So if stuff suddenly falls up, we know something is wrong. Your powers will be just as draining as a Bornes magic. In my example of magic that is acquired by consuming a plant, a clever alchemist might distill and concentrate the plant down to an elixir that is digested more quickly. This page is absolutely huge, reflecting the fact that I have a rather large number of options in the generator. Knowing what spell-casting is capable of is pretty important, if you havent decided that, I would think on it. This isnt a formula for magic systems, but a guide for those not sure where to start or what exactly is a magic system. Thats why we have a character (in the Silmarillion, and referenced in passing in the songs and stories Aragorn tells the hobbits on Weathertop and they later hear much more about in Rivendell: a character like Luthien Tinuviel, who inherited her power from her connection to both the mortal (in the sense of not being a divinely descended spirit who chose to take bodily form; Tolkiens equivalent of greater and lesser angels whom he sees as having a role in the world; her father was a powerful Elf king but still in that sense mortal) and angelic (her mother, who was a lesser angel who fell in love with her father and chose to take on bodily form enough to bear his child but still remained of divine race) lines in her ahcestry. Sandersons Second Law Worldbuilding, Avatar, Magic Magic Systems Magic systems vary from colorful bears with tummy badges to ritual blood sacrifices. Ill be talking more about it in another post, if someone wants to here it, of course. On Way of Kings Shows Us the Damage Meta Mysteries Can Do. Human muscles actually can produce more energy than our brain allows for us to use because if we used the full force our muscles are capable of, we would risk injuring ourselves. Like if in Harry Potter, wizards murdered all the muggles. This article is very normative and I think its furthers clich. Your patronage keeps this site running. Nevertheless, you will always introduce something which, as far as we know, does not exist in reality. For just one example, Magoroh Maruyama describes several different possible paradigms of science, which Robert A. Freitas Jr. mentions in the book Xenology in relation to extraterrestrial minds. There are hints throughout the story that its actually sci-fi. Could you chip in? Theres three kinds of people: Apaths (Apath, sing. And the other main faction (dont have a name for them yet) use mainly defensive magic like using a shield just strong enough to protect them from immediate danger and phasing (though still thinking about what that would entail) and others I cant think of at the moment and still trying to think of more. Perhaps theyd have to choose two which are not opposites (fire/water or earth/air would be opposites). For which Ive added some more rules: Few ideas are original at this point. It is believed in this world, at least by this group of acolytes, that the nighttime is caused by plants absorbing the sunlight, and the dawn only comes because the Living Mother has taken it into her hands to manually restore the balance and takes back the light. Do you have any feedback or glaring flaws that you noticed? In most, if not all movies, there clearly arent rules for magic, or if there are, there arent many. I have two things to talk about. Which is why you need to attach a heavy price. What dangers does magic pose to the user, whether directly or because the use of magic is scorned or envied by society? ^_^. Now, to those who contain their power. Robert Asprins MYTH novels actually do a good job limiting magic in a similar way. If you read up on no other system of supernatural beliefs, check out that one. If your loved one is dying from a gunshot wound, youve a lot less time to bargain. I think rule based magic is important for worldbuilding, not novel writing. Another limit would be limited ability of the user, like Gummy Bear who uses magic, but half of the time cant remember the spell, doesnt find the right one, or just does it wrong. In other words, readers need to understand how your magic system works to ensure its use feels natural and believable within the context of the story. These systems usually adopt limitations from physics, even though physics is no longer a limiting factor. The only difference is Life energy contained in every living creature, and every creature has own Mind ball in place of real brain. The story is at a climax when emotions are always high? Post time-skip, with my second protagonist, magic is rarer due to shifts in the spirit world and how humans access it. Worldbuilding in a Novel: A Guide to Creating A Believable World The audience must know the rules, because the heroes use magic during the story. Does it just move objects/parts of object? On top of this, theres teleportation I still need to consider, which comes with its own host of issues. I know its been a whole since you made this post, so I was just curious to how things have developed since then? That source has to be available to a spellcaster, and that spellcaster needs to direct it to accomplish specific goals. Astral Armor-- "Though spun from strands of glamor and mana, the protection it offers is no illusion." Magic Formula-- Yep. More so they come out on the other side changed Can one person wield both of them or only one? Students learn all of the spells by memorization, because theres no logic underpinning how they operate. This ancient Wise One observed the natures tendency towards self-balancing and saw it as an Eternal Law. Also Im thinking about the idea when none of characters can store those energy. One example is that because the laws of physics are invariant with respect to time translation (they dont change over time), energy is conserved. You just need a set of guidelines that all of your spirits/nymphs follow. Worldbuilding sheet: Magic systems - v2 - DeviantArt Yes, its arbitrary which items have magical powers (though many plants have historically been said to have magical powers and Rowling obviously researched these). I see where you are coming from on a few of these points but perhaps since Ive read the series so many times I think they miss the mark. Then I really thought about the setting and that would breakwell, everything. Magic source description generator - Fantasy name generators However, the authors seemed to specifically distinguish between rational and hard magic. And sorry about the length of this comment. It doesnt have to make sense in our world, but in the world of the story, it does. I just thought of something related to teleportation, however. Light Mind energies are bit different: they could be bonded with any type of energy. Crafting a hard magic system can be a complex endeavor, though soft magic systems also require a bit of care and attention to develop. Things holy magic can do include lighting incense, putting people to sleep, and pacifying demons. Limits then usually come from the strength of the effects (a limit to the area spells can target or the number of spells a mage can use before resting). The nanites of this future continue their work, though they are many generations after the initial outbreak and the AIs have calmed them. Magic in Tolkien is a reflection of _spiritual_ power. In my world, priests arent like Catholic priests and all that. If a person can wield both kinds of magic, do they influence the person? This would mean that they are naturally mostly hidden from beings of normal matter, but perhaps they could find ways to interact. Spell description generator. lost nanotechnology (difficult to justify how that would be forgotten) Alternatively, soft magic systems remain nebulous. As long as you dont change fundamental things in the universe, theres no problem with making enough changes to slip your magical or psychic powers in. However, they are actually Ancient Greek classifications and not modern science-based, so they arent really natural. ), the rarest of the three. Muggles are not going to have much luck oppressing wizards. Other examples include alohamora and colloportus, reparo and diffindo, accio and depulso (learned but not named in-series, as I recall), etc. Tell us about them in the comments below. Hell make it rain if your rain dance impresses him, but he wont strike someone with lightning no matter how impressive your dance is. I suspect it might be possible; after all, there are plenty of mathematically worked out theories involving new particles and forces, but Ill have to do quite a bit of research. Likewise, its important to disabuse the audience of the notion that mood swings can decide key moments whenever its convenient. First, the magical system is based off European history and mythology. If you make all of your spells fit together, you'll need less foreshadowing. If you figure out exactly what each type of thread is doing to hold the world together, you can not only extrapolate what magic they can do when woven, but also predict the damage that the world will suffer when too many of them are used. Instead, I would work on getting the rational rules for how this nanite magic work nailed down really well, and make sure you have lots of limits, and ways in general for that magic to stop working. The jammers are slowly getting weaker, and the nanites, while the have mostly settled in these past centuries, slowly encroach upon the population. Pushing themselves past their limit can lead to exhaustion and have them pass out, or in extreme cases, using up too much mana can kill a person through over-exertion. Its easy to extrapolate all the basic uses of this magic system. However, Im not sure whether adding a new field, force, particle, etc. Hard magic systems provide interesting limitations that allow your protagonist to solve problems using their own wits, not raw magical power. For instance, in Lois McMaster Bujolds Chalion Series, the divine cannot directly influence the world with their magic. Im currently working on subtypes to it but I am miserably failing. Forms of Star magic include telepathy, telekinesis, mind control, astral projection, and precognition. I wouldnt work with spells with such a system. Now, for your first comment about my magic system, it is true I might be overthinking it (people have told me that before). Their eyes are blinded and their organs fail. There is no formula; you are just fueling the clichs. The Given is normally in for 3-7 year. There are, of course, drawbacks. However, most societies dont have the resources to crank out wizards. Or make your telepath one who can only read minds when touching someone else (Vulcans from Star Trek work telepathy that way). *squeals* Chris you are my hero and your articles inspired me to try writing and you are very, very, very awesome *squeals*