Other Colours Available. You are using an out of date browser. if(adUnits[i].assignToVariableName && (adUnits[i].assignToVariableName !== null)) window[adUnits[i].assignToVariableName] = dfpSlots[i]; EUR - Used here in United-Kingdom SWADLINCOTE. He came to that conclusion because of the Chrome wrap which he claimed was not available in 1979. Major revisions are single letter of the alphabet while minor revisions are indicated as a two alpha characters as in the case of the DA representing a minor change to version D. A drum shell material change would be a major change not a minor change and would be indicated by the next following letter in the chain. Aka D to E in single character. ET ship same day (except weekends and holidays). Drums - Yamaha Music I've also seen the X used first. My kit was made in 1978 according to Yamaha. Discover (and save!) $ 4,149.99 Select options. Free postage. Re: 80's Yamaha 5000 Series..Worth? Then you took it up a notch and reposted into a 4 yr old thread which included the same engineering verbage you did here. Oops, looks like you forgot something. googletag.pubads().collapseEmptyDivs(); userType: ['guest','loggedin'], // display only on user type The yd9000~, Thanks! CL. Vintage Yamaha Drums Japan 9000 Pre - Recording Custom Real | Reverb googletag.defineSlot('/143039214/drumforum_mobile_320x50_sponsor', [320, 50], 'div-gpt-ad-drumforum_mobile_320x50_sponsor').addService(googletag.pubads()); Please check the fields highlighted in red. size: [[300, 250]], DRUM SET - YAMAHA TOUR CUSTOM COBALT BLUE, Yamaha Stage Custom Birch 5-Piece Drum Kit - EXCELLENT CONDITION, Yamaha Absolute Hybrid Maple 50th Anniversary 5pc Shell pack, Yamaha Custom Maple Drum Set - 5 PCS with 4 Cymbals, Yamaha AHM Absolute Hybrid Maple Drum Kit, Shell Pack, Yamaha Tour Custom 8000 Series 4-piece Drum Kit (church owned) CG00K2Y, Yamaha England Model SD225 14x5 Chrome over Steel Snare Drum, Yamaha Steel 14 x 5.5 Snare Drum / 8 Lug Snare #AZ27, Yamaha, 80s Vintage Repro Logo Vinyl Decal for Bass Drum Resonant Head, Yamaha Rock Tour 4-Piece Drum Kit - Matte Silver Metallic (church owned) CG00HRQ, Yamaha Stage Custom Advantage Red Tom Tom Lot Set 10x12 & 12x13 Needs Mount 2Rod, YAMAHA 5000 SERIES BLACK BASS DRUM Japan 22. network: dfpNetwork, These drums are Mahogany and Birch. Your purchases help youth music programs get the gear they need to make music. Yamaha 9000 Series Drum Kit Natural Wood | Musician's Friend Some of the drum heads may even be original judging by their appearance and the Yamaha symbol on them! var device = "desktop"; We are closed on April 13th & 14th for stock take and Friday 15th & Monday 18th for Easter Bank Holiday. EUR Brand: Yamaha. }); Yamaha 9000 for sale in UK | 62 used Yamaha 9000 Yamaha custom for Sale | Drums | Gumtree Sizes are 20x14 kick (rare size-AWESOME sound!!) dfpSlots[i] = googletag.defineSlot('/'+adUnits[i].network+'/'+adUnits[i].adunit, adUnits[i].size, adUnits[i].code).addService(googletag.pubads()); Drummers such as Steve Gadd, Dave Weckl & Vinnie Colaiuta are just a select few of the names who have recorded ground breaking records with iconic drum sounds produced from this very same kit. This series produces a deep, rich sound with exceptional projection due to its 7-ply maple shell with a darkwood stain finish. It also helps explain how the split lug kit is noted has a PP. assignToVariableName: false // false if not in use phoenix. I found it a fun read. I've seen the badges. pageType: ['mainpage','post'], // display only on page type The seller is "nashvillegearfactory" and is located in Franklin, Tennessee. New listings: QRS Yamaha Baby Grand Player Piano $9000 or $90-mo! For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. 80's Yamaha 5000 Series..Worth? - Vintage Drum Forum The 7-ply bass drums and 6-ply tom toms have straight sided walls, allowing unimpeded sound projection. Spotlight On Yamaha PHX Series Acoustic Drums . size: [[728, 90]], googletag.defineSlot('/143039214/drumforum_Primis', [1, 1], 'div-gpt-ad-drumforum_Primis').addService(googletag.pubads()); 4th photo shows the fatter "DA-style" plies pretty clearly. $500 is definitely high for those. ), Yamaha 9000 RC Era Thumb Wing Screw for Cymbal or Double Tom Drum Stand, *Yamaha Snare Drum Butt Plate Strainer 1 3/16" 80s Japan 9000 Recording Custom, Yamaha Recording Custom 9000 throne? code: 'div-gpt-ad-drumforum_desktoptablet_1stguestpost_300x250', The drums normally seen during this era are the 9000D - all birch. }); pageType: ['mainpage','post'], // display only on page type code: 'div-gpt-ad-drumforum_desktop_midcontent_728x90', Get on the list to receive updates from DW Drums about our anniversary, our artists, events, offers, and more. code: 'div-gpt-ad-drumforum_desktop_sticky_728x90', network: dfpNetwork, if(device == 'tablet') googletag.defineSlot('/143039214/drumforum_tablet_float_videoad', [1, 1], 'div-gpt-ad-drumforum_float_videoad').addService(googletag.pubads()); return window.screen.width || window.innerWidth || window.document.documentElement.clientWidth || Math.min(window.innerWidth, window.document.documentElement.clientWidth) || window.innerWidth || window.document.documentElement.clientWidth || window.document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].clientWidth; } assignToVariableName: false // false if not in use Anyway, if anyone has any questions on them that I might be able to help with, feel free to let me know. Yamaha's Air Seal System shells feature select birch wood cut in plies, positioned with staggered diagonal seams, and sealed together with evenly distributed air pressure. I know a little bit about engineering. header.nohb.html function detectWidth() { 12x10, 14x12 toms. Find a yamaha drum custom on Gumtree, the #1 site for Stuff for Sale classifieds ads in the UK. Yamaha Cymbals. All of them are great, but there have been a few differences over the years. if(mainpage.indexOf(loc) >= 0) return 'mainpage'; BASS DRUM (YBD420/422) FLOOR TOM (YFT414/416) SNARE DRUM/YSD045. https://reverb.com/item/6340875-vind-satin-14x22-16x16-9x13-pre-recording-custom, https://www.ebay.com/itm/Yamaha-Recording-Custom-Drum-Set-9000-22-12-13-16-Timpani-Floor-Tom-w-Pedal-80s-/261910282064?hash=item3cfb11bf50&pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&nma=true&si=d6hVgxKMIGl90le81LVf9OvCC1A%3D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557, http://www.drummerworld.com/forums/showthread.php?p=418550, https://moderndrummer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/md24.pdf, http://www.yamaha.com/yamahadrums/drumvault/, http://faq.yamaha.com/us/en/article/musical-instruments/drums/ac-drumsets/806/4177/, https://www.ebay.com/itm/Yamaha-Rec064?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3cfb11bf50, https://www.ebay.com/itm/Yamaha-Nat605?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3cfe0080d5, http://vi.vipr.ebaydesc.com/ws/eBaydescgauge=1&cspheader=1&oneClk=1&secureDesc=0, https://www.ebay.com/itm/Yamaha-Recording-Custom-Drum-Set-9000-22-12-13-16-Timpani-Floor-Tom-w-Pedal-80s-/261910282064?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3cfb11bf50, https://www.ebay.com/itm/Yamaha-Nat-Birch-Recording-Custom-Drum-Set-9000-22-12-13-16-Timpani-70s-Pre-Yess-/261959483605?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0&hash=item3cfe0080d5, http://vi.vipr.ebaydesc.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItemDescV4&item=261959483605&t=1436336428000&tid=10&category=38097&seller=srastewart555&excSoj=1&excTrk=1&lsite=0&ittenable=false&domain=ebay.com&descgauge=1&cspheader=1&oneClk=1&secureDesc=0, https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/VINTAGE-YAMAHA-9000-14-X-18-BASS-DRUM-ORIGINAL-PRE-RECORDING-CUSTOM-HYBRID-BLACK-/182245048202?hash=item2a6ea6bf8a:g:h9UAAOSwvg9XgDD3&nma=true&si=pjNshyvbGC6GUeHCnBvjbCejCAg%3D&orig_cvip=true&rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l2557, https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Yamaha-Recording-Custom-9000-Series-18-Inch-Floor-Tom-Drum-Model-FT-918-DA/173340958628?ssPageName=STRK:MEBIDX:IT&_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649, http://www.vintagedrumguide.com/yamaha_catalogs_drum_sets_complete.htm, http://www.vintagedrumguide.com/meazzi_history.html, https://www.drumforum.org/threads/yamaha-9000-da-trying-to-solve-mystery.120320/, A previous thread on this topic of D vs DA, Mystery snare drum - Wilson Drum Technologies / MasterCraft / Indianapolis USA. adunit: 'drumforum_desktop_sticky_728x90', }); googletag.defineSlot('/143039214/drumforum_rosatf_468x60_sponsor', [468, 60], 'div-gpt-ad-drumforum_rosatf_468x60_sponsor').addService(googletag.pubads()); Acoustic drum kit yamaha - a countryregion of manufacture equivalent to japan - including: drums., japan. adUnits.push({ network: dfpNetwork, userType: ['guest','loggedin'], // display only on user type network: dfpNetwork, Based on your location, we've changed your settings: Shipping Region: It all fits. Definitely all birch shell construction. These drums were among the last made of Yamaha's most popular 70's lines, before they were phased out in favor of the HUGELY successful Recording Custom Series! device: ['desktop'], // display only on device 13/14 Toms, 18 FT and 24 bass. device: ['desktop','tablet'], // display only on device userType: ['guest','loggedin'], // display only on user type Yamaha's 9000 Pro keyboard workstation is a grown-up arranger-style keyboard. To reflect our commitment, we updated our terms and conditions. Ancien~, Ndrive 100 basic. Yamaha made some tweaks such as the size choices and inclusion of Y.E.S.S. Browse our daily deals for even more savings! pageType: ['mainpage','post'], // display only on page type }); Economical~, Usb. Amounts shown in italicized text are for items listed in currency other than Canadian dollars and are approximate conversions to Canadian dollars based upon Bloomberg's conversion Vintage 70's Yamaha 9000 Pre-RCC 5pc kit. Yamaha Grand Series Concert Bass Drum with Stand - 36x22. Very versatile drums with a wide tuning range. Hardware set includes bass pedal, snare stand, straight cymbal stand, boom cymbal stand, hi hat stand, and triple tom mount w/arms. assignToVariableName: false // false if not in use Yamaha PSR9000 pro - Music Direct We will send you an email notification. YAMAHA SD-955M Steel Snare Drum 14"x5.5" Made in Japan. For a limited time, save in the Gibson European Demo ShopUp to 25% off select Gibson guitarsShop now, View similar gear from other sellers on Reverb. This kit is a perfect candidate for a re-wrap job. I've done numeorus hours of reading on the topic, some of it here. The flagship model of Yamaha concert bass drums, the 9000 Series incorporates a deep maple shell. These babies pre-date the Recording Custom line. They are currently used by Masayoshi Imaizumi, who has played Yamaha drums for more . Just Drums: Drums For Sale Home / Drums Drums Showing 1-12 of 174 results Armand Zildjian 20 100th Anniversary Ride With Case, Sticks, Gloves, Certificate $ 2,499.99 Add to cart DW Design Series Black Nickle Over Brass Snare - Double Beaded $ 599.99 - $ 629.99 Select options DW Low Pro Travel Kit $ 349.99 - $ 1,609.99 Select options Gift Cards! Still have an early 80-81 7x14 snare. var dfpSlots = []; 12x8 tom, 13x9 tom, 14x5 MATCHING snare, and 16x16 floor tom. code: 'div-gpt-ad-drumforum_mobile_footer_300x250', Yamaha vintage 9000 series pre-Recording Custom drumset very good-drums Split lug early models may be all over the place because of preference for the many differences. adunit: 'drumforum_atf_300x250', device: ['desktop','tablet'], // display only on device Yamaha custom for Sale - Drums Refine (2) Location. adunit: 'drumforum_mobile_midcontent_320x50', device: ['tablet'], // display only on device $109.99. userType: ['guest','loggedin'], // display only on user type PHX. device: ['tablet'], // display only on device It's a 1970's kit, so the mirror wrap will have some scratches, but overall in very good condition for its age. They're in great condition, though the hardware is slightly pitted (mostly the tom mount and bass drum claws). I've had 3 long-lugged RC sets over the years and a mid-'80's Power Tour Custom. Cant be too much help on price. Yamaha has really outdone themselves with the new PSR-9000. Learn more. Learn More. Watch this gear and we'll notify you if it becomes available again. The Yamaha FB9000 Concert Floor Bass Drums are often called Impact drums and fill the gap between concert toms and concert bass drums. }); // Init DFP code: 'div-gpt-ad-drumforum_rosbtf_728x90', E920, YAMAHA 9000 TT914RA REAL WOOD - HIGH GLOSS 14 x 10 Tom. View similar gear from other sellers on Reverb. Vintage 1981 Yamaha 9000 Recording Custom REAL WOOD Shellset 22,12,13,16. Yamaha 9000 Recording Custom Drums for sale in UK | 61 used Yamaha 9000 device: ['desktop'], // display only on device And the more you know, the more you can run across some gems and add them from time to time. United Kingdom, financing* i. yamaha 9000 drums for sale - focusedhomecarega.com }); They're in great condition, though the hardware is slightly pitted(mostly the tom mount and bass drum claws). assignToVariableName: false // false if not in use NAMM 2022 Preview: Drums, Percussion and Marching Instruments . Used Yamaha 14X5.5 Stage Custom Snare Drum. Email or call Amazon Music Stream millions of songs: Amazon Advertising Find, attract, and engage customers: Amazon Drive Cloud storage from Amazon: 6pm Score deals on fashion brands // Non-HB Adunits device: ['mobile'], // display only on device 80's Yamaha 9000 Power Recording (sold) SD493 Snare Drum Giulio Zambelli 239 subscribers Subscribe 8.1K views 7 years ago Some fun testing the sound of these vintage Yamaha drums, 22x16,. Best bearing edge photo is the 2nd one.it "looks like" there are 2 fat plies alternating with thinner ones.so a standard DA/7000/8000 shell type of construction. } It's in good shape, but has some scuffs and scrapes. And it clearly shows up in 1981. Valid through 12/31/2023 Get Details Lease-To-Own Purchase Options Learn More | Estimate Payments Add to Cart Secure Transaction Condition is Used. Excellent items are almost entirely free from blemishes and other visual defects and have been played or used with the utmost care. Drums sound great, snare drum rocks! I'm not knowledgeable enough on the subject to confirm all the different versions of these drums, but I can confirm I am really digging these drums so far! assignToVariableName: false // false if not in use adUnits.push({ }); This kit was one of 70 made in Japan during 2010. United-Kingdom , Check out these interesting ads related to "yamaha 9000 drums", 10x10,. adunit: 'drumforum_mobile_sticky_320x50', Oops, looks like you forgot something. pageType: ['mainpage','post'], // display only on page type adunit: 'drumforum_300x250_3', Discount. code: 'div-gpt-ad-drumforum_tablet_sticky_728x90', }); . Concert Bass Drums | Steve Weiss Music Hammered Copper Bowls (TP-8300R, 7300R Series) Precise, uniform hammering applied to copper bowls results in significantly improved attack, sustain, and pitch definition. $659.99. 3450 Lunar Court, Oxnard, CA 93030 800-45-DRUMS (800-453-7867) network: dfpNetwork, mounts. if(device == 'mobile') googletag.defineSlot('/143039214/drumforum_mobile_float_videoad', [1, 1], 'div-gpt-ad-drumforum_float_videoad').addService(googletag.pubads()); pageType: ['mainpage','post'], // display only on page type adUnits.push({ Some are the thin lacquered edges, some sharp clean wood exposed edges. } device: ['mobile'], // display only on device size: [[300, 250]], And in the real wood finish, extremely difficult to find. Patience paid off but it was many years later. I was looking at an RC tom with an RA designation (rounded/stained edges) on ebay, and something doesn't look quite right. Yamaha Guitars & Basses. adUnits.push({ Surplus. Yamaha Floor Toms. Used Yamaha 9000 Series Drum Kit Natural Wood. The Yamaha 9000 Series concert bass drum has been professionally designed for high-level performance situations. I prefer to work from facts and visual observations of the actual drums. adUnits.push({ for sale. if(!adUnits[i].display) continue; assignToVariableName: false // false if not in use So no need to call Yamaha tech support for pre-1980/1981 drums. code: 'div-gpt-ad-drumforum_mobile_footer_300x250', Colours: Surf Green, Classic WalnutReal WoodSolid Black. var googletag = googletag || {}; Yamaha PSR-9000 - inSync assignToVariableName: false // false if not in use Distance . userType: ['guest','loggedin'], // display only on user type }); userType: ['guest','loggedin'], // display only on user type FWIW the '77 catalog lists the toms as"AE". You can even Purchasing, Merchandising and Procurement. pageType: ['mainpage','post'], // display only on page type Electric Drums - Yamaha USA The edges were stained the same stain as the rest of the interior shell. Pearl Crystal Beat Acrylic Free Floating Snare Drum. if(adUnits[i].pageType.indexOf(pageType) === -1) {adUnits[i].display = false; continue;} Learn More, Rubix Drums - Specialist In all Vintage & New Drums, SoundHouse Gloucester, St Aldate Street, Gloucester, GL1 1RP. Please check the fields highlighted in red. code: 'div-gpt-ad-drumforum_mobile_sticky_320x50', assignToVariableName: false // false if not in use pageType: ['mainpage','post'], // display only on page type Very Good items may show a few slight marks or scratches but are fully functional and in overall great shape. adUnits.push({ network: dfpNetwork, adUnits.push({ CONDITION: Up for sale is a beautiful Yamaha 9000 series drum set in a White finish. Yamaha FB-9000 Series Floor Bass Drum | Steve Weiss Music Reasonable price. code: 'div-gpt-ad-drumforum_mobile_1stguestpost_300x250', Oops, looks like you forgot something. Custom drum, china trash, splash, bell, vintage, new beat, k session SKB Gator Beato Ahead Protection Racket . Yamaha 9000 pro keyboard workstation review | MusicRadar I don't get to use them much any longer and really should sell them so someone can enjoy them but right now I just can't bear to part with them. { userType: ['guest','loggedin'], // display only on user type Oops, looks like you forgot something. Sold listings on eBay can help establish market value. Concert Bass Drums | Musician's Friend For a limited time, save in the Gibson European Demo Shop. Just picked up a set of '78 9000's. Presenting the PSR-9000 the entertaining musician's dream machine. But what about X listed on two of the drums. pageType: ['mainpage','post'], // display only on page type Discover amazing local deals on Yamaha drum for sale Quick & hassle-free shopping with Gumtree, your local buying & selling community. network: dfpNetwork, Car & Truck Safety & Security Accessories, Yamaha Sd955G 14X5.5 9000 Series Snare Drum, Yamaha Snare Drum SD-970G Real Wood 14/7 YD9000 Series Used Yamaha Snare, YAMAHA SD-970G Real Wood 14x7 YD9000 Serie Used Snare Drum, 1977 VINTAGE YAMAHA PRE RECORDING CUSTOM 9000 DRUM SET CHROME OVER REAL WOOD 4PC, 1979 YAMAHA 9000 Pre RECORDING SERIES 24" JET BLACK BASS DRUM for YOUR SET! This kit is a perfect candidate for a re-wrap job. That could be camellia as it doesn't look like Birch. Colours: Ultra Clear, Frosted AcrylicRuby RedTangerine Glass. Amazon.com: Yamaha: Drums advelvetTargeting.push((Math.floor(Math.random() * 20) + 1) + ""); Easy to tune up. adUnits.push({ adUnits.push({ Extremely rare original Yamaha YD-9000 Recording Custom drum kit manufactured in 1979/1980. Important Web Site Pages Vintage Drum Identification. Currency: So knowing what I had and the whys of it were important to me. if(adUnits[i].userType.indexOf(userType) === -1) {adUnits[i].display = false; continue;} code: 'div-gpt-ad-drumforum_mobile_midcontent_320x50', Super fat and punchy. Drum Sets - Yamaha - Music - Australia All four have a four digit number following the letters as well which are very close to each other in the numbers. adunit: 'drumforum_mobile_atf_320x50', V-Drums Acoustic Design is a brand-new V-Drums experience, blending the physical presence of acoustic drums with Roland's world-leading digital percussion technology. googletag.cmd.push(function() { 99. This kit isa re-issue of the original Natural finished R.C. device: ['mobile'], // display only on device You must log in or register to reply here. function detectPage(loc) By clicking Subscribe, I agree to receive exclusive offers & promotions, news & reviews, and personalized tips for buying and selling on Reverb. assignToVariableName: false // false if not in use Professional choice usb. (function(n,e,r,t){function o(){if((function o(t){try{return(t=localStorage.getItem("v4ac1eiZr0"))&&0 Remo clear pinstripe~, Resistance oxidation: with. I preferred the 9000. Certified used. Don't miss your chance to own such a great kit at a great price! size: [[320, 50]], For a limited time, save in the Gibson European Demo Shop. You can use Michael Bedesem's Midiplayer program to convert them to a different target instrument. network: dfpNetwork, This kit also includes a COMPLETE set of 1980s Yamaha "red stripe" hardware. Discover amazing local deals on Yamaha custom for sale Quick & hassle-free shopping with Gumtree, your local buying & selling community. Yamaha Sd955G 14X5.5 9000 Series Caisse Tambour, YAMAHA #SK-275 "Snare Drum Kit" w/ FOLDING STAND, BACKPACK, Yamaha Steel 14 x 5.5 Snare Drum / 8 Lug Snare #EU5, Yamaha Rydeen Snare Drum 14 x 5.5 Wooden Shell #EK84, Yamaha Stage Custom Advantage Nouveau Snare Drum 14 x 5.5 #GC97, 5 PC. Based on your location, we've changed your settings: Shipping Region: You are working with "theories" and not necessarily reality. Another PZ Yamaha on Reverb (recording series). You can email me at. CB-9000 Series. adUnits.push({ assignToVariableName: false // false if not in use Yamaha really knocked it out of the park . size: [[728, 90]], Watch this gear and we'll notify you if it becomes available again. pageType: ['mainpage','post'], // display only on page type . The concert toms in the photosare no longer available. Best Period of Yamaha Recording Customs? | Drummerworld Forum Its the desirable thin shell with painted bearing edges. }); Most orders placed before 3 p.m. } Hardware. YAMAHA RECORDING CUSTOM (9000) VINTAGE LIMITED 5 PIECE DRUM KIT (PRE-LOVED). }); phoenix. 3/2 . For a limited time, save in the Gibson European Demo ShopUp to 25% off select Gibson guitarsShop now, View similar gear from other sellers on Reverb. A size of 900x900 A plastic type equivalent to 'acrylic' just as a plastic colour qualified as 'clear' , a thickness '8mm' NOTTINGHAM eBay Price: 119 Product condition: New See details Based on your location, we've changed your settings: Shipping Region: DW Collector's 5 Piece Maple Tobacco Burst DW 9000 Snare Zildjian Without micing them they can be heard even with an over zealous guitar player. I've seen the typical RC shells with RA badges. var device = "desktop"; code: 'div-gpt-ad-drumforum_atf_300x250', size: [[320, 50]], And that 9000 DA kit was made in Oct 1981 - pretty late for a DA shell. Precision-machined lug nuts provide noise-free control, due to their springless casing design. All are Birch shells. 80's Yamaha 9000 Power Recording (sold) SD493 Snare Drum Yamaha 9000 (Recording Custom) Drum Set Clean-Up and Sound Test That last photo is unlike any interior finish I've seen with wide dark/light rings. code: 'div-gpt-ad-drumforum_mobile_sticky_320x50', size: [[300, 250]], Yamaha Drum Sets & Kits. Zoom. Here we have a very Limited Edition set from Yamaha. } userType: ['guest','loggedin'], // display only on user type size: [[728, 90]], googletag.defineSlot('/143039214/drumforum_rosatf_468x60_sponsor', [468, 60], 'div-gpt-ad-drumforum_rosatf_468x60_sponsor').addService(googletag.pubads());
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