The more personal attention you give, the more theyll like and remember you. A healthy, thriving Sphere of Influence can move you from chasing new clients to having them come directly to you. Crafting personalized real estate letters to send to your sphere of influence so that you can get real estate referrals That's an example of the real estate letters you might send to previous clients. Many agents stay surface level and dont think about the personal touches or special things they can reach out to people in their sphere for. If you write a market report or a real estate newsletter, write them and ask if theyd like a copy now and further updates as you write them and ask if theyd like it via email, because communicating that way will save you money. Or, in the words of 10x Rule guru Grant Cardone, Everyone is a salesperson, even doctors.. Hot Seat Friday - Krista Answers Real Estate Questions Submitted by You However, Id love to hear what you think about it first. Real estate is a game of touches You want to find ways to "touch" your SOI members without annoying them. As a Realtor, you can log on to your MLS and set up a Listing E-Alert for anyone. You can also see what specific links the recipient clicked. Your way of handling the award was so tasteful. No matter who you are or where youre from, if youve ever interacted with another human being, you HAVE a sphere of influence. It is also important for you to diversify your outlets. And once you start seeing where the bulk of the referral business is coming from, you can earmark the members of your SOI who are the best at sending you business, and set these contacts up on a priority list. In this article, we are going to discuss how you can: Take a look at the strategies below, and learn more about how you can use them to improve your own real estate sphere of influence. You can use variations of this, but the most important thing you can do is to be authentic. Youll see every single time they just as appreciative as everybody else you reach out to. Good news! Go to your business page and click at the top where it says "Ad Center.". Pro Tip: Take the pressure out of the big announcement and build awareness for your role as a Realtor by simply sharing that part of your life. Thanks for shring this Yah-me. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); PROGRESSIVE TRAINING FOR REAL ESTATE AGENTS AND TEAMS. That detracts value. Your First Real Estate Prospecting Letter - ActiveRain Heres how Jason asks for the referral (and remember, these guys have been chatting and laughing it up for at least 10 minutes before it even gets to this point). (even though some agents love getting their francise awards) I like to write about what makes my clients happy. Dear (Name), How are you? Welcome to our Marketing Mastermind series for real estate agents. Diversify Your Outlets 5. And who doesnt love a bottle of wine or box of chocolates? You didnt think we were going to let you off the hook, did you? Build and Maintain Your, Read More 25 Tips To Create The Ultimate Real Estate Listing PresentationContinue, Starting a real estate business from scratch can be a daunting task. You can do this by adding value coming from contribution and giving them something they want. For most people, their home is their most valuable asset, and its also their biggest liability. They may even have some great content ideas. Once you're under Audiences, you can edit "Audience Details" to suit your preferences, narrowing items such as age, location, and even interests. That's a wonderful example. I especially liked your photos of the latest outing you had at Russian River. These real estate profiles, blogs and blog entries are provided here as a courtesy to our visitors to help them Rockstar agents with up to 80% referral business all have one thing in common: an easy, workable system for nurturing and growing their SOI. Once you begin making sales, add each of those clients to your database in a different folder, so you can keep past clients and your sphere separate. :). Today we are going to give you a few of our best real estate email templates for Listing E-Alerts. It revives them as your SOI contact, and now youve set yourself up to maintain that level of communication going forward. If you dont already have a strong following, send a quick email to your SOI inviting them to connect on Snapchat to see behind the scenes updates from your adventures in real estate. Every year, the National Association of produces a survey of home buyers and home sellers. You may have several lists of contacts lying around maybe you have an email newsletter list, a contact list in your phone, and your CRM database. Handwritten Notes for Real-Estate Agents: A 2023 Complete - If your SOI "hears" from you on a reasonably regular basis - and again - that means they hear from YOU (not that mysterious someone else), they'll remember you, and even better, they'll remember you FONDLY. Is there anything I can do for you?. Start off with, Hey Julie, I was thinking about you, and shame on me for not reaching out earlier. We work almost exclusively on referrals, so we always make a point of asking our great clients if they know anyone. My clients really love it. But, there is next time, so thank you so much. Its Brian Icenhower. As with follow ups, consistency is the name of the game on social media. Ask them how the yard is working out. This is how you start to learn what type of content is engaging, and which subject lines get the most responses. Now that we are living in more uncertain times, we are presented with an opportunity to reopen the line of communication between ourselves and our sphere of influence contacts. (to "celebrate" a newer agent's reaching a milestone in their career in this tough market. For many, leads are drying up a bit, so you may be feeling a little stuck. I can see on social media that you are doing quite a bit of traveling and having a great time. One type of ad that has been shown to be very effective is a messenger ad. All you need to do is say, Hey! Icenhower Coaching & Consulting not only provides free content and training videos, but also offers a range of books, premium digital products, and online courses. These are people that know you, and just because of that, you have some influence on them. Pro Tip for Facebook: Create a separate SOI list for your Facebook friends who are extra active in the community and set your notifications so you can engage with them frequently. Did you see my email last week on 5 Big Predictions for the Downtown Indy Real Estate Market? Fear of failure, rejection, the phone there are some very real mindset obstacles keeping them from their #1 source of free leads and MASSIVE revenue potential. Since some agents have been in the biz for awhile, maybe we can call it "A Prospecting Letter." That is why social media is helpful. When you contrast using the MLS for your Listing E-Alerts with using your own agent website for Listing E-Alerts, you can see some pros and cons. This is the foundation of reviving your database and re-engaging your people. Theres a first time for everything and that is one of the good ones to to tray you so much about that world. Heres an awesome, zero-pressure script from Michael Montgomery of Rev Real Estate School. But, Read More How Email Marketing Changed My Real Estate Business Forever (DO THIS)Continue, Would you like to sell an additional four to six homes a month? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Hey would you do me a favor, Aaron? Heres how to do it, The BEST real estate postcards to generate seller leads: Part 1 home valuation approach, Powerful, easy touches for sphere of influence and past client Part 2 refrigerator clip, The TOP 7 low-cost ways to find seller leads with geographic farming, P143 The 4 BIGGEST drivers in getting listings in the cold market Part 1. It's helpful to the recipient and offers them something of value, INFORMATION. Acronyms and jargon can kill your message. Anyone you interact with regularly (even if that just means once every couple of months), for example: your hair stylist, accountant, doctor, dentist, even your bank teller. Thank you for using me as your realtor. Knowing what to say as a new agent is never easy, but your letter is perfect introduction! Beyond the dreaded phone call and advanced social media analytics, theres still a place for traditional mailers. The writer recommended saying "I'm an agent now and I need your help.". You can count onme to provide up-to-date information, honest answers, dependable communication, and total support and I promise not to be pushy. And even if your client needs nothing from you at least you checked in. And then you reached out via Facebook. Sample Influence Letter. This also warms up your SOI for your phone call. You can use variations of this, but the most important thing you can do is to be authentic. Its good to get a phone call from someone who is just calling to check in. Wish I could use it but after 25 years it would look odd! It strikes up a conversation and they start chatting with you. Youre someone I always think of whenever I see killer landscaping and the house I showed yesterday had a jaw-dropping garden! and they're yours for free. A few days ago I followed a search link and saw some advice that I thought was terrible. I didnt know if theyd know who I was. For example; Friend, Family, Acquaintance, etc. Getting permission to add people to your list is important, but there are other ways you can make the askwithout straight-up asking. I am reaching out to let you know that I have started a new career in real estate and I need your help to get my business rolling. But if for some reason you decide that youd rather not receive these updates, you can unsubscribe yourself or just simply reply to an email and well discontinue it for you. If theres one SOI pro tip that bears repeating, its this: Never assume. Once that done, we can move on to what kind of value we can provide our SOI with to continue to keep in touch and keep them engaged. 5 ways real estate agents can build their sphere of influence - Paradym Then, see if they will need assistance finding a spot that has more room. Email:, Beatty Carmichael | All Rights Reserved, Press Submit ONE time and wait for the next page to appear (it takes 20-25 seconds), Beatty is a Christian businessman and consumer marketing expert. If youre a new real estate agent, you might be intimidated by the thought of doing your first real estate listing presentation. Together, we can make this year your best yet! If you choose to implement AI, you may need to upgrade a pay a small fee through your CRM. Thats what marketing is supposed to do it helps sort out who is interested and who isnt. PDF Real Estate Agent Introduction Letter Sample Pdf , (PDF) What We'll Cover Housing Market Statistics 1. Mr. Icenhower is the CEO of Keller Williams Realty Kansas City North, an attorney, a real estate broker, real estate litigation expert witness, and a frequently published real estate author. Just never, ever assume. You made your calls and used your Realtor sphere of influence scripts. If you are a seasoned real estate agent, then you know who is most impressed by your work. Ill tell you the most effective way to reach out to your SOI is probably the least sexy way. Mr. Icenhower is the CEO of Keller Williams Realty Kansas City North, an attorney, a real estate broker, real estate litigation expert witness, and a frequently published real estate author. ), Consistency + Engagement = Winning on Social, The 4-part SOI Marketing Plan Worth $30 Million in Business, The Real Estate Postcard Worth $2 Million, Past coworkers (even if your last job was waiting tables), Your friends (yes, even the high school pals you havent seen in 20 years), Your kids friends or their parents (depending on age). The 12 Best Real Estate Prospecting Letter Templates for 2023 Even a short handwritten card or personal email can go a long way in nurturing the relationship by simply letting them know how much you appreciate them, and that youre always there to help. Let us help you. P151 Marketing Mastermind 01 - Marketing vs Branding Real estate prospecting lettersletters agents send to buyers, FSBO, FRBO and Expired listing homeownersare still one of the best ways to generate leads in 2022. Just make sure you ask for permission first (theres nothing more annoying than getting an email you dont remember signing up for, right?). Brian Icenhower, Esq, BS, JD, CRB, CRS, GRI, ABR is a nationally recognized real estate trainer, speaker and coach. Or, you can ask yourself, why would anyone in my SOI want to hire me as their Realtor? As a real estate professional, you have a lot of connections and vendors you know and trust. Good news! Real estate letters to clients samples help with R. Use your spreadsheet or CRM to input key details like lead source, any initial questions they might have asked, and personal tidbits like their kids or even dogs name. I love your program, Jennifer. It wont be like that for long. Another excellent post. This way, youll be able to: I really think youll find this customer service tool useful since most of my clients already do. Youll be coming from contribution, providing value, and staying in front of them without a whole lot of effort (or money).
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