- 17 new hats! ==================== - Added LUM (Better Nether emissives), Animated Emissives for Ice n Fire flamed/iced weapons (including Spartan Weaponry), - Changed quarterstaff recipe - Many edibles like apples and watermelon can now refill a little thirst - Wolf Armor & Storage - Ender Dragon killed sound only plays in The End now New Features: - Aberrant Soulcube requires Demonic Hearts to craft - creature type: arthropod insect Huge thanks!) Potion Rings: - IF USING OPTIFINE you can no longer use the E3 version, 2.9 will need version G5 or later. - Pushing max is now 1 (from 2) Jared (Dev of Crafttweaker) CatServer: Xcube (RLCraft team, dev of ISeeDragons) - Updated to latest Forge to patch Log4j exploit No Tree Punching UPDATE! -A reworked version of the xp book mod by bl4ckscor3 on request specifically for RLCraft! custom main menu and buttons, custom loading screen and window icon! - Several new secret structures addedno I'm not telling you what they are, they're secret of course :) - Watch out! - Removed the old armored wolf entity. So.many.mobs.Get the mobs: https://lycanitesmobs.com/downloadDiscord: https://discord.gg/bsDGHSx Rlcraft Tameable flying mounts I have been searching for a roc to on. -Fixed dupe glitch with smelting shovels and the smelting proficiency skill, shovels will now give 4 nuggets backs instead of an ingot, diamond shovels will use diamond coins from varied commodities in place of nuggets, 9 diamond coins make 1 diamond, and 1 diamond can be broken into 9 diamond coins. Locks: ), fixes baubles and enchantments that effect jump not working, fixes fishing proficiency in levelup breaking with new Fishing Made Better update, fixes filleting stacking issue, fixes crashes with gambling pickaxe: 2 yr. ago. - Fix for hoppers pulling from and inserting into blocks they really shouldnt (RLTweaker) -Slightly increased scale variance from Lycanite Mobs (just means mobs can be different sizes now). - red mushroom drop: 2-3 100% 1-3 75% -Added all new weapons and armors to reskillable lists for level requirements, extending endgame quite a bit more details below 4 + 3 + (4 * 2) (DMG Bonus) = 15 damage - Collateral damage now only takes armor from hit location into account (example, getting hit in the legs, but damage is transferred to chest, as leg hearts are already empty, will only take leg armor into account) -Fixed a server exploit that allowed flying. - Fixed wormhole/recall potions behaving weirdly and glitching the player when used while on a mount Lycanite Boss and Boss Progression Rebalance: Vespid stinger: level 1: poison strength: 1 duration: 3s; levels 2 and 3: poison strength: 2 -Fixed a bug where fused elementals summoned from Summoning Pedestals were not added to each pedestal's summoning limit. Then I saw how ugly it was and ran away knowing something was up lol. - Lightning effect performance fixed for Lightning Storm arrows Use this if the enchantment is broken. Creatures on the island can be tamed and used for various purposes. -Fireworks only requires 4 agility now (why was this so high before) - Potions now refill thirst. - Every armor/armor toughness multiplier and offset for Head, Body, Legs, and Feet locations (First Aid) have been modified and rebalanced - Potion Of Fumbling (Klutz): Reduced projectile damage (splash one of these on a skeleton lel) - Crafted with Skeleton Skull in Mundane Potion - summoning cost: 2 3 Lobber: -Slightly lowered spawn rate of banshees in mineshafts. -Stone of Inertia Null grants immunity to fall damage and knockback. Lycanites: (oh yeah, it's back) -Dragon's eye now makes you immune to hyperthermia from Tough As Nails! - spawner: added "sky_deadly" First Aid: Mountable creatures, depending on their type, need a specific saddle to be mounted. - New update enhanced performance with many optimizations, overhauls all animations, and adds new ones for wolves, spiders, and more -New bauble! The Morock - Large Plains Wyverns. - creature type: brute arthronian - Particle Culling update should fix rare shader conflict with particles suddenly being culled indefinitely after a long time -FIXED THE INVINCIBLE MOB BUG WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO POGPOGPOG (thank you So Many Enchantments rofl). -Snow layers will accumulate during snow storms. Dragon, Elf, Faelis, Goblin, Titan Here's a table of ways to earn them: Note: Variants give double knowledge. - fix lots of things omg (mod specific changes will be listed with (RLTweaker) next to them) 4:57 PM. - Crates, aka mini-shulker boxes -Various fixes, including explosion dupe bug, better stability, etc. - Snow Villagers no longer trade Sapphires for Snow (wtf ice n fire) Powered by Invision Community. All new cave and cavern generation POG!) - ender pearl drop: 100% 50% - Various Treat item crafting recipes have been adjusted and rebalanced. Technic Status - Technic Platform v2.4.0. 41 F. RealFeel 31. - Anvil can break and smash certain blocks and items - creature type: arthropod arachnid -Spartan Sheilds mod Dynamic Surroundings update! Lycanites Mobs brings the quantity as well as the quality in terms of the fantastic new mobs and monsters it adds to the game. -Shield breaching plays a item break sound effect, just as axes do when disabling a shield - Going in shade now slightly cools you off (you're welcome) you tame a Roc with Avian Treat), 2. BetterQuesting (And BQTweaker, expansions, etc): Yales provide wool which can be obtained using shears, they can also be farmed with vegetables. - summoning cost: 6 5 -Hammer slam attack can now crush more blocks (wool, glass and infested blocks). - Asmodeus's Arena can now only be summoned in the End and at least 500 blocks away from the exit portal. - Grappling hook weight, speed, and length adjusted and rebalanced - Fishing Made Better Frostweaver: -Fixed a bunch of Recurrent Complex structures that were not generating due to outdated presets (this fixes biome preset spam in logs). - Fixed Concapede Behaviour. -Fixed a bug with subterranean generation(thanks satyrnidae) -Fixed XP dupe bug by "repairing" xp tomes on an anvil. - Classy Hats! Lycanite (for being an absolute BOSS developer fixing up all the issues and quirks just for this release!!) -Spartan Weaponry update, battle staff and glaives added, improvements to boomerang (comes back even if hitting a wall) and much more! Attacked by multiple rocs takes dmg from projectiles, it keeps hurting me the! For Minecraft (with Forge) 1.6.2 to 1.15.1 This mod adds many new mobs to specific biome, dimensions and other environments such as lava! - New items, Mana Candy and Mana Crystals used in crafting and restoring mana - All equipment parts can now be crafted into something - Fixed small placement animation issue with Fancy Block Particles on Furnaces I really hope you enjoy this update, there is a lotand I mean a LOT of new stuff, changed stuff, reworked and overhauled stuffand should theoretically be a whole new beast for you to conquer. - Added waystone and bounty board to RLCraft_SmallTown Wife had same issue with a different pet - we can get on, but getting off doesn't appear to be possible unless you die or find a horse and mount it to get off the creature. -Wearing the Ender Queen Crown now allows for a 1 in 50 chance of spawning an endermen when you take damage, that will attack and kill whatever attacked you. This version could not be delayed any further as 2.7 fixes some major issues once again, so Ice n Fire 1.8.2 will be coming in RLCraft v2.8! - armor: 0 4 - Removed Campfire (no longer needed) Aegis: -Slightly modified the recipes to make these a bit more difficult to obtain early on, as they proved to be slightly OP (especially regen ring). - Armor increased to 10 (from 0) -Fixed being able to spam X ability on mounts, flying feradons, etc. - Cauldron overhaul! - Fixed a client side memory leak, this takes a long time to become significant. - now drops frost powder: 1-2 25% Quetzodracl To see all the initial v2.9 changes, please check https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/modpacks/rlcraft/files/3575903 - armor: 0 8 -Polarized Stone now drains your hunger when repelling projectiles. - Feet Armor Multiplier is now 3.0 (was 6.0) - Diamond Helmet = 6 shots - armor: 0 8 - Configuration is now synced between the client and the server -Shields now apply attribute modifiers correctly. - armor: 0 4 - Quarterstaff base damage now 5.5 (was 1.5) and damage multiplier 0.5 (was 1.0) and attack speed 2.0 (was 1.4) - Grappling Hook will no longer magically protect you from all fall damage - bone drop: 1-3 1-2 - A couple mob's health rebalanced like the Argus that now has 50 health (was 20) - Stone of the sea no longer stacks with depth strider If the Krake are angered by sprinting near them, they can be calmed if the player stops sprinting. Better Survival update! - Fixed right clicking on item frames with a weapon in off-hand deleting your off-hand weapon You should not allocate more than 4GB's for your client, as this ends up causing Java garbage collection to go wonky (very scientific I know) - New ore, Cincinnasite (use it to craft Steel) - Dragon/Tide Helmet = 6 shots - Removed Aquaculture enchantments (no longer needed with new fishing mechanics and parts) -Removed the duplicate sin amulet recipe - Battleaxe base damage now 7 (was 5.0) Cursed1nferno (Dev of Bountiful Baubles) Geist: Can craft a 'Felix Felicitas' Luck Potion in the Liops inventory. Banshee Eye fear effect duration now level 1: 1 second, level 2: 2 seconds, level 3: 3 seconds -Blacklisted all blocks from Varied Commodities in Fancy Particles, fixing the rotation bug upon placing them down - Fixed villager trading exploit found in Ice City These mobs range from peaceful Makas farmable mammal-like reptiles with massive sails (watch out for the alphas) to horrific Grues that are made of the very darkness itself! Lycanites Mobs adds a lot of mobs to RLCraft, many of which can be tamed. Spartan Weaponry Rebalance! - Other items that don't have durability but can be disenchanted will now be destroyed properly - Fix for gorgons getting distracted by player statues and punching them (they still stare menacingly though) (RLTweaker) - Caestus is now set to use the punching animation - Added End dimension blacklist to 2 lava fish in default config to prevent them from showing up in The End Anyone moving from the Twitch launcher to the CurseForge launcher will still automatically keep all profiles and modpacks. The Liop is a KO tame, and prefers 'Superior' kibble. -Hopefully improved stability and performance with the latest forge, all mods up to date, and some tweaks and configurations, to help the lag when running larger servers, added Phosphor LinkedIn and 3rd parties use essential and non-essential cookies to provide, secure, analyze and improve our Services, and to show you relevant ads (including professional and job ads) on and off LinkedIn. When I do mount the mob, it says to press the NONE button to dismount? - Disable Magnetic Enchantment: Option to disable the effect of Magnetic without unregistering it to avoid packet issues. You need to have Knowledge Level 2 to be able to tame a creature, and to reach it you will need a total of 1000 knowledge points. Ioray: - New wine's and elixirs, alternative to brewing through the Farming skill tree (Reskillable). - Fix for enchantments spawning that shouldn't (RLTweaker) - Soulstones now requires magic skill: 8 (to match summoning staffs) - Frost Rod and Frost Powder added to many frost Lycanite mobs ====================== - spawn group minimum: 3 1 - Teddy Bear provides a buff upon sleeping, and makes player immune to fear and insomnia from Lycanites
RL Craft #6 - Taming Flying Mob (Raiko) & Taming Chupacabra - YouTube - Enforce Tower Destruction Config: Prevents clients from changing the tower destruction config - Fixed the Darkness spawner spawning mobs in too high a light level. - Grappling Hook no longer works in Lycanite boss arena's -Fixed a crash with other mods when the player is invisible (Grue Claw Lv 3). Here's a table of ways to earn them: Once you reached knowledge level 2 you can start taming creatures! Others argue you can negate double handed trait with vitamins, ankh, or . Lost Cities: -Dungeon bosses now have boss bars! Has 6 uses. - Items on the ground flash before despawning
- New chests CreativeMD (Dev of Enhanced Visuals and Item Physics) - Suspicious SoupHMMM This update has been over a year in the making, thank you to everyone who's been waiting so patiently, to the awesome RLCraft communities, all the folks helping test things, report bugs, everyone who worked on RLCraft (credited at the end of this changelog) making this update possible, and to my sponsor Bisect Hosting who, without, I wouldn't of had the time to work on RLCraft so much. -Disabled Fire Starter item from No Tree Punching, to fix exploit with getting infinite perma torches via the Fire Pit item. - Potion Of Feather Falling: Slow falling effect - Crafted with Feathers in Thick Potion -Yes, no conflicts or major changes, your world will load with no issues The launcher will handle everything else! - removed ender pearl and rabbit meat drops - health: 40 100 -Made a slight change to the way Scaling Health scales health for mobs that MAY fix the rare invincible mob bug However you will keep pets, minions, and summons, and some certain items. IT'S ITS OWN FULL VERSION AND YOU MUST INSTALL LIKE ITS FRESH. Lycanite (Dev of Lycanites Mobs) -Added recipes for the flipflop liners and for flipliners making the auto chestplate and auto leggings liners (auto warming/cooling armor liners) . r/RLCraft. because Lycanites Mobs' entity isn't derived from the net.minecraft.entity.passive.TameableEntity. - Battletower Golem can no longer be pushed by pistons (RLTweaker) Spartan Weaponry UPDATE! -Render distance fix for dragons, sea serpents, cyclops, and battletower guardian, can now be seen 128 blocks away! Hydrodynamic (backported from Spartan Weaponry 2.x) - Allows Throwing Weapons to work better underwater. - summoning cost: 2 4 GoblinBob (Dev of Mo'Bends) RLCraft Changelog v2.5 to v2.6: - prismarine crystal drop: 3-6 2-4 Once a creature reaches half of the loyalty bar (bar will turn green), the creature will no longer be hostile. - Lance base damage now 2.0 (was 4.0) and Riding Damage Bonus 200% (was 100%) Mounting Once tamed and equipped with a saddle, Salamanders become the ultimate fire mount with the ability to quickly swim through lava! - Summoning pedestal particles animation changed -Fixed reskillable requirements missing from some armor and other mistakes with it - Nether Star drops decreased 1-2 (from 1-8) - Ereped drill and ettin club now do damage -Lowered shears requirement to 2 gathering (was 4) The mod adds a whopping 110 mobs to the game, and they're all divided in a specific type: Aberration-Asmodeus,Astaroth,Beholder,Krake,Shade,Trite, Aquatic-Abaia,Abtu,Aglebemu,Cephignis,Dweller,Ika,Ioray,Lacedon,Roa,Silex,Skylus,Strider,Thresher, Arthropod-Calpod,Concapede,Darkling,Erepede,Eyewig,Frostweaver,Gorgomite,Herma,Joust,Joust Alpha,Lurker,Sutiramu,Tarantula,Vespid,Vespid Queen, Avian-Raiko,Roc,Uvaraptor,Ventoraptor, Beast-Arisaur,Aspid,Barghest,Chupacabra,Conba,Dawon,Epion,Feradon,Geken,Jabberwock,Khalk,Kobold,Maka,Maka Alpha,Manticore,Maug,Quillbeast,Salamander,Warg,Wraamon,Yale,Yeti, Demon-Behemoth,Belph,Cacodemon,Pinky,Rahovart, Dragon-Cockatrice,Ignibus,Morock,Quetzodracl,Remobra,Zoataur, Elemental-Aegis,Argus,Banshee,Cinder,Djinn,Eechetik,Geonach,Grue,Jengu,Nymph,Reiver,Spectre,Spriggan,Sylph,Tremor,Vapula,Volcan,Wisp,Wraith,Xaphan,Zephyr, Undead-Amalgalich*,Cryptkeeper,Geist,Ghoul,Reaper,Wendigo. -Tide Guardian armor can be repaired again! Jouste. You should not allocate more than 4GB's for your client, as this ends up causing Java garbage collection to go wonky (very scientific I know) Press J to jump to the feed. - Added tooltip to baitbox to clarify function - 2.8.2 Worlds are NOT compatible with 2.9. joeyjoejoeshabidoo - armor: 0 8 . Amalgalich: - Undead soulstone can now be used to get pets - Squids can be milked to give ink using a bottle without killing them - Removed InControl (unused) These new mo. - summoning cost: 6 4 Added: ObliviousSpartan (Dev of Spartan Weaponry, Spartan HUD, and Spartan Shields) - Some ring recipes changed such as the resistance ring - Fixed squid ink accidentally dropping from mob spawners (lel) Quick summary of what's new! It's safe to convert the world but just be aware of these unavoidable changes. - Fixed mounts/pets/summons not being attacked back when attacking other mobs (especially vanilla mobs) -Rahovert and Asmodeus had a slight height scale miscalculation, causing them to shoot over you instead of at you at times.