Promoted Listings in My eBay - Active: Open the dropdown menu beside the listing you want to promote. Of course, you can always contact the social platforms customer service team for help deleting posts if youre having trouble finding the appropriate settings. What you can change in your fixed price listing depends on whether there have been any purchases from the listing. Select the Remove Post option to permanently delete the post. And to manage the listing, click the Manage button. You can endan eBay fixed-price listing at any time, but auction listings can only be ended earlyin certain situations. Make your changes, then select Revise it to save the updated listing. Has anyone had this issue and know how to correct it or are we missing something obvious? I have sold an item and now I have a variation that I can list under "sell similar", but I cant edit the original listing title or description. If listing with the eBay catalog isnt possible, fill out the item specifics for brand, model, UPC, ISBN, EAN, color, size, gender, and/or MPN wherever they are available/applicable. We have added MPN numbers etc to our listings, but have a few listings that we cannot add EAN numbers. If you don't currently have an eBay store, the variations button will not show. Click the Edit link next to Exclude shipping locations from your listings. Including several high quality pictures is one of the best ways to attract buyers to your listings. How to add pictures to listings. Why would I want to schedule my listings? What you can change in your fixed price listing depends on whether there have been any purchases from the listing., Welcome to the Selling board! 08:04 AM When you create a listing, your item should appear in eBay searches within 24 hours. Another seller said eBay changed their settings to accept returns automatically. Tip It even says that I must have at least one picture (I have 12! Can't edit a listing: "Some of the fields in this listing are - eBay The EAN selection is not appearing when we edit the listing. A box will then appear, where you can choose which data you want to delete, 5. For most listings on eBay, you can edit a listing title, add or change photos, and add optional listing upgrades at any time, For fixed price (Buy It Now) listings and auction listings with more than 12 hours left and no bids, you can lower the price, In most cases, you can't change the listing duration or format. Use our suggested ad rate or, under Ad rate (%), set your own rate. To clear your history, the steps vary depending on which internet browser you are using. After clicking, a menu will expand. However, buyers who made a purchase prior to any postage detail changes are charged the original postage cost during checkout, Add or remove variations to the listing (if it is a multi-variation listing), Edit variations on the listing (if it is a multi-variation listing), Answer buyers' questions through messaging, but you can't update the description with new information to your listing, Change the available quantity of the listing, Add additional postage options, including local pickup, Add additional photos (on an auction style listing), but not remove existing photos, Add additional, separate description (on an auction style listing), Change the listing duration (on an auction style listing), Change the starting price (on an auction style listing), Change the item specifics/aspects of your listings, Change or add to the existing postage details, Edit the existing listing description/li>. Now if you don't have an eBay store, but you'd like to know how to set up an eBay store, I'll put a link on the screen and below to a free video showing how to set up an eBay store. This info does not constitute financial advice, always do your own research on top to ensure it's right for your specific circumstances and remember we focus on rates not service. The item specific For sale by is missing. Find out how choosing the right category can help you reach the right buyers. (Fees may apply if you add listing upgrades, and you won't receive a refund for any listing upgrades you remove. Once a bid is placed, you cannot make any revisions. Use our suggested ad rate or, under "Ad rate (%)", set your own rate. It must be a time thing. It looks like whatever the bug was they have fixed the issues. Select a campaign. Within the product listing page, you can select multiple items at once, then proceed to delete them. Find out how requiring immediate payment can help when you're selling a time-sensitive item. If you are unable to edit your listing for any of the above reasons, the best way to resolve this issue is to contact Facebook Marketplaces customer support team. How can I make a change to my listing? You can revise your listings any time in My eBay. How do I do it, please? Method 1 of 3: Using the Settings App Open the Start Menu . Then save your choices and continue with your edits. You must have a feedback rating of 30 or more and be a registered user for at least 14 days to list multiple quantity Fixed Price items (or be ID Verified). Please use the links below for donations: 6 Helpful Reply. Every seller on eBay gets 50 free listings a month. on Have you tried picking it up in Seller Hub and using "sell similar" from there? Required fields are marked *. Learn when and how you can end your eBay listing early. Otherwise, your picture is shown at the standard size of 96 pixels, Access to all of your pictures in search results, if you have multiple pictures. You can change variation details, prices, quantities and pictures. Go to My eBay > All Selling or Seller Hub > Listings > Active.. . To find it, search using keywords in your listing, and apply filters to narrow your results. Multi-quantity listings and listings with variations. Sealed Pot 2010 number 334 - 116.51 Saved! why can't i edit my ebay listing - When you sell items on eBay at a fixed price instead of through auction, you can add multiple identical items to the same listing. If you are having trouble, its worth contacting the customer service team associated with your platform who should be able to provide additional help. eBay Sellers Say Their Listings Are Mysteriously Changing Discover how to create a single fixed price listing that includes all the variations you offer, such as different colors and sizes. on To revise a listing, select the button below: Revise your listing - opens in new window or tab. 03-04-2021 On your public shop homepage, click the listing you'd like to edit. On the left-hand side of the browser, select History, 2. To edit multiple live listings at once, follow these steps. Click Delete to delete the entire activity or Delete All to delete all activities. Tip Adding extra stock to a listing in Archive Seller Central 26-06-2020; Why have ebay changed listing main photo to photos of items rather than cover photo? with no explanation why. Go to My eBay Selling or Seller Hub Active. What's changeable depends on if your listing has received any bids. In the left column, click Sell. Traditional APIs: Orders, resolutions and feedback, eBay APIs: Talk to your fellow developers, RESTful Sell APIs: Account, Inventory, Catalog and Compliance, RESTful Sell APIs: Marketing, Analytics, Metadata, Post Order APIs - Inquiry, Case Management, Seller Protections are in place for those impacted by winter weather, eBay Motors announces the eBay Guaranteed Fit Program, Seller Protections for the South and Central US, 7 Questions with Stephanie Garcia of MamaBreaks, Seller Protections for shipping delays due to winter storms and flooding, 7 Questions with Gerron Moore of Big Dreams, IRS announces delay in new $600 1099-K tax reporting threshold, Seller Protections are in place for sellers impacted by Winter Storm Elliott, 7 Questions with Camilla and Khang of TheFIResellers, USPS decreased rates for Priority Mail labels effective December 9, 2022, In Celebration of Sellers and Small Business, URGENTjoin our grassroots campaign to raise the new IRS tax reporting threshold, 7 Questions with Alex Carrera of Save A Suit, FedEx Home Delivery Rates Decrease Effective November 8, 2022, Shipping labels update for Authenticity Guarantee-eligible sneakers. Crop the photo and select Continue to remove the background. 2018 Islamic Center of Cleveland. What you change in an auction-style listing depends on how much time is left on the listing. Go to My eBay > All Selling or Seller Hub > Listings > Active.. On the Edit your listing page, make your changes. In the Privacy & Security section, select Clear Data, 4. Sign in to your eBay account and click on My eBay. Some stores did not catch the glitch and mass edited their listings causing all their inventory to be incorrect. mercedesinternational Adventurer (2675feedbacks) View listings Options Mark as New Bookmark If you havent used your Facebook account in a while, you may need to reactivate it in order to make changes to your listing. It may be due to a connection issue or possibly a slow internet connection. Our photo uploader can take images up to 7MB in size, Capture images of the top, bottom and sides of your item with detailed close-ups. I am repeatedly redirected to the "Welcome To Ebay" screen, sign in AGAIN and AGAIN. For fixed price (Buy It Now) listings and auction-style listings with more than 12 hours left and no bids, you can lower the price. When you revise a listing, eBay puts a little notation on your auction page that reads: Description(revised). In my case, I currently cannot edit any of my items. You can re-use them if you relist the item or create a new listing for something similar. Enter your new password. You are purchasing a Good copy of 'Why Can't I Change? Your choice of categoryand whether you add a second categorycan help you reach the right buyers. Fill in the rest of your listing, then select List item. All your listings on eBay, including all your Fixed Price listings, will appear in your store. You can delete data from the past hour, day, week, month, or from the beginning of time. On Facebook, you can go to your profile page, click on the Activity Log, click on the Your Posts tab, then click on the Edit symbol next to the post(s) that you would like to delete. When youre done, click the Save button to confirm your changes. Discover how to create a single fixed price listing that includes all the variations you offer, such as different colours and sizes. First, its possible that Facebook has removed the Marketplace feature from your account due to violations of their terms and conditions or for other violations of their policies. Can you change item description on eBay? eBay's photo uploader makes it easy to add and edit photos of your items. You might send then an message via their support option to report. Tap the activity you want to delete, then tap the 3-dot icon in the top right corner. eBay stores pictures for 90 days, A larger picture, up to 400 x 400 pixels, when you hover over the item in search results. Click 'Show' on Payments from buyers, then click edit next to Use Bank Deposit Express. To revise a listing, select the button below: Revise listing - opens in new window or tab. Revising listings. Revise a listing | eBay ), Add or change photos using eBay photo services, Increase or decrease the number of items for sale, Edit the postage details. I know there is a reason, but I cant seem to find the answer anywhere. I have not change any picture in the listing and it was fine for weeks before this" Now why suddenly my pictures are not okay? Discover how to create a single fixed price listing that includes all the variations you offer, such as different colours and sizes. For the last week or so I have had infuriating difficulty with not being able to list items to sell. However, if you are unable to access the individual item page, you will need to look for a bulk delete selection. Find out how requiring immediate payment can help when you're selling a time-sensitive item. Check the box beside each listing you want to make a change to. What's changeable depends on whether your listing has received any bids. What's changeable depends on if your listing has received any bids. Listing durations and timings | eBay Basically clearing out all current inventory and reverting it back to original numbers. First, make sure you are logged into your Facebook account. The first reason is you must have an eBay store for the variations button to show. You can only change your username once every 30 days. On Instagram, go to your profile page, find the post you wish to delete, click on the Options menu icon located at the top right of the post, and select the Delete option. Sealed Pot 2009 number 334 - 100 Saved! La Liga Table 2020/21 Fixtures, To do this, first open your preferred browser and navigate to the Facebook website. Check the box beside each listing you want to make a change to. To revise a listing, select the button below: Revise your listing You can revise your listings any time in My eBay, here's how: In Selling Activity , find the listing you'd like to revise. For fixed price (Buy It Now) listings and auction listings with more than 12 hours left and no bids, you can lower the price. Click Continue. Keeping overview of my items. To see other options for managing which users can and can't buy from you, go to our Buyer Management page. 3. There's no fee to revise a listing unless you add a special feature. Your choice of category and whether you add a second category can help you reach the right buyers. Why can't I edit my ebay listing??? - MoneySavingExpert Forum This windows will allow you to set your password, and add a password hint. On Twitter, log into your account and click on the More icon located in the top menu bar. 6 Helpful Reply. If an item you list on eBay doesnt sell, we can automatically relist it for you to get it back in front of buyers. I could not stop this so I ended the listing and made another one (same) but this warning is still there and I can't post my listing anymore. If an item you list on eBay doesnt sell, we can automatically relist it for you to get it back in front of buyers. Why can't I edit my Facebook Marketplace listing? You can usually make changes to your eBay listings, but there are some restrictions depending on what you want to change and when. Learn when and how you can end your eBay listing early. Editing an item. For most listings on eBay, you can edit a listing title, add or change photos, and add optional listing upgrades at any time. in Archive Business Seller Board 25-06-2020; Packlink on eBay in Archive Private Seller Board 23-06-2020 In My eBay, hover your mouse over account then select Site Preferences. Here's how: Here's an overview of what you can change and when you can do it: For more details, see our eBay rules and policies page or our policy on revising listings. Finally, its possible that your account settings have changed, leading to the removal of the Marketplace feature. For some reason I am no longer able to edit my listing's description and some more fields. Scholarship Fund If you are using eBay, the steps are slightly more involved. Listing Scheduling FAQs - eBay You can endan eBay fixed-price listing at any time, but auction listings can only be ended earlyin certain situations. You can also revise multiple listings in Seller Hub. In most cases, you can t change the listing duration . Changing item location. Make your changes, then select Revise it to save the updated listing. Wondering how the new IRS reporting thresholds for Form 1099-K apply to you? Anyone else getting this issue on their listings? After that, select the Marketplace option in your left page menu. Learn when and how you can end your eBay listing early. This months episode of the eBay Seller Spotlight podcast is live! To check, please go to Settings > Apps & Websites and confirm that the Marketplace feature is turned on. I can't see my latest deal. At the top of the listing page, click Listing Tools. Including several high-quality pictures is one of the best ways to attract buyers to your listings. Select the Remove background icon. When creating or editing your listing in the new listing tool or the eBay app you can use the background removal feature to easily touch up your photos. However, you can send a fixed price listing to auction by going to, If the fixed price listing has more than one item, one item will be sent to the auction listing and the quantity in the fixed price listing will decrease by one, If the fixed price listing has only one item, it will be ended when the auction listing is created, The previous view and watcher information from the fixed price listing will not be carried over to the auction listing, If you change from fixed price to auction, you will not have the option to add a Buy It Now option, If you'd like to sell a different item, you'll need to create a new listing for the item, instead of editing an existing listing, Remove the following optional listing upgrades: Buy It Now, eBay photo upgrades, reserve price, and 10-day listing (in applicable categories), Add optional listing upgrades to increase your item's visibility, Add a second category, unless there are category restrictions (fees may apply), Reduce the starting price of your item. on Yes. (Any grey sections can't be revised.) For example, holidays might be near and you would like to surprise your family with interesting gifts. What you change in an auction-style listing depends on how much time is left on the listing. If youre having trouble adding photos, make sure youre using one of the accepted file formats (JPEG, PNG, GIF, TIFF, BMP, WEBP, HEIC, or AVIF). To revise a listing, select the button below: Revise your listing - opens in new window or tab. If none of these explain the issue, it may be best to contact Facebook customer support for further assistance. Editor, Marcus Herbert, Ebay, auctions, car boot sales, post & parcels. Setting up your shipping options | eBay In some categories, image quality isnt as critical to a sale as others. (We only allow photos that are saved as JPEG, GIF, PNG, or BMP formats. 03-04-2021 Editing your Marketplace on iPhone requires accessing Facebook through your web browser. 1 Btc In Usd, Then save your choices and continue with your edits. Can't Change Details On Computer Listing Ebay - Android Consejos In the Selling Preferences section, Postage and packaging preferences and then click the Show link. if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[728,90],'remodelormove_com-box-3','ezslot_3',173,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-remodelormove_com-box-3-0');Unfortunately, you may encounter issues when trying to edit or delete your Facebook Marketplace listing that can prevent you from making changes to your listing. I hope this gets fixed soon. I have tested other recently sold items from yesterday and I cant edit them at the moment, on If you are using another browser, you can look up how to clear your history. Revising a Listing - eBay Global Shipping Program (GSP) takes the complexity out of shipping internationally. What you can change in your fixed price listing depends on whether there have been any purchases from the listing. Your choice of category and whether you add a second category can help you reach the right buyers. The current limits are (they may change in the future): You may schedule listings to start anytime up to 21 days in the future. (You won't receive credit for any difference in your insertion fees), Extend the listing duration if 2 or more hours have passed since the listing was submitted, Change the category and add item specifics, Add optional listing upgrades to increase your item's visibility (fees may apply), Add new payment methods and post-to locations, Add optional listing upgrades to increase your listing's visibility (fees may apply), Answer buyers' questions, but you can't post the questions and answers to your listing, Change the primary and secondary category, Add or remove optional listing upgrades. Correcting an eBay auction before you receive bids To revise a fixed-price listing or any auction before bids have been received, follow these steps: Go to your My eBay page and find the item you want to revise. To manage who can buy from you, you can use our buyer requirements feature. 08:13 AM. Edit a listing from your public shop page. Several of your listings have bids. Yey!! Select Reschedule to change the date and time or Delete to cancel the listing. How to add pictures to listings. Learn how to manage who can bid on, or buy, your items. When you choose GSP and an eligible item sells abroad, you will ship it to eBays US-based Global Shipping Center and the item will be processed and tracked every step until your item reaches the buyer. Select Send offer beside the eligible item (or Eligible to send offers, if youre using Seller Hub). Vikings Season 4 Episode 13 Reddit, ), Add or change photos using eBay photo services, Increase or decrease the number of items for sale, Edit the postage details. Car & Truck Safety & Security Accessories, Multi-quantity listings and listings with variations. Select a campaign. Revise a listing | eBay Browse to find the photos you want (maximum 7MB each). Make your changes, then select Revise it to save the updated listing. How To Edit Or Revise A Listing On Ebay 2021 - Why You Might - YouTube You can view your Scheduled items - opens in new window or tab in My eBay. Select the Selling option from the list and you should be directed to the My eBay Selling page. The My eBay summary page shows you details about virtually every aspect of your eBay life, including your purchase history, a rundown of your recently viewed items, the status of your bids and offers youve made on auction items, an overview of your purchase history, the items that youre watching, and the sellers and searches that youve saved. A dialogue will open as you type your search terms. Auto-suggest helps you quickly narrow down your search results by suggesting possible matches as you type.
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