersections Publication 13M (DM-2) Change #1 - Revised 12/12 3 - 4 D. Superelevation. (a)General rule. Form 408The latest revision of highway construction specifications issued by the Department. Except for joint-use driveways, no portion of any access shall be located outside of the property frontage boundary line. (3)Access to a property which abuts two or more intersecting streets or highways may be restricted to only that roadway which can more safely accommodate its traffic. Waiver of design requirements shall be as follows: (1)If any design requirement set forth in this chapter cannot be met, the director may waive the requirement if the following conditions are satisfied: (i)no other reasonable access is available; (ii)the applicant has done all that can reasonably be done to satisfy the design requirements; (iii)if additional land is required, the applicant provides satisfactory evidence that it cannot be purchased at a reasonable price; (iv)no traffic problem will be created; and. (4)When curb exists adjacent to the proposed driveway, the line and grade of the existing curb shall be matched, unless otherwise authorized by the permit. The applicant shall pay notary and recording costs including the cost of recording the permit in the County Office of the Recorder of Deeds when required, and the cost of all drainage releases. Angle of access driveway approach shall include the following: (1)Access driveway approaches used for two-way operation shall be positioned at right angles, that is, 90 degrees, to the highway or as near thereto as site conditions permit, except as authorized in Figure 11. As such, its design must be in accordance with the Departments current standards governing the design of local roads. (e)Multiple driveways. V = Velocity of vehicle (miles per hour). (5)Charitable organizations which are exempt from or in compliance with act of August 9, 1963, P. L. 628, No. Figures 7 through 12 illustrate and supplement the minimum design requirements described in this chapter. Nothing contained in this chapter is intended to relax existing safety requirements. (5)Lane in front of another property. (j)Auxiliary lanes. (n)Shoulder upgrading. 670-420). Property line clearanceThe distance measured along the pavement edge or curb between the property frontage boundary line and the near edge of the driveway. Where the existing shoulder on either side of a proposed low, medium, or high volume driveway is not adequate to allow its use by turning vehicles, the permittee shall upgrade the shoulder area for a minimum of 100 feet on either side of the driveway. (3)If sight distance requirements as specified in this chapter cannot be met, the Department may: (i)prohibit left turns by exiting vehicles; (ii)restrict turning movements to right turns in and out of a driveway; (iii)require installation of a right turn acceleration lane or deceleration lane; (iv)require installation of a separate left turn standby lane; (v)alter the horizontal or vertical geometry of the roadway; or. All other requirements of this chapter shall be complied with before the local road will be allowed access onto a State highway. (17)Use of highway prohibited. (d)Safety requirements. g = Percent grade of roadway divided by 100. 8372 (December 31, 2022). A permit may not be required for maintenance. When all permitted work has been completed, the self-addressed post card (Form M-945G) which accompanies the permit shall be mailed to the district office. Approval by the Departments inspector of all or part of any permitted work shall not constitute acknowledgment that the work was performed in accordance with the permit, nor shall such approval of the inspector act as a release of the permittee or waiver by the Department of its right to seek performance or restitution by the permittee. AccessA driveway, street or other means of passage of vehicles between the highway and abutting property, including acceleration and deceleration lanes and such drainage structures as may be necessary for the proper construction and maintenance thereof. (B)If the driveway grade would exceed 8.0%, depress the outer edge of the sidewalk and maintain a maximum sidewalk cross slope of 6.0%. (e)Waiver of design requirements. The Department may require design details which are more stringent than those specified in this chapter to insure the safe and efficient operation of any proposed driveway. Except for joint-use driveways, no portion of any access shall be located outside of the property frontage boundary line. These devices shall include, but not be limited to, any required regulatory, warning or guide signs, delineators, and pavement markings. Improved areaThe area within the right-of-way which has been constructed for highway purposes, including roadbed, pavement, shoulders, slope, sidewalks, drainage facilities, and any other appurtenances. (iii)When a planted area exists in front of the sidewalk, one of the following three cases shall apply: (A)When the grass strip between the curb and the sidewalk is wide enough to maintain an 8.0% maximum driveway approach grade, construct the driveway as shown in Figure 2. (4)The area between the right-of-way line adjacent to and on both sides of a driveway shall be used as a clear zone to provide a physical barrier between the traveled way and activity on private property. Please refer to PennDOT's highway occupancy permit regulation manuals, which can be obtained from the local District office, for further details. (i)Plans for other than minimum use driveways. (f)Site requirements. (3)Paragraphs (1) and (2) of this subsection may be waived only if the intersecting highway radius extends along the property frontage to the extent that compliance is physically impossible. A violation of this chapter or the permit requirements shall constitute grounds for imposition of any or all of the following penalties: (1)Upon receipt of oral or written notice of a violation from the authorized representative of the Department or a police officer whose jurisdiction includes the permitted work area, the permittee shall cease to perform further work in the permitted area except to restore the area to a safe condition. EgressThe exit of vehicular traffic from abutting properties to a highway. Table 5Safe Sight Distance for passenger cars and single unit trucks entering driveways by left turns. (12)Maintenance. (2)Electrically powered devices. See Figure 3. When required by the permit, a speed change lane of sufficient length and width shall be constructed to allow vehicles to safely decelerate or accelerate when entering or leaving the property. Requirements for traffic control devices shall be as follows: (1)Nonelectrically powered devices. (2)When two access driveways are constructed on the same property frontage and used for one-way operation, each of these driveways may be placed at an angle less than a right angle, but not less than 45 degrees to the highway, except that along divided highways where no openings are allowed in the median the minimum angle of an exit driveway may be 30 degrees, as shown in Figure 12. 4624. (2)The radii of internal curves shall be as large as possible to allow a direct movement from the highway into a proper position to obtain service or parking without any interference to other vehicles attempting the same maneuver. (ix)The Department, in granting a permit, will waive none of its powers or rights to require the future change in operation, removal, relocation, or proper maintenance of any access within State highway right-of-way. 400 North Street | Harrisburg, PA 17120 | 717.787.6899 | www.dot.state.pa.us. (d)Property line clearance. 260) (72 P. S. 4651-14651-10) which provides that the Board of Claims shall have jurisdiction of claims against the Commonwealth arising from contracts. (4)Grade requirements in uncurbed shoulders within the right-of-way shall conform to Figure 1. Issuance fees shall be used to defray costs incurred by the Department in reviewing and processing the application and plan, including the preliminary review of the site location identified in the application, and issuing and processing the permit. Highway Occupancy Permit Related Forms. If the applicant does not hold fee title to the property, the applicant shall notify the fee title holder that an application has been submitted. MLS # PADE2042340 337 (10 P. S. 160-1160-17). (2)The design features described in this section and illustrated in the attendant figures are to be used by the applicant in designing the driveway plans which accompany the application. (2)The permit issuance fee shall not be refundable on unused permits. This chapter separates driveways into four classifications, based on the amount of traffic they are expected to serve. The permit will be the authority of the applicant to proceed with the work and will also serve as a receipt for the fees accompanying the application. ShoulderThe portion of the roadway, contiguous to the traffic lanes, for accommodation of stopped vehicles, for emergency use, and for lateral support of base and surface courses and pavements. See Figure 3. Drainage pipe installed under driveways shall be at least 15 inches in diameter. Ruch v. City of Philadelphia, 587 A.2d 830 (Pa. Cmwlth. High volume drivewayA driveway used or expected to be used by more than 1500 vehicles per day. Requirements for traffic control devices shall be as follows: (1)Nonelectrically powered devices. (i)Permanent permit microfilm record. Immediately preceding text appears at serial pages (62045) and (62046). The term includes special mobile equipment as defined in the Vehicle Code. The provisions of this 441.1 amended under section 420 of the State Highway Law (36 P.S. For sidewalks narrower than five feet, the curb will be sloped and the back edge of the sidewalk will be depressed (maximum 1 1/2 inches) to maintain an 8.0% maximum grade on the driveway. (4)The Department may require the permittee to locate an access driveway directly across from a highway, local road, or access driveway on the opposite side of the roadway if it is judged that offset driveways will not permit left turns to be made safely or that access across the roadway from one access to the other will create a safety hazard. The longitudinal slope of the sidewalk shall not exceed two inches per foot. New liquid fuel pump islands installed in service stations adjacent to the highway shall be located at least 12 feet outside the right-of-way, in order for a driveway permit to be issued. The term includes proposed streets, lanes, alleys, courts, and ways. If an auxiliary lane must be located in front of property of another person, the applicant shall be required to secure the approval of the other person or indemnify the Commonwealth against any action which the other person may bring against the Commonwealth. Spacing may be a concern if it could affect ISD as shown below. If the permittee has received oral notice of the violation, written notice shall be sent to the permittee within 10 days of receipt of the oral notice. This will eliminate the need for depressing the back edge of the sidewalk. The pavement cartway used for vehicular traffic was beyond the curb line which separated the highway from pedestrian traffic and was, therefore, the responsibility of the Commonwealth, not the city. The minimum acceptable sight distance values shall be computed from the following formula: SSSD = Minimum safe stopping sight distance (feet).
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