5, Rose Croix de H.R.D.M.was established. E: council@scottishrite.org. S.P. 1 901-716-5110. headquarters@uscsjpha.org for the United States of America, its territories and dependencies commonly known as and hereinafter referred to as the Debulow Supreme Council). Archibald (Archie) I. Billows 33 of St.Cyprian Consistory No. 1869, in the city of Washington, D.C. and in compliance with the Grand Thomas Kinzie 33Illustrious Chancellor S.P. of Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction, USA, I extend my condolences and heartfelt prayers to the family of Illustrious Deary Vaughn, 33, who served as Sovereign Grand Commander of the United Supreme Council AASR (PHA) SJ from 2003 until his passing today. Supreme Council of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the United States of Teger 32Illustrious Hospitaler S.P. MA United States was established in 1864. c/o M.W. ELECTED OFFICERS OF THE UNITED SUPREME COUNCIL COREY D. HAWKINS SR., 33 SOVEREIGN GRAND COMMANDER ANTHONY T. STAFFORD, 33 LT. GRAND COMMANDER ALONZO HAYNES, 33 GRAND CHANCELLOR X.L. F: 2024640487 Smith issued an edit forbidding any member to hold membership in this G. Jones Southern and Western 1895 - 1914. Moving to the southwestern part of the state, the Milton Fields faction found their way to desirous Brothers. M. P. Sov. 7 became the genesis of the formation of King Solomon Consistorywarranted as such in 1887 by the Debulow Supreme Council. At the time of the Chapters formation S.G.I.G. Information in this regard is scant; however, there was some form of a Boyd faction operating in the state of Ohio around that time. (1961-1979)Indeed Dr. Lewis was one of the outstanding Grand Council Ancient Egyptian Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine (PHA) St. John Grand Lodge, A.F. Baltimore , Md. By February 1897, Imperial Consistory established a benefit fund for their membership, which numbered upward of 50. I agree that you can collect, process and use my personal information as set forth in this document and for the purposes set forth in the document. It is worth noting that their Lodge of Perfection is named in honor of Samuel W. Clark.L.D. This happened, notably, prior to JohnG. Jones establishment of a bogus United Supreme Council in October 1895 and chartering of a Consistory in the city of Cleveland in December 1896. split from our Imperial Grand Council Ancient Arabic Order Nobles of the Mystic Be Kind and Courteous. Robinson 33 rd , of Illustrious Boyd is listed as the first Most Wise and Perfect Master. suited for competent leadership and tutorship. The three in the north to form one Supreme Union with it's See at the Grand Orient of Philadelphia, in the State of Pennsylvania Statement of Unity Signing Brightens a September Day On hand to affix their names and seals to the document on September 7, 2022, were Sovereign Grand Commanders of the four mutually recognized Scottish . Williams 33 rd formerly of New Orleans, La., organized on April 5, 1869, in the city of Washington, D.C., by many high United Supreme Council - Southern Jurisdiction - PHA Scarves William Buckner 32Illustrious Commander-in-ChiefS.P. and Western, Thornton A. Jackson 33 rd , James O. Bampfield 33 rd , F.A. It is not known if the body existed under another affiliation prior to aligning with the USC NJ. . 1871 King Frederick Philadelphia Joshua D. Kelley. S. Chase of the United States Supreme Council was elected Chairman and Samuel It is This is one of our key areas of focus here at The United Supreme Council, AASRM, 33rd And Last Degree Of Freemasonry, For The Southern and Western Masonic Jurisdiction, USA, and a source of much success for our Volunteer Organization. off with the Headquarters in Baltimore, Maryland. an incorporated non profit corporation since 1895 in good standing in It in turn set up the Southern Supreme Council at The city of Cleveland was the first to organize a body of the Scottish Rite for Negro Masons in the state of Ohio. National Compact Grand Lodge, from which a Southern Jurisdiction split Alaska shall belong to the Northern also. Advocated in the strongest terms, the Dr. Larry D. Spires, 33/96 (IL), Grand Secretary General of the Holy Empire. Jurisdiction consists of the following states: CO, Connecticut, DE, ID, in October 1895. Southern and Western Jurisdiction formally split and 1900 when the Imperial In that time word traveled fast about what others were doing and everyone wanted to get in on a piece of the action. They have two children and five grandchildren. Bell 33 rd . The Brethren of the Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction, U.S.A., Mother Council of the World, extend our warmest fraternal greetings to our Brethren of the United Supreme. & A.M. c/o M.W. organizations get copies of our corporation papers and illegally tell their The purpose of this website is to serve as a valuable resource for the Virginia Council of Deliberation (VCOD) membership as organized and as a means of disseminating information under the authority of the United Supreme Council 33 of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Prince Hall Affiliation, Southern Jurisdiction, U.S.A . United Supreme Council2065 Nonconnah Blvd.Memphis, TN 38132USC HQ Staff: 901.716.5110USC HQ Fax: 901.716.5112. 1875 and 1895 the office of M. P. Sov. If I was to ask each one of you to identify the greatest masonic leaders of our times, what names would you come up with? Commander, and known by the style of United Supreme Council of the Ancient D. C., and is known as the United Supreme Council for the Southern and Western Council for the Northern Jurisdiction, and the two in the south to form one It is likely he operated as a member at large. United Supreme Council - History About 4 months after the Cleveland body was chartered, Commander Ray and Illustrious Reason instituted Red Rose Chapter of Rose Croix No. On May 5, 1856 they Grand Copyright 19982023 The Supreme Council, 33, A. do hereby make it known unto you that there are only two regular and legal having its See at Washington, D. C., the Grand Orient, aforesaid, duly and One item of note is in May 1910, during the 29th Annual Session held in the city of Philadelphia, Deputy Boyd was elected as the Illustrious Grand Minister of State. H.W. We're all in this together to create a welcoming environment. Annual Session Advanced Registration 2023 2065 Nonconnah Blvd. And Finally, we will exploit the opportunities of Research by organizing a premier research lodge, called the Supreme Grand Research Lodge (SGRL). It shows that members had membership in both Supreme Councils. On July 18, 1906as legend has ita charter was issued for Bezaleel Consistory No. Jurisdiction, United States of America. If the parent body is illegally formed then the subordinate bodies cannot legally (in the masonic sense) exist. several degrees and establish bodies of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite. Just like the Toledo group they were named St. Matthews. This is the Official Page of the United Supreme Council, 33, Southern. Copyright 2011-2022. Little more than 1 year later, in August 1880, Brother Samuel W. (Wilcox) Clark. RiteCare Scottish Rite Childhood Language Program. It is also commonly known as The Supreme Council, 33, Southern Jurisdiction, or by some other varying degree of complete titulage. was named King Fredrick Supreme Council. Simeon Lewis 32Senior Grand Warden S.P. the United States of America. King Solomon Consistory, which had continued as a going concern since its official warranting by the Debulow Supreme Council in 1887, decided to switch affiliations. This Chapter of Rose Croix was under the obedience of the DeBulow Supreme Council. Interestingly enough around the turn of the century there were three separate factions of Scottish Rite masonry operating in the state of Ohionone of them masonically legal due to irregularities in their formation and/or lineage. the United States of America; The He served as the first Illustrious Commander-in-Chief. We operate under the obedience and auspices of the United Supreme Council, 33, Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Prince Hall Affiliation; Southern Jurisdiction of the United States of America where the Illustrious Corey Hawkins, 33 serves as Sovereign Grand Commander. Johnson 32Thrice Potent Master. Korea, Liberia, Middle East and Western Europe. William H. Andy 32Illustrious Commander-in-Chief S.P. In general, virtually all activity, including the initial roster of officers from July 1906 through early 1910, is shrouded in mystery and lost to history, but the first recorded officer corps of Bezaleel Consistory No. Get in touch with us today and see how you can lend a helping hand with this program. That did not preclude any of them from functioning as if they were a regular body. When Virginia Council of Deliberation - PHA Scottish Rite Freemasonry United Supreme Council - FAQ As the Milton Fields group chartered both bodies there is no explanation of why both used the same name. Handy represented the Grand Commander, said to have been organized in 1864 In 1871 a fifth was established in Philadelphia, and It in turn conferred the degrees on Washington , D.C. John and Western Jurisdiction of the United States of America. Established a United Supreme Council His successor was S.G.I.G. at Washington, D.C. , and the Southern and Western Supreme Council of Washington, The reasoning behind this change and who initiated it is unknown, but on February6, 1909, Deputy Rickards, accompanied by Illustrious Alex J. It is not known why the name White Rose was chosen. Just 4 years prior he completed a term as the second Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander of the DeBulow Supreme Council while living in the city of Cleveland. 5, Rose Croix. It is not known why the name Red Rose was chosen. The following Fraters served as the initial officers of the Consistory: S.P. Elected Officers of The United Supreme Council Hubert C. Mitchell 32Illustrious 2nd Lieutenant Commander. Consistory. The United Supreme Council Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry Supreme Council of the Southern Jurisdiction (PHA). Rite degrees themselves. on January 13, 1881, and was responsible for the Articles of Union and Eventually St.Matthews Consistory was formed with the help of Fraters belonging to a Fields faction Consistory in IndianaSt. Immediately prior to the opening of this body Frater Clark was Elevated to the 33rd degree. Southern Supreme Council. Nevada, NH, NJ, NY, ND, OH, OR, Pennsylvania, RI, SD, UT, VT, Southern and Western, set up John G. Jones Consistory #1 in Washington D.C. Mason what classics are to the professional tutor, looking up toward higher I agree that you can collect, process and use my personal information as set forth in this document and for the purposes set forth in the document. Frederick Huggard 32Deputy Grand Master S.P. the 33rd Degree by Count DeSaint Laurent (also, Larine) of the Supreme All fields marked with an * are required. Patrick H. (Henry) Reason 33. 5, Rose Croix falls under the masonic version of fruit-of-the-poison-tree doctrine. On Friday, December11, 1896, Imperial Consistory (No. degree Masons fromWashington , D.C. to is the year that tore Prince Hall Masonry apart. It is not known whether the members in Cleveland knew this or cared about it. In 1895 John G. Jones became S.G.I.G. M. P. Sov. Ill. Nicholas Padilla Jr., 33DEPUTY GRAND SECRETARY GENERAL, Ill. Milton F. Tobe Fitch, Jr. A logical assumption can be made that this Consistory absorbed and supplanted the Scottish Rite body in existence before itWhite Rose Chapter No. Following not too far behind was the aforementioned Brother Boyd. Get in touch with The United Supreme Council, AASRM, 33rd And Last Degree Of Freemasonry, For The Southern and Western Masonic Jurisdiction, USA to learn more about our work and how you can get involved. At first M. P. Sovereign Grand Commander. In May 1896, Most Puissant Sovereign Grand Commander George W. (Wellington) Roper 33 of the legitimately formed United Supreme Council of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry Thirty Third Degree of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the United States of America (the name and style at the time [USC NJ]) appointed G.I.G. 21. I will miss my good friend. The constitutions for the Southern Jurisdiction Limited Fraters Edition Memorial Medallion to honor the life and legacy of our Past Sovereign Grand Commander, Dr. Deary Vaughn. Even so, "As long as there are God fearing, moral men, Freemasonry will exist well into the next century". 26 S.P. Supreme Council Southern Jurisdiction. Jurisdictions A.A.S.R., PHA, on August 2, 1966, were established at the USC History - Aasrphasj.org has only been one United Supreme Council Southern and Western registered in The Five Original Prince Hall Supreme Councils, 1 Stephens Consistory of Fort Waynewhich had been chartered the year before. Granted it is an acronym, but I submit to you that never before in the history of our lodges and chapters has there been a greater need for PEER leadership. council was set up in Baltimore, Maryland and a fifth Council in The Reginald B. Stewart 33Grand HistorianOhio Council of Deliberation, Copyright - Ohio Council of Deliberation Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasory PHA, Northern Jurisdiction All Rights Reserved, Colorado, Wyoming and Utah Council of Deliberation, Order of the Golden Circle Elected Officers, Order of the Golden Circle Appointed Officers. The Southern Supreme Council set up the King Frederick Thirdly, we will exploit the opportunities of Economics by promoting the Supreme Economic Development Council (SEDC) as a leading repository of analyzed masonic economic development ideas which may be utilized by any cognate branch in our jurisdiction. PEER leadership stands for leadership based on Promotion, leadership based on Education, leadership based on Economics and leadership based on Research. (Albert) Cotrill and William E. Clemens. 1895 was serving as Deputy for the Orient of Ohio for the Debulow Supreme Council. They worked under King David Supreme above divisions were made based on a boundary developed by a joint Human progress is our cause, liberty of thought our supreme wish, freedom of conscience our mission, and the guarantee of equal rights to all people everywhere our ultimate goal. Robert Davis 32Illustrious Commander-in-Chief G.I.G. Esq., 33GRAND ATTORNEY GENERAL, Ill. Michael Parris, 33GRAND AUDITOR GENERAL, Ill. Melvin M. Thorpe, 33GRAND AUDITOR GENERAL, Ill. Frederick Joyner, 33Deputy for the Orient, District of Columbia, Ill. Linwood D. Richardson, 33Deputy for the Orient, Hawaii, Ill. William L. Harris, 33Deputy for the Orient, Louisiana, Ill. Kermit L. Smith, 33Deputy for the Orient, Maryland, Ill. Daniel L. DT Thompson, 33Deputy for the Orient, North Carolina, Ill. Benjamin Harrison, 33Deputy for the Orient, Virginia, Ill. Gerald P. Walton Sr., 33Deputy for the Orient, Middle East, Ill. Wayne A. Ross, 33Deputy for the Orient, US Virgin Islands, Ill. Leondre Darrington, 33Deputy for the Orient, Western Europe, AlabamaArizonaArkansasCaliforniaFloridaGeorgia, KentuckyMississippiMissouriNevadaNew Mexico, OklahomaSouth CarolinaTennesseeTexasWest Virginia, 2023 United Supreme Council. James D. Cole, 33, Sovereign Grand Commander, A. Bullying of any kind isn't allowed, and degrading comments about things like race, religion, culture . The 1820 in Philadelphia, which was referred to as a Council of Princes of 4 in the city of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, as a Special Deputy for the Orients of Ohio and Pennsylvania. United Supreme Council - Southern Jurisdiction $ 35.00 48 in stock Add to cart Category: Scottish Rite Collection Description Reviews (0) The first Scottish Rite organization among African-Americans was the African Grand Council of 1820 in Philadelphia, which was referred to as the Council of Princes of Jerusalem. At this time there was no Consistory in the city of Cleveland. R. Scottron of the United States Supreme Council was elected Secretary. Supreme Council in 1871. The KDSC and KFSC consolidated in 1881 to form the United Supreme Council, AASR, PHA, Northern Jurisdiction (USC-NJ). He is a devoted family man and is married to Brenda B. James. Albert A. Payne 32Illustrious 1st Lieutenant Commander S.P. Oliver 32Illustrious Standard Bearer S.P. Georgia March 1944. masons of all times. Advanced Registration ends on September 14, 2023. residing in Cincinnati, Ohio. Deputy Of The Orient SGIG Primus T. James 33, Active A Message From The Deputy of the Orient SGIG Primus T. James, 33, Active In 1906, the association brought the property. Most of our efforts in The United Supreme Council involve studying new approaches to building and educating the membership and developing innovative ways to implement them. the year 1856, several members of Washington DC petitioned King David Supreme G.W. Supreme Councils of the thirty-third and last degree of the A. No Hate Speech or Bullying. He extended the kindest courtesies to me whenever I was in his presence, and he truly walked the Masonic path. It is not known if the Fraters knew this or were even concerned. The correspondence was received by Commander Kelley and the responsibility for investigating their query devolved upon the . Scottish Rite. I agree to your website privacy and use policies outlined in this document. James 32Illustrious 2nd Lieutenant Commander G.I.G. He was conferred the Thirty-Third and Last Degree of Scottish Rite Freemasonry on Thursday, April 11, 1881. the King David Supreme Council of Philadelphia, Pa. on the 5 th day of April, 20. Clarence E. Hall 32Illustrious 1st Lieutenant Commander S.P. establishing of excellent rapport with the Grand Masters; he further W.W. Cordell 32Illustrious 1st Lieutenant Commander S.P. United Supreme Council. The Supreme Council concerned themselves with organization birth pangs. Cyrus H. Adams 32Illustrious Master of Ceremonies S.P. legitimate Supreme Councils among colored Masons in the United States of & A.S.R. A. of Freemasonry, Southern Jurisdiction, USA, I extend my condolences and heartfelt prayers to the family of Illustrious Deary Vaughn, 33, who served as Sovereign Grand Commander of the United Supreme Council AASR (PHA) SJ from 2003 until his passing today. The mission of the United Supreme Council, 33 of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, Prince Hall Affiliation, Southern Jurisdiction of the USA is to serve as the College of Freemasonry for aspiring Master Masons seeking more light in the Scottish Rite; thereby, enhancing the knowledge base, providing the moral teachings of the 15, Chapter of Rose Croix S.P. The United Supreme Council - AASR - PHA - Northern Jurisdiction, USA Council was formed in New York, which was made up of members from the Council of France and the Grand Commander of the Council of Spain on Members were becoming members in this new Consistory. line were agreed by the two Supreme Councils. was set up in 1870. However, seemingly out of nowhere, another Scottish Rite body arose. Dismiss, We noticed you're visiting from Netherlands. Gray 33 Continued the work of Dr. Clayborn in efforts to see Dr. Clayborn's dream realized.Worked to ensure the USC was ready for the new Millenium. Triplett, 33 rd and William Grand Commander of the United Supreme Council Southern and Western . 1870 Southern Baltimore Lemuel G. Griffin, 5 has never set up nor authorized any other Supreme Councils. Again Illustrious Clark led the way. The Supreme Council, 33, SJ, USA William H. Barber 32Illustrious Sword Bearer S.P. Home [www.ogcphasj.org] Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry for the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of Nevertheless, these Fraters wasted no time in getting to work! ideals, desirous to soar among the talented craftsmen of the art, and better Handy is listed as a member of the Baltimore (Southern) Supreme Council, Southern and Western and other organizations which use our corporate name and , and presided over by the Ill. George W. Roper, 33 rd , M. P. Sov. Rite of Free Masonry of the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction of the U.S.A. for the stated purpose of establishing the four Scottish Rite bodies of that day (Lodge of Perfection; Chapter of Rose Croix; Council of Princes of Jerusalem; and Consistory) in Cleveland. 43 in the Oasis of Toledo by the AEAONMS. Supreme Council for the Southern Jurisdiction, Grand East at Baltimore , Md. It oversees the Scottish Rite in 35 states [4] (the other states fall within . In this case the Consistory operated under dispensation. The Southern and Western Masonic jurisdiction of the United Supreme Council consists of several states including California, Louisiana, Texas, Arizona, Mississippi, Georgia, and South Carolina among others.