This property to be sold by unreserved online auction from Western Canada Real Estate Event March 29, 2023. Need equipment now? The following applies to any Mobile Applications you acquire from the Apple App Store ("Apple-Sourced Software"): You acknowledge and agree that this Agreement is solely between you and us, not Apple, Inc. ("Apple") and that Apple has no responsibility for the Apple-Sourced Software or content thereof. Your use of the Apple-Sourced Software must comply with the App Store terms of use. Whether your company is big or small, Ritchie Bros. can help you sell your heavy equipment and trucks. If you have questions about Ritchie Bros. Auctioneers, an online account on our website, bidding, buying, or selling, you'll find many of the answers in our FAQ section. Under the terms of the amended agreement, IAA. 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C'est la volont expresse des parties que la prsente convention ainsi que tous les documents y affrents soient rdigs en anglais. We help our customers buy and sell a wide range of used and unused equipment for construction, mining, transportation, agriculture, oil & gas, lifting & material handling, forestry & other industries. To use any Mobile Applications, you must have a mobile device that is compatible with the Mobile Applications. If you cannot find what you need in our FAQs, please contact our Customer Care team using the form below and an agent will get back to you within 24-48 hours. Page 1 of 2 1 2 Next > HughThistle Member. You agree that, by entering into this Agreement, you and we are each waiving the right to a trial by jury or to participate in a class action, collective action, private attorney general action, or other representative proceeding of any kind. Do all states levy sales and/or use tax? IAA stockholders will receive. Auctions are closing throughout the week. Sunday June 18, 2023 | Collectible Auction . . Ritchie Bros. will refund this tax payment if proper export documentation is received within thirty (30) days of the auction. If you cannot find what you need in our FAQs, please call contact our Customer Care team using the form below and an agent will get back to you within 24-48 hours. Box 6429 Lincoln, Nebraska USA 68506-0429, Bijster 3, 4817 HX Breda, The Netherlands, Tel: +31.765.242.600 Fax: +31.765.242.650, 1-57 Burnside Rd Brisbane, QLD Australia 4207, Tel: +61.7.3382.4444 Fax: +61.7.3382.4433. When creating your User Account, you must provide accurate and complete profile information, and you must keep this information current. The Mobile Applications will be deemed to be "commercial computer software" and "commercial computer software documentation," respectively, pursuant to DFAR Section 227.7202 and FAR Section 12.212, as applicable. 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You hereby grant to us, and represent and warrant that you have all rights necessary to grant to us, a perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, sublicensable, transferable and royalty-free right and license to collect, use, reproduce, electronically distribute, transmit, have transmitted, perform, display, store, archive, and to modify and make derivative works of any and all User and System Data in order to provide and maintain the Services, including the making available to you of your User Account History and Content, and, solely in de-identified or aggregate form, to improve our products and services and for our other business purposes (and any and all such derived data is deemed part of our Intellectual Property). 2017 Kenworth T880 (53046457), Cummins ISX12 350V 6 Cylinder 11.9 L Diesel 350 hp Engine, 2016 US EPA Label, Requires Diesel Exhaust Fluid, 10021 Engine hrs, Eaton Fuller RTO-14909ALL 9LL Manual . 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Contact one of our representatives to ask about selling equipment or trucks, refurbishing, or auction information. 206 Alberta Auction Sales Change Location. - Browse tens of thousands of You agree that we will not be responsible for any loss or damage of any sort relating to your dealings with such advertisers. We have encountered a server error. With respect to Auction Data, you will not, and you will not permit any third party to, use any Auction Data in any manner or for any purpose other than the Permitted Uses, without our prior express written consent. Please visit for more information. Here are the two types of auctions: Contact Customer Care, and We will be happy to answer all your questions. by unreserved public online auction from the Ritchie Bros. Western Canada Real Estate Event. Ritchie Bros. has grown from a small-town auctioneer to a global asset management and disposition company. Owners are forbidden by contract from bidding on items they are selling. Read more. If a seller has agreed to release their contact and location information to buyers, you will find it on your item release form available for download from your IronPlanet account. Sales & use tax What purchases are subject to sales or use tax? Free storage, we handle buyer inquiries & inspections, Full end-to-end dispersal service offering, Assets sell on set date with multiple auctions every week, but held quarterly for any given region, Guidance: Prices determined by global buyer demand we bring for assets, Realization: Less than retail and Marketplace-E, IronClad Assurance drives buyer confidence, Assets sell on set date with online auctions every 7 days, Benchmark-based price comparison and recommendations, Marketplace-E Specialists dedicated to selling your assets, Accelerated sales via access to our global buyer network, Inside sales specialists contact buyers for you, Guidance: we advise on pricing based on latest market data, Realization: selling prices between retail and auction, Automatic inventory upload, unlimited listings, Part of our Inventory Management System for easy workflow, No paid ad obligations, affordable monthly subscription, "A la carte" services, including secure transaction management, You control speed of sale by setting price and managing transaction, Adjust your pricing to reflect current market or accelerate sale, Guidance: we give you the market data & valuation tools to help you set a selling price, US$99/CA$129 per month for unlimited listings. New to our site? Create an account to: - Receive inventory updates & exclusive offers. They entered the auction business in 1958 when they needed CA$2,000 to pay a bank debt on short notice. The Ritchie Brothers. To the extent of any conflict between this Agreement and the terms of any end-user license agreement distributed with the Mobile Applications, the terms of this Agreement will prevail and govern. {0} can only contain letters, numbers, dash (-) and dot (.). {0} must be a valid date of the format YYYY-MM-DD. Every lot will be sold to the highest bidder on auction day, regardless of . {0} can only contain letters, numbers, dash (-) and dot (.). Support Contact us Frequently Asked . Cash payments will not be accepted. 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This Agreement gives you specific legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state. 158M+ visits to Ritchie Bros. websites, up 13% (YoY) Record bidder registrations (live auctions), 1.37M+, up 12% (YoY). You will also be required to enter a separate bidder registration agreement for each auction with the applicable Ritchie Bros. Group Member operating the auction, which when signed, or otherwise agreed to, becomes a part of this Agreement. Through our family of companies , we help our customers buy and sell a wide range of used and unused equipment for construction, mining, transportation, agriculture, oil & gas, lifting & material handling, forestry & other industries. 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