What Is an Insurance Endorsement? B. imports The personal injury endorsement can be added to a homeowners policy to protect the insured from injuries to others caused by, What damage is specifically excluded under the personal property coverage in the HO-3 special form, Additional coverages in the homeowners policy, Fire department service charge Physicians and Surgeons Floater While the HO 04 61-Scheduled Personal Property Endorsement provides much more coverage than an. He asks his insurance agent if the family cemetery plot and the small greenhouse he rents to a friend who grows and sells orchids are also covered under the policy. The land on which the dwelling is located --- While vacant land is included in the definition of 'insured location,' for the purposes of liability coverage, no property coverage is provided for land under the Homeowners policy. B. Under the holdback requirement of a homeowners policy, the insurer must pay only the actual cash value of the loss until the actual repair or replacement is completed, subject to one exception. Molly's claim for damages under Coverage A of her policy was $200,000 and her claim for damages under Coverage C was $150,000. D. Property damage -- Physical injury to tangible property, but does not include loss of use of that property, Property damage -- Physical injury to tangible property, but does not include loss of use of that property. Molly also has a $2,500 scheduled personal property endorsement covering her jewelry. B. What is the difference in the weekly salaries of these two jobs? Which of the following is true concerning the Home Day Care Coverage Endorsement to the Homeowners Policy? Most Personal Articles Floaters are written on: Coverage for business property on the premises is limited to $2,500; away from the premises the limit is $1,500. George just returned from Europe with a beautiful Swiss watch valued at $10,000. C. buildings A person who owns and lives on a farm -- Homeowners eligibility does not include farm property, but does include certain incidental business occupancies. Scheduled personal property coverage is an endorsement that you can add to your home insurance policy to raise coverage limits for high-value items to ensure all of your belongings are fully protected no matter how or where they're damaged. Scheduled personal property does provide broader coverage, but some exclusions do apply to this type of coverage. replacement cost coverage is available by endorsement, for an additional premium. They ask their agent if there is sufficient coverage under their standard homeowners policy for these high value items, and, if not, what is the best way to insure them. $74,850.0035,798.00. D. Medical payments coverage is available for the insured and resident relatives. The Watercraft Liability endorsement provides which coverage? These items of personal property are subject to dollar limits and should be insured under a scheduled personal property endorsement. Take pictures of all items and receipts, and send them to your insurer. $1,500 for loss by theft -- Jewelry, watches, furs, precious and semiprecious stones are covered up to $1,500 for loss by theft. A. ACV Which of the following is not an Additional Coverage on the homeowners policy? A wildfire is burning near Linda's house and the sheriff's department orders her to evacuate. Jack and Jill contact their homeowners insurer and ask the claim representative whether they are covered for this loss. A little later the grill explodes and damages Mac's home. Victoria is considering purchasing a condominium unit and asks her insurance agent what type of homeowners policy would be best for her. \text{\$400} & \text{1.5\\% compounded semlannualiy} & \text{4 yr} & \text{b. Damage caused intentionally by the insured's 10-year-old son The Damage to Property of Others duplicates coverage that is included in Section I ---- The Damage to Property of Others Additional Coverage supplements the Property Damage Liability Coverage by providing limited Coverage for damage, caused by the insured, regardless of negligence. What limitations, if any, apply to cash and securities? C. furs and jewelry Policyholders are not subject to a deductible on scheduled items. If it suffered extensive damage and had to be replaced, the replacement value might substantially exceed its market value. Describe five common fees assessed on credit card accounts and how they can be avoided. Which statement is true concerning Section II of a Homeowners Policy? Dave has a homeowners insurance policy. C. Vermin However, which type of property is covered? A friend who is renting a bedroom in the insured's house since it is only three blocks away from work - Since the friend is a tenant, not a relative or a person in the care of the insured, he/she would not be an insured under the policy. Each insurance company will value your personal property differently. Under what section of her homeowners policy is the pool insured, if at all? 1 The Balance uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. C) the neighbor's medical expenses. Scheduled personal property. How can government use taxes to reallocate the use of resources in the economy? B. An insurer is not required to accept any property that an insured has. Mr. Yerby purchased a homeowners policy to provide insurance for personal liability and the belongings in his apartment. Physicians and Surgeons Floater All of the following are benefits provided by the Loss of Use coverage (Coverage D) in a homeowners policy EXCEPT: Janice and Bill ask their agent which homeowners insurance form she would recommend to meet their needs. A Personal Articles Floater: The policy details the dollar amount for the standard coverage of various categories. Coverage C: Personal Property \begin{matrix} On dry pavement, the standard deviation is 16 feet. He wrote about insurance, banking, budgeting, products, services, and more for The Balance and Investopedia. (The home cannot contain more than 4 families), are also eligible for homeowners policy if the named insured is to be the occupant, Which of the following is the correct formula used to calculate ACV, Loss sustained while the injured party is on an insured location with any insured's permission is covered under, The insurance limit for coverage B-other structures is, 10% of Coverage A (Except for HO-4 and HO-6), All of the homeowners forms provide identical. Installment Sales Floater Coverage D: Loss of Use, Coverage E: Liability Damage to Property of Others coverage is provided up to a specified limit regardless of negligence -- Damage to Property of Others pays up to $1,000 regardless of whether the insured is liable or not. The coverage for Damage to Property of Others excludes property that is covered in Section I The replacement value of the home is $450,000. If the cost to repair or replace is less than five percent of the dwelling limit and less than $2,500, the holdback requirement does not apply. The Scheduled Personal Property Endorsement, HO 04 61, does not define fine arts, leaving the category open for anything that does not fall into the jewelry, furs, cameras, musical. All of the following are true, except: Which property would be settled for its actual cash value even if the Personal Property Replacement Cost Loss Settlement Endorsement is attached to the HO-3 policy? Under your standard coverage, expensive jewelry, firearms, and furs may not be sufficiently covered scheduled personal property coverage can insure these items up to their full value. D) Personal property replacement cost endorsement. What Is Personal Property Coverage? The assigning of the value of the insuredproperty will vary by the insurance provider. Which of the following statements about coverage under the federal flood insurance . A. What is his objection to actual cash value and what, if anything, can he do about it? The stone could be replaced for $1,700. C. Residence employee -- An employee of an insured whose duties are related to the maintenance or use of the residence premises B) Scheduled personal property endorsement. A. People with collections that are valued at more than the maximum coverage amount should consider supplementalscheduled property coverage. Which of the following would be covered under the Damage to Property of Others additional coverage of the Homeowners Policy? C) Scheduled personal property endorsement. A. replacement cost | Allstate An additional insurance coverage, known as scheduled personal property, can help provide greater protection for some of your most valued belongings. Scheduled personal property may increase the coverage limits on expensive items such as jewelry, furs, art and antiques, stamps, coin collections, or other select collectibles. }\\ However, there are still a couple of issues to note when using a form such as the HO 04 61 (05 11)Scheduled Personal Property Endorsement. Determine the earnings per share for Years 13. riot A. Coverage A: Dwelling no, because there are more than 4 units in the dwelling. The definition also includes a person who performs similar duties elsewhere that are not related to any business of the insured, such as a person hired to paint the insured's house, as so long as the insured doesn't own a business that paints houses. C. A hovercraft Personal property is covered worldwide. - &35,798.00\\ \hline Also known as scheduled personal property coverage, this is a way to raise the coverage limits of specific high-value items, such as valuable family heirlooms, that you own. In addition, it provides personal liability coverage. Your company has 120,000120,000120,000 shares of cumulative preferred stock that pays dividends at $30.25\$ 30.25$30.25 per share and 200,000200,000200,000 shares of common stock. Which statement is correct about these forms? C. all-risk Property damage of another caused by the insured, The comprehensive HO-5 policy is a _____ perils contract on personal property, structures on the premises set apart from the dwelling by a clear space, What is not covered by coverage B - other structures, - does not cover other structures rented to others for other than a use as a private garage Open perils coverage on the dwelling and broad form coverage on the personal property ---- The H0-3 provides open perils coverage on the dwelling, and Named Broad Form perils coverage on the personal property. A. Dwellings under construction are covered for theft D. Art on exhibition, Which floater covers a heating/air conditioning dealer putting a new furnace system in an office building? Unscheduled personal property refers to items that are covered by personal property coverage but have not been specifically itemized; these items are subject to the standard coverage limits. Jack and Jill are vacationing at a golf resort when a thief enters their room and steals a laptop computer, golf clubs, cash, and clothing. It may provide protection in the event of a covered loss, such as theft or fire. Damage to these items is not covered if caused by. Well not relieve the insure of its policy obligations B. detached shed from which a tool repair business is operated. A. Texas Department of Insurance. An insurer may not be sued unless the insured has fully complied with the terms of the homeowners policy and the suit is brought within how many years of the loss date? Accessed Oct. 15, 2021. \text{Future Value} & \text{Rate} & \text{Time} & \text{Deposit (to nearest cent)}\\ damage to the property of others, Determinants of eligibility for coverage under each homeowner form, dwelling type Scheduled personal property covers additional risks that your standard homeowners policy doesnt cover. C. stated value Which of the following is false in regard to the Home Day Care endorsement? The art world is comparing the (a) seven-year-old, (b) seven year old child prodigy to Picasso. C. $250 Mr. Conrad lives on the second floor of a duplex he bought. B. fine art A) Coverage C--Personal property. The cost to replace the property forms the basis of the scheduled personal property policy, and depreciation is not a consideration. Coverage D of a Homeowners Policy includes loss of income from an incidental business ---Coverage D does not cover loss of income from an incidental business. The policy states that the insurance company will provide defense for the insured at the insurer's expense, even when the insured is not at fault. Yvette's diamond ring is listed in the schedule of the Scheduled Personal Property Endorsement (HO 04 61) attached to her homeowners policy. Payment of the actual cash value or a proportional share of the loss, whichever is greater, Averagenumberofcommonsharesoutstanding, Fundamentals of Financial Management, Concise Edition, Marketing Essentials: The Deca Connection, Carl A. Woloszyk, Grady Kimbrell, Lois Schneider Farese, CHM 101 Exam #3 Chapter 11 Lecture Notes From, Chapter 6 - Addiction Across the Life Span. D. Contractor's Equipment Floater, Inland Marine will NOT cover: Which of the following is not true concerning Section II of the Homeowners Policy? lawnmowers, Bodily injury to others What homeowners form was designed to provide coverage for older homes because their replacement values exceed their market values by a significant amount? The amount of insurance provided to cover personal property of a Homeowners Policy is what percentage of Coverage A? C. positive state affect D. The Damage to Property of Others duplicates coverage that is included in Section I. The amount specified for this ring in the schedule is $2,000. The Tuttles own a late-19th century Victorian home. $0 Under the HO-4 and HO-6, personal property is covered on which basis? The required reserve ratio is 10 percent. A) 5% of the Coverage A limit. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. Which of the following is not one of these duties? Which of the following would not be an insured under Section II of the Homeowners Policy? What is the act of knowingly transferring or using, without legal authority, the identification of an insured with the intent to commit illegal activity? With scheduled personal property, you also. Protection extends to additional types of loss above that covered by the homeowner's policy. It extends Section II coverages to the insured's home day care business --- The Home Day Care Coverage Endorsement extends the coverage of the Homeowners Section II to the Day Care Business. personal property of roomers or boarders is excluded under the homeowners policy. Losses to dwellings and other structures are paid at replacement cost. What is relocation diffusion in human geography? $26,250 ---- The Coverage B total is $25,000, and the policy allows for an additional 5% for debris removal: $25,000 + 5% or $1,250 = $26,250. Property insurance provides financial reimbursement to the owner or renter of a structure and its contents in the event of damage or theft. These items are covered for losses caused by all the perils included in your policy such as fire, windstorm, theft and vandalism. civil commotion By purchasing a scheduled personal property policy, owners can ensure full coverage of expensive items, such as jewelry, in the event of a claim. B. Which of the following is not an option available to Laura? Scheduled personal property insurance covers you for greater risks than your homeowners' insurance policy. Scheduled personal property coverage provides three specificadvantages that extend beyond the benefits of a standard insurance policy: By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. A scheduled personal property endorsement provides higher limits on expensive valuables and provides broader coverage than a standard policy. Coverage is provided to property of boarders not related to the insured - all relatives of the named insured who live in the same household Which of the following is true regarding the HO-3 (Special Form)? $$ How was this claim paid? Theft from a dwelling under construction prior to its occupancy They would not recover their loss in full because they were not insured to value. Cassie notices that a Scheduled Personal Property Endorsement (HO 04 61) is attached to her homeowners policy. This modifies the basis of loss settlement from ACV to replacement value. D) Personal property replacement cost endorsement. A. affective events theory In the research study, 16 automobiles traveling at the same speeds are tested for stopping distances on wet pavement and then tested for stopping distances on dry pavement. C. Obligations of an insurer end when it pays damages equal to the policy limit for any one occurrence D. Camera floater, Which floater may be used to cover office equipment and furniture? $2,500 An insurer is not required to accept any property that an insured has Abandoned 80% --- If Coverage A is less than 80% at the time of a loss to the dwelling, a penalty will be applied to the partial dwelling loss claim payment. Which homeowners insurance form is appropriate for Marilyn and Dan? Invasion of privacy C. False Arrest D. A third party breaks a leg when the insured knocks him down . C. insect damage D. jewelry, A dry cleaner delivering clothes to customers should get: After ttt months on the job, a postal clerk can sort Q(t)=700400e0.5tQ(t)=700-400 e^{-0.5 t}Q(t)=700400e0.5t letters per hour. Per person - Medical payments coverage for all types of policies pays on a 'per person' limit. On what basis was the loss settled? C. golf clubs B. Michael and Tricia have spent much time and money to landscape their property. D. Coverage is not provided to a garage rented for private garage purposes. The cause is determined to be a defect in the grill. A scheduled personal property endorsement may be used to cover each of the following EXCEPT: A. bicycles and clothing B. decks and awnings C. birthday gifts and wedding gifts D. paintings and jewelry B. decks and awnings Sheep shipped to market are insured by: A. Inland marine insurance B. homeowner policies A. Inland marine insurance Laura's insurer paid $10,000 claim to reproduce the missing earring. She knows the furniture in her condo unit is covered as personal property under her homeowners policy but wants to know if the stored furniture is also covered and, if so, do any coverage restrictions exist. How much money would she have to earn each year before it was considered a business activity under a homeowners policy? Bridget reported the theft of her Rolex watch to her insurance company. To earn some extra money, Mrs. Holden babysits her next door neighbor's children on a regular basis in her own home. B. single family homes - anyone requested by the named insured, provides homeowners liability coverage for personal damage or injury caused while conducting business outside of the building. A. B) Special property limits. A standard homeowners insurance policy covers personal items up to a specific dollar limit, beyond which an insurance company won't compensate you in the event of a loss. Definition. In addition, Birinyi Associates identified Caterpillar as one of the top five companies to repurchase their own shares in a recent year.12 Three recent years of earnings and average common shares outstanding data for Caterpillar are as follows (in millions): Year3Year2Year1Netincome$3,695$3,789$5,681Averagenumberofcommonsharesoutstanding617.2645.2652.6\begin{array}{lrrr} Scheduled personal property coverage is an insurance rider (also known as an endorsement) homeowners can add on to their existing policy to get more protection for their valuables. Choose the true statement concerning Homeowners Policies. A. a stated value basis. Chloe moved from a spacious home to a smaller condo unit and stored some of her furniture in an off-premises storage unit. C) No coverage is available. Under Coverage B -- Other Structures of the homeowners policy, which of the following structures are covered? property removed, Section II provides coverage to third parties including, first aid provided by the insure reasonable repairs Fred and Sharon live in an older home whose replacement cost far exceeds its market value. It includes the Broad Form named perils on an actual cash value basis --- The HO-4 provides Broad Form named perils coverage on an actual cash value basis. An endorsement can settle personal property losses on a replacement cost basis. \text{\$25.000} & \text{2.1\\% compounded monthly} & \text{64 mo} & \text{d.}\\ What is the average rate at which the clerk sorts mail during the first 3 months on the job? \end{array} \text{\$5.000} & \text{1.1\\% compounded quarterly} & \text{8 yr} & \text{c.}\\ The peril causing this loss is malicious mischief. claim expenses B. Any residents of the same household are insured as long as, Permitted Incidental Occupancies Endorsement. Personal Articles Floater It extends Section II coverages to the insured's home day care business C. Home schooling is permitted under a Homeowners Policy Chapter 13 - Businessowners Coverage Form, Chapter 12 - Miscellaneous Commercial Policies, Fundamentals of Financial Management, Concise Edition, Donald E. Kieso, Jerry J. Weygandt, Terry D. Warfield, Marketing Essentials: The Deca Connection, Carl A. Woloszyk, Grady Kimbrell, Lois Schneider Farese. Items that are scheduled and insured under a scheduled personal property endorsement are covered on a . HO-3 is a comprehensive policy. It includes the Broad Form named perils on an actual cash value basis -- The HO-4 provides Broad Form named perils coverage on an actual cash value basis. On what form is his policy written? Water Damage (Excluded from all homeowners policies), Supplementary payments of the homeowners policy section 2 are paid, Which of the following losses would be 100% covered under Coverage C-personal property, A $1,250 fur coat that was stolen from the premises, Material misrepresentation by the insured requires & Substantial change in risk insured requires.
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