- The first Serana Romance conversation will no longer occur in Dimhollow Crypt- instead when you first exit the crypt with Serana. About Serana Dialogue Add-on Mod - Page 2 - Skyrim Special Edition - Fixed bug where Nightshade would just randomly teleport to Phoenix. Greybeards summoning the Dragonborn (as part of the Main Quest commentary), Deleted redundant records and streamlined mod's code, Fixed conditions for Serana injured dialogue not fully completing, Improvements to the code of the following quests/features, Removed a whole lot of unused properties that were causing Papyrus Log bloat, Finally fixed Serana's radiant love forcegreets not proccing, Added a small delay at the end of Drinking Buddies so the related timer quest could start properly, Fixed issue with one of Auri's voicelines being said twice, Fixed some of Serana's Dark Brotherhood radiant greets being said too much, Fixed issue where Serana's blocking greets for Labyrinthian wouldn't match with the subtitles on screen. - Serana now comments on radiant intercourse after it happens. - The FG/OStim check is now made on each player game load, making SDA now able to detect if either of these animation frameworks were installed on an existing SDA save. - "Let's call it a day" dialogue was unecessarily set to random, even though it shouldn't be. - Once Serana is married (unofficially) the player is added into a custom Serana married faction, which prevents the vanilla marriage proposal dialogue from occurring with other NPCs. Serana Dialogue Add-On 3.0 Release! - Main Quest Dialogue added (Bleak Falls Barrow->Ustengrav | post-Blackreach on the to-do list). Whenever you mount your own horse, she will mount hers in turn. - Changed debug notification of Flower Girls install to say Flower Girls SE, to properly represent the Special Edition version. - Disabled a Whats on Your Mind line as it didn't make sense with the addition of the new Trust convo, - Made the SDA Animation Framework Check message hidden, only available to see through Papyrus Logging, - All Main Quest Commentaries are now started via a ChangeLocationEvent SM Node, and are called to stop when they're not running anymore. Over 14 radiant conversations that can occur anytime you explore with Remiel and Serana. Over 127 lines with extensive awareness on each quest. The "Trust" conversation is gated behind the Serana Romance as this is a very personal topic that more thematically makes sense with the Serana Romance friendship/lover development. Race Compatibility Dialogue for Serana Dialogue Addon (SDA) - Nexus Mods Big Update! I've just released the latest 3.0 update for my Serana Dialogue Add-On mod, which adds a bunch of cool stuff! - These occur for every single Dawnguard quest Serana does with you (from Bloodline to Kindred Judgement, barring the side-quests after Bloodline for each Dawnguard side). || The SDA and RDO patches have been overhauled to reflect this too. If you are on Xbox, only the latter method is available to you. Dawnguard DLC Overhaul Collection - Patches and File Repository, Dialogue sur la compatibilite des races SSE Serana Dialogue Addon - version francaise, Dragonborn Voice Over - Serana Dialogue Add-On (Voice Pack), Race Compatibility Dialogue for Serana Dialogue Addon (SDA), Serana Dialogue Add-on - Simonrim Patches, Serana Dialogue Add-On Patch Hub Simplified Chinese translation, you can read about my character philosophy here, Click Here to see the current Dev Roadmap, Most Downloaded Follower Mod on SSE Nexus. This should now fix the issue with some of her goodbyes not being able to play. After this update, NFF (and any follower framework support for Serana) will be obsolete. - Shortened triggering distance for the Taarie conversation. (PC only, due to how detecting player dialogue status is an SKSE function), - Serana should get irritated less often now when you bump into her while sneaking. - Since there currently aren't any voicelines for Orc and Bosmer commentary for now, temporary measures have been put in place to ensure the initial trigger dialogue doesn't fire, as long as the player is playing either of those two races. - Fixed Serana saying "Lani" for the "Jon" Name. - Implementation of the DDAF (Dynamic Dialogue Animation Framework) || It is now implemented in the College of Winterhold, Whats on Your Mind, and "Can I Talk to you for a bit?" - Serana can now wear whatever you want her to wear! 50% of the full revoice is now covered. | If the banter is not triggering for you for some reason (Serana should speak to Sofia as soon as they meet) try saving, then reloading your save. - Over 10 new romance conversations (and over 260 new dialogue lines) with Serana over the course, and after the Dawnguard questline. - Backend improvements with WhatsOnYourMind dialogue. - Serana can now store items in a dedicated storage inventory without using or equipping them. - The contextual responses for some of Serana's radiant dialogue should now work properly and as intended. - Improved how Drinking Buddies is triggered, hopefully solving issues for some of you, where the dialogue option would just outright disappear after a while. - A Serana gift-giving feature, which different responses for her depending on the type of gift. One of the largest content updates thus far! - Includes conversation topics on: lycanthropy, Redguard opinion, funny stories, - Reordered topic priority in main dialogue window, - Script optimizations for the radiant injured comments. Frankly it'll take too much effort and also cause compatibility issues if I edit that quest for the sake of SDA's sleeping feature, so I've decided to add in this workaround for now. - Added in safeguards for "House of Horrors" quest commentary to not occur at the wrong time. Serana will also be able to travel beside you, should you ask her to do that. Serana's radiant greets will no longer run while a serious/dramatic quest is running (which Serana has commentary support for). - Serana's House of Horrors commentary was still not occurring for some people. Ah, e pu anche (udite, udite!) - (For non-ESL version) Changed all armor keywords to "light armor", as Serana refers to it as light in her dialogue. . Now there's a voiced conversation behind it, and an in-game reason why it's in place. - Added in a timer quest that controls relationship variables with Serana. This should help reduce Laura Bailey and Kerstyn voice overlap, at least for the radiant stuff. To see it, and for immersion-sake, talk to Serana RIGHT BEFORE entering the haunted house. You can also choose between two name options for it- "Phoenix" and "Nightshade" as decided from a Patreon poll. This has since been conditioned to occur after her initial confession of feelings, should the player have gone the romance route. - "House of Horrors" quest awareness. - Serana can now cook home-cooked meals for you, similar to how vanilla spouses can. Now when talking to her with this option, Serana's responses (28, chosen at random dependent on questline progress, surroundings, romance) should feel a lot more organic and authentic. - Alduin bug was fixed previously but delayed. - Fixed xEdit script property Warning Message (was previously harmless though). - Removed dialogue cooldown for Serana recap dialogue. - Added in framework to adjust animation priority and which adult frameworks are selected for romance scenes (disabled for now while I continue to develop the code). ", - Serana Companions commentary is now started via a ChangeLocationEvent SM Node. - Coded in some Drinking Buddies content (disabled for now, as it's still very much a WIP), - Disabled old and buggy content from previous SDA versions, - Serana no longer talks to you about marriage anymore (vanilla conversation) if you've already married her. - Reduced frequency of pop culture/meme lines by -20%, - Reduced frequency of Serana singing by -5%. There was on update on nexus so I'll post that here: from the MA "Important Announcement Regarding AE: Hey guys! - Drink with Serana (both alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks) at any inn, and have casual and immersive talks over a multitude of topics. - More post-quest dialogue after defeating Harkon. One of the most expansive updates for SDA to date. - Completely redone Serana "What's your opinion on" dialogue with new lines voiced by the new VA, Kerstyn Unger! If you don't want Serana to converse with a particular follower anymore, you can tell her via the Serana Menu. The 'Realistic' option is set by default. So telling her to be quiet should now actually do that, and not make her talk more instead. - The RP conversations (from v1.7 onwards) were restructured as to not initially overwhelm the player dialogue choice list. NFF has two conflicting script files, just make sure SDA's overwrites. Serana should now look more expressive. Because the Serana marriage in this mod is treated very differently from typical vanilla marriage, both role-play wise and gameplay wise. - Serana should no longer comment on how nice the player's house is when the player is in Hjerim and "Blood on the Ice" is currently running, - Made one of the DLC1RNPCGeneralHello lines use the proper voice line, - Replaced the initial "Can I Talk to You for a bit?" - Support for the SexLab animation framework for romance scenes. Also deleted the irrelevant GV that wasn't being used. 1.0 RELEASE! - Recap dialogue on Volkihar Castle Undercroft and Courtyard, - Misc minor fixes to some dialogue here and there, tweaking conditions and existing subtitle typos, - Additions to existing Main Quest dialogue, - New radiant dialogue while exploring the Soul Cairn, and Tamriel at night. Instead of appearing all at once, new dialogues would only appear after a previous one was completed. 2. - Added Old Hroldan Inn as an excluded inn from Serana's sleeping feature. - Reworked Serana's map marker feature. - Flower Girls animation support innately added to SDA, without requiring a plugin patch. - Patch update by Noodle Bowl. There were some files incorrectly archived. The dialogue lines in this mod (nearly 5000) are all fully voiced, utilizing new voice-acted lines by Kerstyn Unger. This author has not provided any additional notes regarding file permissions. - Fixed sleep functionality for inns. Makes it so that Serana can snuggle next to the player if Campfire is installed. She is the Serana in Laura Bailey's absence. - Serana's lip files should now properly play for the pillow talk dialogue, - Removed unecessary audio files (leftovers from Creation Kit voice processing), - Added in missing Wood Elf and Orc racial commentary, - Added in a missing voice line for one of the conversations, - Fixed conditions for one of the lines in the Cyrodillic Brandy conversation, - Fixed issue where Ysoldas lip movements wouldnt play for some lines during the Serana Date quest, - Added in a missing voicefile for Ysolda. This was done since a lot of players go there early in Dawnguard - where the relationship mechanic (and its succeeding dialogue) may not have been unlocked yet. Anyone who wants to disable and toggle Serana's raise zombie spells will need to download this new patch, and if they use Serana replacers, make their own patches via xEdit. - Removed debug notification that shouldn't be there for the horse riding. On top of knowing if the player has a vanilla home, I'd also like to add support for modded homes as well. - Sofia Banter (Built-into the mod, without requiring the Sofia mod as a Masterfile). Serana Dialogue Add-On Romance Update + LE Port! : r/skyrimmods - reddit Regardless, Serana will not want to go in that house at any cost because of Molag Bal's history with her family. (See the article here for all the names). Includes both some radiant and story-driven conversations. I've heard enough reports of people's saves being corrupted once the SDA mod is uninstalled. When both FG and OStim are installed, OStim takes precedence. Full Quest Commentary from "Dragonborn" to "At The Summit of Apocrypha". - Added a small conversation where Serana asks the player a question about companionship. - While drinking (if in third person) the player will now also play the appropriate drinking animations. - Tweaked conditions for "A Night to Remember" commentary to ensure the first commentary line fires off, - Tweaked conditions for some radiant romance lines to not occur if the player isn't in the mood for touchy-feely stuff, - Tweaked conditions for one of her scripted MQ commentaries to hopefully not occur while Delphine is speaking, - Tweaked dialogue fragment scripts in Serana's Forgotten Vale romance quest, so that her final dialogue lines would fire off properly, - Fixed conditions Serana's quest commentary for Discerning the Transmundane to only occur while that quest is running, - Added in missing voice greets from the previous Radiant Update, - Added in dialogue improvements to the SDA_SeranaRomance4 conversation. - Disabled some post-Harkon fight player dialogue, as one of those topics was already made redundant in recent updates, - Disabled "show on the road" dialogue as this has been largely been made redundant by new radiant dialogue recorded by Kerstyn, - Disabled Serana's lycanthropy dialogue, as a lot of the added quest commentary in 2.3 supersedes this thematically, - Disabled "I'd just enjoy watching you for a bit." - Serana will only comment on you carrying a lot of things if you are actually over-encumbered. Now when the player lockpicks a container, Serana will occasionally comment on it. - Improved other dialogue conditions for Companions quest commentary. Steam Workshop::Marriable Serana - Steam Community - Fixed a bug with the "Determination" dialogue quest trigger. No need for patches :). Some good stuff- primarily the fact that you're now able to romance Serana. - Disabled more hello, goodbye, and combat lines. After this update, SDA will now be incompatible with other mods that give Serana custom horses/custom horse support, like Convenient Horses (but a patch for that mod will be provided). Added a wig fix script- this should fix problems with Serana's hair wigs glitching out when using the SDA Outfit Feature, if she has a HDT wig equipped. - Main quest dialogue until "Dragonslayer" (Post Main-Quest dialogue coming later), - Serana commentary on player lycanthropy, - Tweak to dialogue conditions on Serana hurt dialogue. - Initial patch release. A patch for the Relationship Dialogue Overhaul mod; this patch prevents dialogue overlap in a lot of Serana's radiant dialogue added by RDO, to ensure a consistent VA experience with Serana's radiant lines. "The Tale of the Tongues" is for Dragonborn/MQ players as well, conditioned to only occur after the main quest. 3. dialogue. If you noticed Serana was unusually quiet in some quests, or should have commented on something, try playing through those bits again and see if she has something to say! This happens later in the Dawnguard questline so it's good for roleplay. - Serana no longer drinks a blood potion (visibly) if she is not following the player. Also prevents NFF's tavern interactions from firing off during the "Date at the Bannered Mare" quest. This was implemented to some extent in vanilla (hence how Serana had different dialogue animations throughout the DG questline) but never fully realized. dialogue this mod has, so that it's less spammy. Fixes to a lot of commentaries for the College of Winterhold and Dark Brotherhood not playing. Sneeze/Yawn toggle is now only available she's become cured. Previously ignored quests (like "Season Unending") are now covered as well. In a future update, this will be re-implemented. Serana has a few lines relevant to your character's race that you would miss playing as custom race, this fixes by updating the conditions to check for custom race keywords. - Some backend changes for the dialogue conditions of various dialogue. Serana won't be that close to you after you've just made love once. However, if the player chooses to remain part of the #furryfam- although Serana will disagree with you, this won't be harmful to the player-Serana relationship (as she has come to learn to respect your decisions- despite how the Companions questline brought up some of her past trauma). Serana will no longer comment negatively about the Companions if you've told her you want to cure the Circle of their lycanthropy. Serana will still eventually be attracted to the player (should the player have chosen the romance route) but this will be shown more organically and Serana should come off as less horny and/or player-pandering. Part of the groundwork I'm doing before the release of the romance update rework, this change was made for a more authentic depiction of the relationship. - The player can suggest alternative drinks (like Black Briar or Honningbrew Mead) if the player has those items in their inventory. This is only available after the Dawnguard questline, should the romance route have been pursued with the vampire princess. For now it's just about her dad but more topics to come for the next release. Same with the trading dialogue, there are now more responses when she is being asked to wait somewhere. IMPORTANT NOTE: For the Diplomatic Immunity quest, Serana is supposed to be force-dismissed after the last dialogue line. - The "Kjarah" name was using a voice file with the wrong pronunciation. - Redone Crimson Blood armor dialogue patch. ), - Added in a disclaimer when the mod is first run (basically saying that the full revoice isn't complete and that there are two Serana voices in the game), - Added a small message shown to the player once Serana is having her emotional breakdown at the Ancestor Glade, - Serana now comments whenever you do killmoves (this was initially a cut feature from a much earlier version of the mod but I was finally able to get it to work). - Added in random idle yawns for Serana. - Serana was addressing the player as a lover with a specific sleeping dialogue topic, when she shouldn't have yet. NOTE: Since Remiel has conversations with the vanilla Serana, I recommend you install the Remiel Banter Patch (via Patch Hub, or Xbox mod page) to prevent voice overlap. - SDA_AlternateVoice check now occurs within the premises of the entire castle location, during Chasing Echoes- not just the dungeon interior. In addition (after a short conversation with her about her spell-casting abilities) she will gain access to an expanded repertoire of new spells, like Healing, Oakflesh, and Flame Atronach. - Fixed dialogue condition with the final Companions commentary, - Also includes this bugfix from 2.3.1hotfix: Fixed dialogue conditions for a specific combat idle, - Fixed some looping animation issues with DDAF on "Whats on Your Mind" lines, - Added conditions to some combat lines to only fire off when they would make sense to, - Added a condition to Serana's humming that previously wasnt there before, - Forwarded some dialogue edits from Serana Dialogue Edit for compatibility reasons, - Some tweaks to SDA Companions commentary, - Added safeguards to ensure you can't make love to Serana while Inigo or Sofia are around (they should be more than 500 distance units away). - More subtitle fixes, especially for some font characters which may sometimes display as square boxes, - Serana or other NPCs which have banter with her won't initiate their scenes when the player is currently in dialogue (Requires SKSE). I haven't gotten that to work yet, so you'll have to dismiss her yourself. If you have more questions or would like to know more, please visit my website! - Changed keyword for Crimson Blood armor from heavy to light, seeing as Serana specializes more in light armor use, in consideration that the armor was made for her, - Added an additional conversation with Serana when she actually wears the armor for the first time, - Updated sleep patch to accommodate 2.5 script changes, Completely rebuilt patch from the ground-up, - Added conditions to lover dialogue to not occur in dangerous places like caves and dungeons, - Certain measures put into place to prevent instances where Amorous Adventures hello dialogue would coincide with Serana Dialogue Add-On's. I mean, why wouldn't Serana, a mage, have more to say about this place? (originally fixed in 1.3hotfix update, now consolidated into 1.3.1), - Serana will no longer sneeze as a vampire. - Removed SDA Friendship requirement for the College of Winterhold commentary. Did not make much sense for Serana's character, even in vanilla- especially when the whole point of the Dawnguard questline was to stop Harkon from blotting out the sun. - Added dialogue to disable candlelight and some cloak spells (Frost, Lightning, Whirlwind). dialogue topic. This was an oversight - and partly why the retoggle patch was delayed until 3.3 (since the bloodcursed arrows dialogue was not fully disabled back then). - Added AlternateVoice flags to Kerstyn dialogue which previously didn't have any, - Added workarounds to prevent the Serana dialogue looping animation, - Removed "Say Once" condition to Serana Vampire conversation so the player will be able to experience it more than once, - Miscellaneous backend code improvements, - Serana won't greet you with her radiant greets when in the Castle Volkihar Boss room, - She also won't greet you if you're currently in dialogue with another NPC (soft-requires SKSE, only on Oldrim/SSE), - Serana will no longer engage in quest commentary if the player is speaking to another NPC, - Serana will no longer stand up and do weird dialogue animations while she's sitting down (mostly with WhatsOnYourMind dialogue), - Decreased frequency of Serana sneak greets, as to not irritate the player, - Serana will no longer talk to NPCs (NPC Banter) while sneaking. Serana Dialogue Add-On Romance Update + LE Port! Bethesda mistakenly marks a lot of common areas as "Dwellings" which made Serana equip her home outfit in these areas. - Added in some revoice lines for "Can I Talk to You For a bit?"
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