Sweet. Ignition is hammer nose type firing pin. I love my S&W 38 special snub nose. Of course, the author is concerned about all the newbies who have been pushed toward the apparent simplicity of point and click. The grip was the first characteristic noted by team members that looked dated and vaguely resembled a revolver grip design from a century ago. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. Try to practice your draw, reloads and a few speed shooting rounds every day if possible. It measured 14 pounds at the break, but felt less. Perhaps an article like this will cause an experienced shooter to carefully reconsider advice they provide to newbies. Keep a warrior mindset and live each day as if you may have to shoot someone and pray it never happens. Our Low Price $344.09 QuickView aryfrosty . ! and the always popular Rimfire Roundup. We would remove the extra rubber that overlaps the rear back strap. Rossi cautions against dry-firing that model of revolver because the firing pin (or "hammer nose") can break off. Taurus 856 Concealed Hammer .38 Special +P Double . and has no idea how small they will feel in a fight going against someone orRead more , You can add that this article is primarily for those who have never shot and those who offer advice to those who are considering a first gun. Great. Here is what we discovered: The Model 206 gave good accuracy for a DAO revolver;the grip was dated. It was used but Im still happy with my purchase. Still here. $6.95. Or learning to hold ones pistol square in your hand; point like you do your index finger; and keeping your pistol on that one true like while you pull the trigger is lots faster and cheaper. The pattern element in the name contains the unique identity number of the account or website it relates to. Due to the compact size and light weight of the Off Duty, recoil was most noticeable, whacking the web of our hand at the top position of the grip. Besides, who is going to be taking long range shots for self defense? My father just gave me his revolver. But on a snubnosed .38 special, shooters are slowing themselves down needlessly. It requires many hours of practice, and few newbies are willing and/or able to dedicate that kind of time. Compact, reliable but with stout recoil. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. this article is a joke. Easy to carry, extremely reliable and you quoted the proper price for it ($275-$325 depending on where you live, I paid exactly $300 for mine). I had no idea that Ive placed my life in danger because I carry a snub in my overcoat pocket. Found the M88-2 stamped inside the chamber housing. The author is correct in that light weight short barreled revolvers are beyond difficult to accurately shoot. Serial number- AA131889. Mar 8, 2008. What we concentrated on were the functional aspects: triggers, sights, grips, accuracy, concealability, and ease of use. (4) 6 Charter Arms Snub-Nose Revolvers. The RIA was equipped with a crowned 2-inch barrel with a full underlug that houses the knurled ejector rod. Not only do they have for the most part, even smaller sights and a shorter sight radius, the trigger pull for most are atrocious. how does the trigger compare to a smith? I would like to pick up one like that some day myself. its intended to get the guy (s) out of my house with a few new holes. Rossi Model R35202 The Reality. ), Please send all support inquiries to support@lonestarstatefirearms.com, 2022 LoneStarStateFirearms.com | Designed & Hosted by, Shooting the coolest folding guns in America, New S&W M&P 5.728 Pistol Review :Tempo Rotating Barrel, Reconditioning a Model 732 H & R revolver, Do Not Buy Taurus GX4 Or G3C Before You Know The Differences. I have rounded up all my parts and plan on tackling it this weekend. My wife has RA, and she cant handle my P365, but she does fine with the CCP I bought her. ORDER; We felt all of these were well made, and we believe these revolvers will perform their designed task of self defense. With a history and tradition of fine gun making behind them, the Manurhin series of Revolvers is truly world-class. I recently purchase a Rossi 38SPL model 35103, and I am so disappointed about the firing pin (or hammer nose) to be correct is broken. Amadeo Rossi was founded in 1889 by the guy with the same name who immigrated to Brasil from Italy late 19th Century. Its a fantastic little gun that brings me a lot of joy at the range. We ran a range rod down the barrel just to check the chamber-to-barrel alignment and found it was good. $179.99. I never knew which model it was for the longest time, until I went to buy some speedloaders for it. We were able to coax it to under an inch with the Federal ammo, and our smallest groups with the Armscor and Hornady ammos hovered around 1.5 inches. The hammer was a bit old school with the firing pin attached. Upon RARE occasion, I do carry one of these sidearms for personal protection, I hope you never have to find out, even with +p ammunition, just how inadequate they are to stop a fight. Overall its a very solid handgun. Turns out it a really nice small frame gun . if stuff gets serious, I go to my CZ-75 and it REALLY lays the hurt down on them comboed with my HOUSE AR-15 Carbine, carrying a red dot scope, flashlight, and spare magsRead more , a lightweight 5/6 shot hammerless snub nose revolver is the most comfortable conceal carry gun I have. If you have to pull it bad guys will probably run away. Great video , in this day and age im still a huge revolver fan. The caliber of the carbine is .357 Magnum, but it will also handle .38 Special. The cylinder latch was well serrated and large. The spin, imparted by the twist rate ofRead more . they despite their "lack" of muzzle energy pack a nice wallop! Taurus 856 Ultra-Lite Defender 38 Special 3in Matte Stainless Steel Revolver - 6 Rounds. The Off Duty started off with a gritty trigger but soon slicked up; it was the lightest and most compact in this test. A hammer less snub nose can be carried and fired both from a purse and in a pocket. We would have liked the rear-sight groove to be notched just above the top of the hammer to relieve glare and provide more contrast. Just my experience. One of these was the small R351, a snub-nosed .38 Special revolver with the extra safety feature (apart from the fixed point firing pin and blocking bar safety present on all Rossi revolvers) of a hammer spur lock. Is that any different from any other self defense firearm? Some of the links on this page are affiliate links, meaning at no additional cost to you, Ammoland will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. If you have newbies that find hitting with DA difficult, you have them too far from the target. Got a 462 that had alot of function problems. The Rossi manual stated it was compatible with +P ammo, but not to use +P frequently. Item Number: D889111. Countless amateur and professional penetration tests prove with proper ammo penetration is not a problem. I have the same gun, but mine is not a snub nose. Yep, youre a yyoungster who probably loves guns made from plastic. Hey my good friend, Rossi makes a really good gun. In 2000, the production of almost all Rossi revolver designs stopped, and several new models were introduced. Otherwise there would be a big chance of getting it hung up on something. The ramp was not serrated, so there was some glare when aiming in direct sunlight. They arent called belly guns without reason. Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. I found the Hammer nose kit in stock at M&M Gunsmithing for $26.00 each. Better to have something than nothing. It had a hammerless design, meaning the hammer was enclosed within the frame, making the Off Duty smooth and snag free. As a cop in the 70s carried a 4 Smith; no +P, no speedloaders. After all, how is a shooter supposed to successfully hit a target if the sights preclude both accurate and fast target acquisition? Empty cases ejected smartly out of the Charter Arms, as they did with the other two. I carry an HK USP.45 c but going out to dinner its either sig 365 or ruger sp 101and I can and will bust your ass @20ft with NO PROBLEM and have no doubt could be accurate further we have many years and rounds together fat boy .38s or med weight .357 only 5 shots but shes a bad bitch. Rossi Model 352 38 Special Snubnose Revolver Review. $959.00 (Save up to 4%) Price. I think that you may have missed the point. 4 reasons a new shooter should not carry a .38 snub nose ~ h/t @JRB. Federal HydraShok comes to mind, many others out there. I have tool&die experience and have access to the tools required for something like this. The Rossi M685 is a basic five-round, .38 Special, 2- or 3-inch barreled steel revolver. Great shooter and smooth trigger. There are better carry solutions but snub nosed .38s have killed a lot of people over the years. Obviously it is only effective for very close range within say 15 feet where most shooting happen. Cartridges that stung our hands in the other revolvers did not have the same effect in the Rossi. Stock$125, #2 Rossi Single Stock.$85, #3 Rossi 22 Pump Oil Americas oldest Second Amendment News outlet. The __qca cookie is associated with Quantcast. On Line orby FAX, Letter or E-mail. I would caution that some Local gun shops are less than helpful when it comes to shipping things they did not sell. Dont care what You own, Practice, Practice, Practice, The Most Expensive Round You Shoot Will Do No Good Unless It Hits Its Target ! Good review, I heard that accent and knew you had to be from around here great videos bro. After all, each pull of the trigger is delivering an insane amount of energy. The rationale was that with the 3 inch the extractor would completely remove the fired casings. Think of a firearm as a tool. In hand, it was hard to get a solid and firm grip because of this space. Trigger is .240 serrated face service type with matching serrated spur hammer . 7 shots of 22 mag and a crimson trace laser grip. I have a Rossi 6 shot 357 Snubby. Most of the dual action only revolvers are about 12 pounds versus most semi-auto pistols are around the 5-pound range. While a bit over-the-top, the statement holds true. Tooling marks were evident on the exterior, though the satin nickel finish was evenly applied. Take Care! 2. In fact, our grip hold was the highest on the Charter Arms, which helped control muzzle flip and perform a fast second shot. It has all been done before.' Slide..$25, Rebound Slide The listing has ended | All rights reserved. SAAMI Accepts 30 Super Carry As New Standardized Cartridge. And what, I might ask, are your qualifications to make your derogatory statements? There are a ton of reasons to carry something better, but even so, a .38 snub nose is a dangerously effective tool when employed correctly. Rossi Model 986 Cyclops Hammer Safety. pump shotgun, Stevens 77D-77E-77F-77H 12 & 20 ga pump shotgun, Stevens 77M-77EM (magnum) 12 ga pump shotgun. This will very likely discourage new shooters from practicing and honing their marksmanship skills. This part looks to be easily replaced. Dont care about imprinting , just want to make sure if I have to use it . Worst case scenario, reloading without a speed loader is akin to playing a life-or-death version of Operation with advanced Parkinsons Disease; your hands will tremble uncontrollably while you fumble to load slippery cartridges into a free-spinning cylinder and if you fail you might die. Sorry, we are unable to do any international sales of firearms parts due to excessive cost and regulations. Outside the waistband ( OWB) carry is a viable option for pistols in the size range of the Taurus 85 and its variants. Set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin, this cookie is used to record the user consent for the cookies in the "Advertisement" category . Exclusive deals, discounts, new product launches, coupon codes and more. That leaves twoRead more . You know, exactly the sort of conditions someone might need to use a concealed carry weapon.