I wrote in second person. Hussie initially spoke to Polygon before the Sarah Z video, but agreed to follow up conversations after its release. This has of course produced some backlash within the community. Why Is it a bad joke? He forces Jake to admit he loves him just to get the satisfaction of embarrassing him and destroying his heart, and he consistently and purposefully misgenders Roxy. Snowman Maybe the Twilight fan found a way to elevate the themes and feel of YA urban fantasy to an older audience. I know that Im asking questions, and sometimes thats good enough. Small business owner, political organizer, and professional writer based in the Puget Sound area. We are currently experiencing a system-wide issue with a delay on all activations. Question: Hey hiveswap team and @skullmandible, confirm Lanque as a trans boy yes/no? there are pedophilic implications between Chahut who is confirmed to be basically an adult, soon to be taken off the planet and Amisia, a literal child, these were done by the same artist. It also has an unprecidented degree of fan interaction laced throughout the comic, with readers being invited in through suggesting actions, names, and other content; producing art and music; and headcanons later 'canonised' or 'debunked'. With the end of Adobe Flash on the horizon, hours of Flash content, much of it interactive, is going to have to be scrapped and remade. Eventually, she goes on to write a widely read manifesto; taking the reins of a militant revolutionary group that wears goth clown makeup. Why ._3wvjcIArtO7kKPJabZfZ9S{font-family:Noto Sans,Arial,sans-serif;font-size:12px;font-weight:400;line-height:16px;-ms-flex-align:center;align-items:center;color:var(--newCommunityTheme-metaText);display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;margin-right:24px;opacity:0;transition:opacity .1s ease-in-out}._3wvjcIArtO7kKPJabZfZ9S._1c98ixuh4QUWO9ERiFID3p{opacity:1}.RtAsN7UrR7u51W5kaOXvp{display:-ms-flexbox;display:flex;margin-left:4px;margin-right:0}._1JRtpiobR4jYtbw-xx1tPO{border:1px solid var(--newRedditTheme-body);margin-left:-7px;transform:scaleX(-1)}._1JRtpiobR4jYtbw-xx1tPO:nth-child(2){margin-top:4px} Besides the sometimes-cane, she needs no assistance at alland while that is fantasticit would be preferable to see her use the sort of assistance that blind people typically use, instead of Terezi just being able to see everything that she licks. I mean the priests are fucking clowns for god's sake, that's pretty fucking blatant. 1,362,830. Damara speaks in broken english, and her japanese is straight from google translate. These Fraymotifs stack when two characters use their own powers to create something new and even stronger, similar to how each characters leitmotif stacks in the music of the comic to bring the reader to higher story beats. EDIT: Let me clarify here. Time to be controversial here. I dont know. Can you imagine what my first attempts at writing looked like? Alternia, at least at first, is a dark joke about our real-world society. Fanfiction that places Dirk and Kanaya in heterosexual pairings. And thats just me. When I did that I had a problem with the paginate laravel 8 UI getting messy and somehow it happened. Hussie said he returned to the 140,000 word long draft, cut the story in half, and tried to make it feel like something legitimately worth reading to anyone who crossed the full span of 2020s madness.. https://linktr.ee/moblack, Pumpkin Party in Sea Hitlers Water Apocalypse, pages that change their formatting to fit different, this first conversation between John and Terezi. Johns relationship with Terezi, which really only existed in the last 50 pages of the comic, was apparently always the better option? Why dont people who make posts like the original maker of that dig through their own garbage and get on their own case for the stupid stuff they did in the past? Why Dont try to make me part of some angry mob. And then his dead sister, Calliope, from another timeline where she becomes super strong, shows up to try and stop him. Firstly, there is no total concensus within the text or with the characters. Even if you make the argument that karkat and vriska are technically adults now, we only saw that in the epilogue. Defending? They all have the same mother (Grub). She takes her time, narrating with a kind of dry, verbose voice. The fact that Homestuck isn't an anime makes them unpopular at anime conventions, despite things like video game and doctor who costumes being accepted in part because If so, then there's nothing "wrong" with that, because they had no way of knowing they are related. Agreed. Why Like this the view I got in laravel 8 Laravel 8 paginate UI. A confirmation hes referring to Kanayas lesbian identity as the fetish he remarked from above. The "r-slur" being used is true. And then theres this game in the mail. What Hussie describes is a dynamic that we see play out again and again online. That'd apply if the author was using it in dialogue for a particular reason, to say something specific about the characters, and not just because it was in the author's own regular vocabulary. Homestuck is honestly a sprawling epic I mean, kind of. They dont have a concept of incest and I wouldnt be surprised if they werent bothered by age Gaps either with how impersonal their mating is. And then the four original kids make their game unplayable so they reset their entire universe so they can have a chance at winning. N/A. As are the characters. In a flurry of accusations, the video called out both the studios financial decisions and Hussies own creative work as it pertained to the release of the game. They show up literally once in the background of a page and a few times during the final fight(s). March 3, 2023. HOMESTUCK What the actual fuck are you talking about? Homestuck directly lead me to writing as much as I do now. Press J to jump to the feed. MS Paint Adventures by Andrew Hussie. But the Song of Ice and Fire series is twice as long by wordcount, and that's not even finished. Never read that, so I can't judge it. To me, black is just a color. Homestuck is a product of its time, and even if it wasnt the characters presented are all socially inept children, so of course some weird stuffs Gonna come out their mouth. There is no denying that. Perhaps the epilogues are an attempt to have the reader live a moment in the life of Andrew Hussie. The character doesn't exist though, the author made them say it. Being a recluse can suppress cultism in some ways (by not having someone at the top constantly throwing red meat to a hungry base, which inflames obsession and radicalism), Hussie said, but in other ways I think cryptid [sic] behavior can intensify cultism. Whatever. Yes, Vriska did that. academstuck - Tumblr The largest flaw in Terezis portrayal is that, while she is blind, she relies on superpowers that essentially eliminate her blindness and eliminate the real experiences of actual blind people, making her blindness into its own disability superpower. Very much like a guy with a fat fetish isn't too likely to reject a thin girl by saying "Sorry, I am just this HUGE chubby chaser, so I must decline Not that any of this changes how we view Kanaya. Everyone ends up miserable, the worst version of themselves. But each one is again key to understanding the story being told, fully integrated into comic. Theres a bias inherent in that fact alone. Please enter a valid email and try again. Just more things: more plot, more dialogue, more mechanics, more characters, more questions, on and on and on and on until it just runs out of breath and falls over. A hole in plot, if you will. WebDreamWorks. 164 Followers. To him, a reluctant cult leader will withdraw from the spotlight and rarely address their followers. 36.87%. 36.87%. On a scarier note, fans have even gone as far as to find Hussies brothers social media accounts, according to those who posted it. The self-ingratiating, self-referential, over-indulgent drivel that poured onto the page? Homestuck has always pushed the boundaries in some regards but it is also a product of the inherent freedom of speech awarded to an internet based medium, failing to see this while reading though it is staggering honestly. A decade in the future, long after our heroes win the game, and long after our heroes have left Homestuck itself, John is confronted with a choice: he can use his powers to return to canon, fill the plot hole, and stabilize the story, or decide to continue living his life, canon integrity he damned. And she decides what gets put in front of our eyes and what doesnt. We apologize for this inconvenience, & our engineers are working diligently to get this resolved ASAP. Well, sure! This is not so much directed at you, fiveforchaos, but since this sort of misconception comes up frequently I figured I might as well step in. Since my social justice related posts seem to encourage more discussions than ones that do not rely on social justice critique, I figured I would use this next post to explore a very talked-about and controversial aspect of Homestuckits ableism. No one considered it a slur yet. Id post a sample here if reading my old work didnt literally set me on fire. Hussies Psycholonials, a visual novel released in the spring of 2021, follows Zhen and Abby two girls who must figure out what to do with a mess of a revolution and empire that they themselves prompted. WebHomestuck is bad because the fandom makes it seem like Vriska genuanly got punishment for all the awful things she did by getting punched twice and feeling bad when in actuality she deserved to get killed off and never spoken about again. People dissect drama around his work and become amateur reporters on matters internal to his company. WebVrisrezi is the femslash ship between Terezi Pyrope and Vriska Serket from the Homestuck fandom. hating her or not hating her and liking her as a character and oh my god can we please stop talking about Vriska). What am I reading here? I don't see it. And in this one Mituna himself just kind of sexually harrasses Meenah. But those with more of an anti-cult stance, which describes myself, will occupy the position reluctantly.. Still, Hussie doesnt think every aspect of fandom is completely horrible. Some forms like writing fanfiction or creating fan art are a positive, fun activity. With this particular screenshot its shown that shes portraying the thug stereotype thats more obvious with how shes talk. The Homestuck Discord exists at https://discord.gg/homestuck if you want to chat with fellow fans. (But please, don't jsut say that "it's morally wrong" and then not explain how. Our more overpowered characters fell to the wayside so we could tell the stories of characters who had to face a conflict or struggle to get what they wanted. They should have stuck with what they said. Is this. I haven't seen a single person defend Zebruh. by Your Name' Is Problematic He has on multiple occasions, appropriated AAVE while writing her. This translates into the way Meenahs character is written, being the younger version of HIC shes shown to be the sassy black girl stereotype. Fueled by this power, Dirk plans to leave the comic entirely to head to a place where his thoughts and his actions always have weight, regardless of what is canon and what isnt. problematic While he declined to be quoted directly, he feels that the video missed important contextualization that he had intended to provide to the YouTuber in a conversation. i have the moral authority. When it was met with backlash, whatpumpkin changed his answer to spades/snowman, You know what? WebMuch of Problem Sleuth's success can be ascribed to an audience's willingness to accept that all the weirdness is just part of the joke, and the next logical step that we see in Homestuck, where the Internet itself becomes raw material for narrative, allows for an even greater expansion of possibilities. Theres a problem with activations getting backed up, & stuck in our system. Homestuck Take later. All of them are real. Why didn't you bring it up then? We did investigate it. It wasn't even that funny! N/A. In response, the YouTuber made a video about their threat, which according to the legal document shared by the Sarah Z cited false, speculative claims, propelling the matter even further into the public theater. In real life, if they have the option to choose their rate of fire, professionals like to stick to single-fire mode. WebHomestuck tends to congregate in large groups that can cause problems at conventions. The SFW hes the stereotype of a transman. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts, "Hussie is terrible because of recent incidents like the released emails between the moderation team and him".
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